1,398 research outputs found

    Development of a renewable hybrid power plant with extended utilization of pumped storage unit equipment

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    The scheme of a renewable hybrid power plant with the extended use of the installed equipment of the pumped storage unit for the conversion of the photovoltaic and wind generators direct current to the alternating one is proposed. The scheme is based on existing components with widely used proven technology. To output the power of solar and wind generators to the grid and for DC to AC conversion, a synchronous generator of the pumped storage unit is used in addition to grid inverters. An induction motor, powered through a variable frequency drive from a common DC bus, is used together with a hydraulic turbine to rotate the generator. In addition, batteries and capacitors banks are connected to the DC bus. The possibility of using various types of electric machines to drive a synchronous generator is analyzed and the preference of an induction motor is shown. The response of an induction motor to rotational speed fluctuations is modeled and its capability to participate in the network frequency regulation is shown. With the example of a typical daily load and generation profile, it is shown that the proposed solution for DC to AC conversion has an efficiency close to that of the grid inverter. The proposed scheme of the hybrid power plant can increase the reliability of renewable energy sources and the stability of the network frequency. This is achieved due to increasing the inertia of the rotating masses in the power system, the power factor control capabilities of the synchronous generator and the proper response of induction motor to rapid fluctuations of the rotation speed. The creation of such hybrid power plants opens the way for a further increase in the share of renewable energy sources in the power system.Запропоновано схему гібридної відновлюваної електричної станції з розширеним використанням встановленого обладнання гідроакумулюючого блока для перетворення постійного струму фотоелектричних та вітрових генераторів в змінний. Схема базується на наявних компонентах з широко використовуваною відпрацьованою технологією. Для видачі потужності та перетворення постійного струму сонячних та вітрових генераторів в змінний окрім мережевих інверторів використовується синхронний генератор гідроакумулюючого блоку. Для обертання генератора крім гідротурбіни також використовується асинхронний двигун, підключений через частотно-регульований привод до загальної шини постійного струму станції. Крім того, до шини постійного струму підключені електрохімічні акумулятори і батареї конденсаторів. Проаналізовано можливість використання різних типів електричних машин для приводу синхронного генератора і показано перевагу асинхронного двигуна. Змодельовано реакцію асинхронного двигуна на коливання швидкості обертання і показано його здатність брати участь в регулюванні частоти мережі. На прикладі типового добового графіка навантаження і генерації показано, що запропоноване рішення по перетворенню постійного струму в змінний має ККД, близький до ККД мережевого інвертора. Запропонована схема гібридної станції дозволяє підвищити надійність роботи відновлюваних джерел енергії і стабільність частоти мережі. Це досягається завдяки збільшенню інерції обертових мас в енергосистемі, можливості управління коефіцієнтом потужності синхронного генератора і властивій асинхронному двигуну реакції на коливання швидкості обертання. Створення таких гібридних станцій відкриває шлях до подальшого збільшення частки відновлюваних джерел в енергосистемі


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    This study aims to examine the financial health of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), particularly at PT Aneka Tambang, Tbk. The research method used is a combination of quantitative research and qualitative research methods. The quantitative method is used to calculate the financial stability  indicators of PT Aneka Tambang, Tbk from year to year for six years based on the time series data of the company's financial statements while the descriptive qualitative method is used to describe and explain narratively the financial health development of PT Aneka Tambang, Tbk.Sampling for quantitative research is done by taking time series data over the past six years that are available in the company. While qualitative research is carried out by comparing and analyzing the results of quantitative data calculations. The data analysis technique was carried out using financial ratio analysis of each indicator, then given a score and determined the level of financial stability . Ratio analysis is carried out from year to year for the last ten years based on the time series data obtained. The results of the calculation of ratio analysis of financial stability  indicators are then compared from year to year to determine the trends in financial stabilitu  occurred.This study aims to examine the financial health of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), particularly at PT Aneka Tambang, Tbk. The research method used is a combination of quantitative research and qualitative research methods. The quantitative method is used to calculate the financial stability indicators of PT Aneka Tambang, Tbk from year to year for six years based on the time-series data of the company's financial statements while the descriptive qualitative method is used to describe and explain narratively the financial health development of PT Aneka Tambang, Tbk. Sampling for quantitative research is done by taking time series data over the past six years that are available in the company. While qualitative research is carried out by comparing and analyzing the results of quantitative data calculations. The data analysis technique was carried out using financial ratio analysis of each indicator, then given a score, and determined the level of financial stability. Ratio analysis is carried out from year to year for the last ten years based on the time-series data obtained. The results of the calculation of ratio analysis of financial stability indicators are then compared from year to year to determine the trends in financial stability occurre

    Pengaruh Pemberian Bubuk Kunyit (Curcuma Domestica) terhadap Pertumbuhan Mencit (Mus Musculus L.) ICR dari Hasil Perkawinan Outbreading

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    Kunyit merupakan salah satu tanaman obat tradisional yang umum digunakan oleh masyarakat. Kunyit berfungsi menurunkan kadar kolesterol serta berperan sebagai zat antioksidan dan antitoksin sehingga diharapkan dapat mencegah kerusakan kandungan nutrisi pakan dari pertumbuhan dan aktivitas mikroba. Kunyit mengandung minyak atsiri, kurkuminoid, protein, fospor, kalsium, dan vitamin C. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian kunyit dalam pakan terhadap pertumbuhan Mencit putih (Mus musculus L.) hasil perkawinan Outbreading. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Genetika Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar. Peubah yang diamati adalah litter size, Pertambahan bobot badan, Bobot pra sapih, bobot sapih dan konsumsi pakan. Penelitian bersifat eksperimental dengan empat taraf perlakuan yaitu perlakuan P1 (pakan 100% + 6 g kunyit), P2 (pakan 100% + 9 g kunyit), P3 (pakan 100% + 12 g kunyit) dan P0 atau kontrol (pakan 100% tanpa penggunaan kunyit). Data dianalisis dengan sidik ragam atau Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), jika perlakuan berpengaruh nyata terhadap peubah yang diamati maka dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Hasil mencit menyatakan bahwa penggunaan pemberian kunyit pada pakan tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap litter size lahir, pertambahan bobot badan, bobot pra sapih, bobot sapih dan konsumsi pakan

    Discovering the best web service: A neural network-based solution

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    Differentiating between Web services that share similar functionalities is becoming a major challenge into the discovery of Web services. In this paper we propose a framework for enabling the efficient discovery of Web services using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) best known for their generalization capabilities. The core of this framework is applying a novel neural network model to Web services to determine suitable Web services based on the notion of the Quality of Web Service (QWS). The main concept of QWS is to assess a Web service\u27s behaviour and ability to deliver the requested functionality. Through the aggregation of QWS for Web services, the neural network is capable of identifying those services that belong to a variety of class objects. The overall performance of the proposed method shows a 95% success rate for discovering Web services of interest. To test the robustness and effectiveness of the neural network algorithm, some of the QWS features were excluded from the training set and results showed a significant impact in the overall performance of the system. Hence, discovering Web services through a wide selection of quality attributes can considerably be influenced with the selection of QWS features used to provide an overall assessment of Web services. ©2009 IEEE

    Data Processing System In Value Raport Bali Village Sdn 03 Pagi

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    Number of information that is not regularly within the running system so that theprocessing value rapot look long and complicated. In the old system a lot of work todo it manually by teachers and elementary school homeroom Kampung Bali 03 Pagi,a constraint that is often encountered in the current system.If the proposed system has been running, the obstacles encountered in the runningsystem is expected to be overcome. Information provided to students and parents ofstudents Elementary School Kampung Bali 03 Morning becomes faster and moreaccurate because the data stored adanaya mediated storage into a file.In addition in this new system is expected to faculty related especially teachers andhomeroom teacher had no difficulty in obtaining the information needed, includingmaking the value of report cards, and report the value of report cards

    Heart ventricular histology and microvasculature together with aortic histology and elastic lamellar structure: A comparison of a novel dual-purpose to a broiler chicken line

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    The use of dual-purpose chickens is a strategy to avoid killing one-day-old male chicks of egg laying lines. Lohmann Dual (LD) is a novel dual-purpose chicken line created by the crossbreeding of layer and broiler lines. However, many of the cardiovascular diseases of broilers are likely to be associated with intensive genetic selection for growth and feed conversion efficiency. This study aimed to compare the macroscopic and microscopic structure of the heart and the aorta of the LD chicken line with that of the broiler chicken line, Ross 308 (Ross) under typical husbandry conditions for meat production. Eighty, one-day-old male chicks of each line were housed for 5 weeks (Ross) and 9 weeks (LD). Six birds of each line were sampled weekly. Heart mass, thickness of ventricular walls, cardiomyocyte size and blood capillary density as well as aortic diameter and thickness, number of elastic lamellae and elastic fiber percentage in the aortic wall were determined. The growth patterns of the heart were the same in the two lines. Although LD chickens had a lower absolute heart mass than that of Ross chickens, the relative heart mass in both lines was similar. The cardiomyocytes of LD chickens were larger than those of Ross’s of the same body weight (BW), nevertheless both lines had similar thicknesses of their ventricular walls. The blood capillary density was greater in the LD heart than in that of the Ross heart. The aorta of LD chickens had proportionally; a greater aortic lumen radius, larger numbers of elastic lamellae and more elastic fibers than in Ross chickens. Our results suggest that the heart and aorta of the LD chickens have not been disadvantaged by their intensive genetic selection; furthermore, LD chickens have a better myocardial capillary supply and better aortic mechanical properties than those of Ross chickens

    First record of Aequorea globosa Eschscholtz, 1829 (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) in the coast of Syria

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    The Indo-Pacific jellyfish Aequorea globosa Eschscholtz, 1829 was reported last year for the first time in the Mediterranean Sea from Iskenderun Bay (S. Turkey). This jellyfish was observed in the coast of Syria, on 8 January 2012, during a regular monthly sampling program

    Grapevine virus C and grapevine leaf roll associated virus 2 are serologically related and appear to be the same virus

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    Protein extracted from grapevines infected with GLRaV-2 virus was subjected to electrophoresis, followed by Western blots. A protein band of about 23 kDa was detected in all infected plants. When GVC antibodies were used on blots obtained from the same infected plants, a similar protein band was detected in all infected plants. To address the possibility of the presence of another virus with the same molecular weight, the gene coding for the coat protein of GLRaV-2 was cloned and expressed in E. coli. The expressed protein reacted positively to both GLRaV- 2 and GVC antibodies. Using Immunosorbent Electron Microscopy (ISEM), polyclonal antibodies prepared against either GVC or GLRaV-2 trapped and decorated GLRaV-2 particles. The cDNA from GVC-infected grapevines and Nicotiana benthamiana were cloned and sequenced. All of the clones that were sequenced had the same sequence as GLRaV-2. Based on the data obtained, we concluded that GVC is the same virus as GLRaV-2. Keywords

    System Identification and Seismic Performance Evaluation of Earth Dams

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    A system identification technique is developed to provide dynamic properties of earth dams from their seismic records. The technique is utilized to assess the capabilities and limitation of analytical models in terms of dynamic nonlinear constitutive relationships as well as damping. The technique is based on the least square method using Gaussian hypothesis. Earth dams are modeled as a three-dimensional nonhomogeneous visco-elasto-plastic soil structure. The forward problem is solved using a Galerkin-Ritz formulation in which the solution is expanded using basis function, which is selected to be the eigenmodes. The spatial variation of the excitation is considered by using global shape functions defined on the boundary domain to interpolate the input motion on the dam boundaries using recorded motion at discrete locations. The constitutive model is used to accommodate the nonlinear path dependent behavior of the dam material as well as coupling between different constituent of the soil mixture. The model is implemented using Druker-Prager multi-yield surface model and linear Kelvin-Voigt model. Application to instrumented dams, in recent earthquake, showed significant match between the recorded response and the optimal estimated response