1,611 research outputs found

    Spectral Properties near the Mott Transition in the One-Dimensional Hubbard Model

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    Single-particle spectral properties near the Mott transition in the one-dimensional Hubbard model are investigated by using the dynamical density-matrix renormalization group method and the Bethe ansatz. The pseudogap, hole-pocket behavior, spectral-weight transfer, and upper Hubbard band are explained in terms of spinons, holons, antiholons, and doublons. The Mott transition is characterized by the emergence of a gapless mode whose dispersion relation extends up to the order of hopping t (spin exchange J) in the weak (strong) interaction regime caused by infinitesimal doping.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Photodarkening of amorphous selenium under high pressure

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    The photodarkening phenomena of amorphous Se have been studied by the optical absorption coefficient, sound velocity and attenuation measurements. The light illumination at low temperatures induces the photodarkening, and the photodarkened state is completely recovered by annealing near 306 K corresponding to the glass transition temperature. The photodarkening is enhanced by application of pressure. The sound velocity decreases and the sound attenuation increases by the illumination at low temperature. These suggest that a structural disorder increases in the photodarkened state. Three stages are observed for the recovery process of the photodarkened specimen. The photodarkening and the recovery process are discussed on the basis of VAP (valence alternative pair) model.<br /

    Effect of Nonmagnetic Impurity in Nearly Antiferromagnetic Fermi Liquid: Magnetic Correlations and Transport Phenomena

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    In nearly antiferromagnetic (AF) metals such as high-Tc superconductors (HTSC's), a single nonmagnetic impurity frequently causes nontrivial widespread change of the electronic states. To elucidate this long-standing issue, we study a Hubbard model with a strong onsite impurity potential based on an improved fluctuation-exchange (FLEX) approximation, which we call the GV^I-FLEX method. This model corresponds to the HTSC with dilute nonmagnetic impurity concentration. We find that (i) both local and staggered susceptibilities are strongly enhanced around the impurity. By this reason, (ii) the quasiparticle lifetime as well as the local density of states (DOS) are strongly suppressed in a wide area around the impurity (like a Swiss cheese hole), which causes the ``huge residual resistivity'' beyond the s-wave unitary scattering limit. We stress that the excess quasiparticle damping rate caused by impurities has strong momentum-dependence due to non-s-wave scatterings induced by many-body effects, so the structure of the ``hot spot/cold spot'' in the host system persists against impurity doping. This result could be examined by the ARPES measurements. In addition, (iii) only a few percent of impurities can causes a ``Kondo-like'' upturn of resistivity (dρ/dT<0d\rho/dT<0) at low temperatures when the system is very close to the AF quantum critical point (QCP). The results (i)-(iii) obtained in the present study, which cannot be derived by the simple FLEX approximation, naturally explains the main impurity effects in HTSC's. We also discuss the impurity effect in heavy fermion systems and organic superconductors.Comment: 22 pages, to be published in PR

    Black Holes and Random Matrices

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    We argue that the late time behavior of horizon fluctuations in large anti-de Sitter (AdS) black holes is governed by the random matrix dynamics characteristic of quantum chaotic systems. Our main tool is the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model, which we use as a simple model of a black hole. We use an analytically continued partition function Z(β+it)2|Z(\beta +it)|^2 as well as correlation functions as diagnostics. Using numerical techniques we establish random matrix behavior at late times. We determine the early time behavior exactly in a double scaling limit, giving us a plausible estimate for the crossover time to random matrix behavior. We use these ideas to formulate a conjecture about general large AdS black holes, like those dual to 4D super-Yang-Mills theory, giving a provisional estimate of the crossover time. We make some preliminary comments about challenges to understanding the late time dynamics from a bulk point of view.Comment: 73 pages, 15 figures, minor errors correcte

    Onset of Random Matrix Behavior in Scrambling Systems

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    The fine grained energy spectrum of quantum chaotic systems is widely believed to be described by random matrix statistics. A basic scale in such a system is the energy range over which this behavior persists. We define the corresponding time scale by the time at which the linearly growing ramp region in the spectral form factor begins. We call this time trampt_{\rm ramp}. The purpose of this paper is to study this scale in many-body quantum systems that display strong chaos, sometimes called scrambling systems. We focus on randomly coupled qubit systems, both local and kk-local (all-to-all interactions) and the Sachdev--Ye--Kitaev (SYK) model. Using numerical results for Hamiltonian systems and analytic estimates for random quantum circuits we find the following results. For geometrically local systems with a conservation law we find trampt_{\rm ramp} is determined by the diffusion time across the system, order N2N^2 for a 1D chain of NN qubits. This is analogous to the behavior found for local one-body chaotic systems. For a kk-local system with conservation law the time is order logN\log N but with a different prefactor and a different mechanism than the scrambling time. In the absence of any conservation laws, as in a generic random quantum circuit, we find tramplogNt_{\rm ramp} \sim \log N, independent of connectivity.Comment: 61+20 pages, minor errors corrected, and significant edits in Section

    Probability density function of turbulent velocity fluctuation

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    The probability density function (PDF) of velocity fluctuations is studied experimentally for grid turbulence in a systematical manner. At small distances from the grid, where the turbulence is still developing, the PDF is sub-Gaussian. At intermediate distances, where the turbulence is fully developed, the PDF is Gaussian. At large distances, where the turbulence has decayed, the PDF is hyper-Gaussian. The Fourier transforms of the velocity fluctuations always have Gaussian PDFs. At intermediate distances from the grid, the Fourier transforms are statistically independent of each other. This is the necessary and sufficient condition for Gaussianity of the velocity fluctuations. At small and large distances, the Fourier transforms are dependent.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures in a PS file, to appear in Physical Review

    Asymptotically Friedmann self-similar scalar field solutions with potential

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    We investigate self-similar solutions which are asymptotic to the Friedmann universe at spatial infinity and contain a scalar field with potential. The potential is required to be exponential by self-similarity. It is found that there are two distinct one-parameter families of asymptotic solutions,one is asymptotic to the proper Friedmann universe, while the other is asymptotic to the quasi-Friedmann universe, i.e., the Friedmann universe with anomalous solid angle. The asymptotically proper Friedmann solution is possible only if the universe is accelerated or the potential is negative. If the potential is positive, the density perturbation in the asymptotically proper Friedmann solution rapidly falls off at spatial infinity, while the mass perturbation is compensated. In the asymptotically quasi-Friedmann solution, the density perturbation falls off only in proportion to the inverse square of the areal radius and the relative mass perturbation approaches a nonzero constant at spatial infinity. The present result shows that a necessary condition holds in order that a self-gravitating body grows self-similarly due to the constant accretion of quintessence in an accelerating universe.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review D, minor correction, typos correcte

    Star-shaped Local Density of States around Vortices in a Type II Superconductor

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    The electronic structure of vortices in a type II superconductor is analyzed within the quasi-classical Eilenberger framework. The possible origin of a sixfold ``star'' shape of the local density of states, observed by scanning tunneling microscope experiments on NbSe2_2, is examined in the light of the three effects; the anisotropic pairing, the vortex lattice, and the anisotropic density of states at the Fermi surface. Outstanding features of split parallel rays of this star are well explained in terms of an anisotropic ss-wave pairing. This reveals a rich internal electronic structure associated with a vortex core.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX, 3 figures available upon reques

    First Nonperturbative Test of a Relativistic Heavy Quark Action in Quenched Lattice QCD

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    We perform a numerical test of a relativistic heavy quark(RHQ) action, recently proposed by Tsukuba group, in quenched lattice QCD at a0.1a\simeq 0.1 fm. With the use of the improvement parameters previously determined at one-loop level for the RHQ action, we investigate a restoration of rotational symmetry for heavy-heavy and heavy-light meson systems around the charm quark mass. We focused on two quantities, the meson dispersion relation and the pseudo-scalar meson decay constants. It is shown that the RHQ action significantly reduces the discretization errors due to the charm quark mass. We also calculate the S-state hyperfine splittings for the charmonium and charmed-strange mesons and the DsD_s meson decay constant. The remaining discretization errors in the physical quantities are discussed.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figures. A reference and a comment added, a major modification in appendix, several minor changes in the abstract and the main text. Errors in affiliation are corrected. Version appeared in JHE