233 research outputs found

    Measuring the effective phonon density of states of a quantum dot

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    We employ detuning-dependent decay-rate measurements of a quantum dot in a photonic-crystal cavity to study the influence of phonon dephasing in a solid-state quantum-electrodynamics experiment. The experimental data agree with a microscopic non-Markovian model accounting for dephasing from longitudinal acoustic phonons, and identifies the reason for the hitherto unexplained difference between non-resonant cavity feeding in different nanocavities. From the comparison between experiment and theory we extract the effective phonon density of states experienced by the quantum dot. This quantity determines all phonon dephasing properties of the system and is found to be described well by a theory of bulk phonons.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitte

    Return-map for semiconductor lasers with optical feedback

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    Influence of Pure Dephasing on Emission Spectra from Single Photon Sources

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    We investigate the light-matter interaction of a quantum dot with the electromagnetic field in a lossy microcavity and calculate emission spectra for non-zero detuning and dephasing. It is found that dephasing shifts the intensity of the emission peaks for non-zero detuning. We investigate the characteristics of this intensity shifting effect and offer it as an explanation for the non-vanishing emission peaks at the cavity frequency found in recent experimental work.Comment: Published version, minor change

    Microscopic theory of phonon-induced effects on semiconductor quantum dot decay dynamics in cavity QED

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    We investigate the influence of the electron-phonon interaction on the decay dynamics of a quantum dot coupled to an optical microcavity. We show that the electron-phonon interaction has important consequences on the dynamics, especially when the quantum dot and cavity are tuned out of resonance, in which case the phonons may add or remove energy leading to an effective non-resonant coupling between quantum dot and cavity. The system is investigated using two different theoretical approaches: (i) a second-order expansion in the bare phonon coupling constant, and (ii) an expansion in a polaron-photon coupling constant, arising from the polaron transformation which allows an accurate description at high temperatures. In the low temperature regime we find excellent agreement between the two approaches. An extensive study of the quantum dot decay dynamics is performed, where important parameter dependencies are covered. We find that in general the electron-phonon interaction gives rise to a greatly increased bandwidth of the coupling between quantum dot and cavity. At low temperature an asymmetry in the quantum dot decay rate is observed, leading to a faster decay when the quantum dot has a larger energy than to the cavity. We explain this as due to the absence of phonon absorption processes. Furthermore, we derive approximate analytical expressions for the quantum dot decay rate, applicable when the cavity can be adiabatically eliminated. The expressions lead to a clear interpretation of the physics and emphasizes the important role played by the effective phonon density, describing the availability of phonons for scattering, in quantum dot decay dynamics. Based on the analytical expressions we present the parameter regimes where phonon effects are expected to be important. Also, we include all technical developments in appendices.Comment: published PRB version, comments are very welcom

    Comparison of EIT schemes in semiconductor quantum dot structures: Impact of many-body interactions

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    We investigate the impact of many-body interactions on group-velocity slowdown achieved via electromagnetically induced transparency in quantum dots using three different coupling-probe schemes (ladder, V, and Lambda, respectively). We find that for all schemes many-body interactions have an important impact on the slow light properties. In the case of the Lambda and V schemes, the minimum required coupling power to achieve slow light is significantly reduced by many-body interactions. V type schemes are found to be generally preferable due to a favorable redistribution of carriers in energy space

    Non-markovian model of photon-assisted dephasing by electron-phonon interactions in a coupled quantum-dot-cavity system

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    We investigate the influence of electron-phonon interactions on the dynamical properties of a quantum-dot-cavity QED system. We show that non-Markovian effects in the phonon reservoir lead to strong changes in the dynamics, arising from photon-assisted dephasing processes, not present in Markovian treatments. A pronounced consequence is the emergence of a phonon induced spectral asymmetry when detuning the cavity from the quantum-dot resonance. The asymmetry can only be explained when considering the polaritonic quasi-particle nature of the quantum-dot-cavity system. Furthermore, a temperature induced reduction of the light-matter coupling strength is found to be relevant in interpreting experimental data, especially in the strong coupling regime.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, published in Physical Review Letters, changes according to referees comments, comments are welcom

    Room-temperature dephasing in InAs/GaAs quantum dots

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    Summary form only given. Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are receiving increasing attention for fundamental studies on zero-dimensional confinement and for device applications. Quantum-dot lasers are expected to show superior performances, like high material gain, low and temperature-independent threshold current and chirp-free operation, due to the delta-like density of states (DOS). We have measured the dephasing time at room temperature of InAs QDs embedded in a waveguide to estimate the lower limit for the energy-broadening of the DOS given by the homogeneous linewidth. The sample consists of 3 stacked layers of InAs-InGaAs-GaAs quantum dots

    Spontaneous emission from large quantum dots in nanostructures: exciton-photon interaction beyond the dipole approximation

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    We derive a rigorous theory of the interaction between photons and spatially extended excitons confined in quantum dots in inhomogeneous photonic materials. We show that, beyond the dipole approximation, the radiative decay rate is proportional to a non-local interaction function, which describes the interaction between light and spatially extended excitons. In this regime, light and matter degrees of freedom cannot be separated and a complex interplay between the nanostructured optical environment and the exciton envelope function emerges. We illustrate this by specific examples and derive a series of important analytical relations, which are useful for applying the formalism to practical problems. In the dipole limit, the decay rate is proportional to the projected local density of optical states and we obtain the strong and weak confinement regimes as special cases.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure
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