19,535 research outputs found

    Six mechanisms used on the SSM/1 radiometer

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    Future USAF Block 5D Defense Meteorological Satellites will carry a scanning microwave radiometer sensor (SSM/1). SSM/1 senses the emission of microwave energy and returns to earth data used to determine weather conditions, such as rainfall rates, soil moisture, and oceanic wind speed. The overall design of the SSM/1 radiometer was largely influenced by the mechanisms. The radiometer was designed to be stowed in a cavity on the existing spacecraft. The deployment of the sensor is complex due to the constraint of this cavity and the need for precision in the deployment. The radiometer will continuously rotate, instead of oscillate, creating the need for a bearing and power transfer assembly and a momentum compensation device. The six mechanisms developed for this program are described

    Some NASA contributions to the use of plasma jet technology in chemical processing

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    NASA contributions to use of plasma jet technology in chemical processin

    Advanced space information systems

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    Onboard computers for pre-transmission data processing, automation of data acquisition centers, and real time data relay to control centers for advanced space information system

    3D hydrodynamical CO5BOLD model atmospheres of red giant stars: I. Atmospheric structure of a giant located near the RGB tip

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    We investigate the character and role of convection in the atmosphere of a prototypical red giant located close to the red giant branch (RGB) tip with atmospheric parameters, Teff=3660K, log(g)=1.0, [M/H]=0.0. Differential analysis of the atmospheric structures is performed using the 3D hydrodynamical and 1D classical atmosphere models calculated with the CO5BOLD and LHD codes, respectively. All models share identical atmospheric parameters, elemental composition, opacities and equation-of-state. We find that the atmosphere of this particular red giant consists of two rather distinct regions: the lower atmosphere dominated by convective motions and the upper atmosphere dominated by wave activity. Convective motions form a prominent granulation pattern with an intensity contrast (~18%) which is larger than in the solar models (~15%). The upper atmosphere is frequently traversed by fast shock waves, with vertical and horizontal velocities of up to Mach ~2.5 and ~6.0, respectively. The typical diameter of the granules amounts to ~5Gm which translates into ~400 granules covering the whole stellar surface. The turbulent pressure in the giant model contributes up to ~35% to the total (i.e., gas plus turbulent) pressure which shows that it cannot be neglected in stellar atmosphere and evolutionary modeling. However, there exists no combination of the mixing-length parameter and turbulent pressure that would allow to satisfactorily reproduce the 3D temperature-pressure profile with 1D atmosphere models based on a standard formulation of mixing-length theory.Comment: 13 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Hydrodynamical model atmospheres and 3D spectral synthesis

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    We discuss three issues in the context of three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamical model atmospheres for late-type stars, related to spectral line shifts, radiative transfer in metal-poor 3D models, and the solar oxygen abundance. We include a brief overview about the model construction, taking the radiation-hydrodynamics code CO5BOLD (COnservative COde for the COmputation of COmpressible COnvection in a BOx of L Dimensions with L=2,3) and the related spectral synthesis package Linfor3D as examples.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the ESO/Lisbon/Aveiro Workshop "Precision Spectroscopy in Astrophysics", eds. L. Pasquini, M. Romaniello, N.C. Santos, and A. Correi

    Convection and observable properties of late-type giants

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    We show that contrary to what is expected from 1D stationary model atmospheres, 3D hydrodynamical modeling predicts a considerable influence of convection on the spectral properties of late-type giants. This is due to the fact that convection overshoots into the formally stable outer atmospheric layers producing a notable granulation pattern in the 3D hydrodynamical models, which has a direct influence on the observable spectra and colors. Within the framework of standard 1D model atmospheres the average thermal stratification of the 3D hydro model can not be reproduced with any reasonable choice of the mixing length parameter and formulation of the turbulent pressure. The differences in individual photometric colors -- in terms of 3D versus 1D -- reach up to ~0.2 mag, or \Delta Teff~70K. We discuss the impact of full 3D hydrodynamical models on the interpretation of observable properties of late-type giants, briefly mentioning problems and challenges which need to be solved for bringing these models to a routine use within the astronomical community in 5-10 years from now.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings of the IAU Symposium 232 "The Scientific Requirements for Extremely Large Telescopes", eds. P. Whitelock, B. Leibundgut, and M. Dennefel

    Stellar granulation as seen in disk-integrated intensity. I. Simplified theoretical modeling

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    The solar granulation is known for a long time to be a surface manifestation of convection. Thanks to the current space-borne missions CoRoT and Kepler, it is now possible to observe in disk-integrated intensity the signature of this phenomena in a growing number of stars. The space-based photometric measurements show that the global brightness fluctuations and the lifetime associated with granulation obeys characteristic scaling relations. We thus aim at providing a simple theoretical modeling to reproduce these scaling relations and subsequently at inferring the physical properties of granulation properties across the HR diagram. We develop a simple 1D theoretical model that enable us to test any prescription concerning the time-correlation between granules. The input parameters of the model are extracted from 3D hydrodynamical models of the surface layers of stars, and the free parameters involved in the model are calibrated with solar observations. Two different prescriptions for representing the eddy time-correlation in the Fourier space are compared: a Lorentzian and an exponential form. Finally, we compare our theoretical prediction with a 3D radiative hydrodynamical (RHD) numerical modeling of stellar granulation (ab-initio approach). Provided that the free parameters are appropriately adjusted, our theoretical model satisfactorily reproduces the shape and the amplitude of the observed solar granulation spectrum. The best agreement is obtained with an exponential form. Furthermore, our theoretical model results in granulation spectra that consistently agree with the these calculated on the basis of the ab-initio approach with two 3D RHD models. Comparison between theoretical granulation spectra calculated with the present model and high precision photometry measurements of stellar granulation is undertaken in a companion paper.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Persistence of family farming, learning from its dynamics

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    Traditionally, the family farm has always been seen as a cornerstone of the agricultural production system. Given social, economic and political evidence (Calus, 2009), this organisational form might still continue to shape agricultural development. However, important changes in social and economic environment (e.g. industrialisation of agriculture, increased risk level and public vision on agriculture) become threats to the traditional model. A SWOT analysis of the family farms indicates the various intrinsic characteristics that make family farms resilient to changing conditions. Even in a changing economic and social landscape these aspects provide them with building blocks for creating new organisational forms or institutional arrangements. This paper shows these building blocks, and is only, prudentially, indicative for possible new institutional arrangements. Creativity may produce numerous outcomes from building blocks. Land tenure is only one example from past and present to show how institutions can deal with a potential threat, such as the large demand for land as production factor. Similar creativity is needed to the exploding capital demand in agriculture. One of the major challenges will be to provide family farms with low-costing capital. Food security and local community viability is the social price for this low cost supply.family farm, corporate farm, peasant, SWOT, Consumer/Household Economics,