5,043 research outputs found

    Dynamical Masses in Luminous Infrared Galaxies

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    We have studied the dynamics and masses of a sample of ten nearby luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies (LIRGS and ULIRGs), using 2.3 micron CO absorption line spectroscopy and near-infrared H- and Ks-band imaging. By combining velocity dispersions derived from the spectroscopy, disk scale-lengths obtained from the imaging, and a set of likely model density profiles, we calculate dynamical masses for each LIRG. For the majority of the sample, it is difficult to reconcile our mass estimates with the large amounts of gas derived from millimeter observations and from a standard conversion between CO emission and H_2 mass. Our results imply that LIRGs do not have huge amounts of molecular gas (10^10-10^11 Msolar) at their centers, and support previous indications that the standard conversion of CO to H_2 probably overestimates the gas masses and cannot be used in these environments. This in turn suggests much more modest levels of extinction in the near-infrared for LIRGs than previously predicted (A_V~10-20 versus A_V~100-1000). The lower gas mass estimates indicated by our observations imply that the star formation efficiency in these systems is very high and is triggered by cloud-cloud collisions, shocks, and winds rather than by gravitational instabilities in circumnuclear gas disks.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, accepted to Ap

    The 400d Galaxy Cluster Survey weak lensing programme: II: Weak lensing study of seven clusters with MMT/Megacam

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    Evolution in the mass function of galaxy clusters sensitively traces both the expansion history of the Universe and cosmological structure formation. Robust cluster mass determinations are a key ingredient for a reliable measurement of this evolution, especially at high redshift. Weak gravitational lensing is a promising tool for, on average, unbiased mass estimates. This weak lensing project aims at measuring reliable weak lensing masses for a complete X-ray selected sample of 36 high redshift (0.35<z<0.9) clusters. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the robustness of the methodology against commonly encountered problems, including pure instrumental effects, the presence of bright (8--9 mag) stars close to the cluster centre, ground based measurements of high-z (z~0.8) clusters, and the presence of massive unrelated structures along the line-sight. We select a subsample of seven clusters observed with MMT/Megacam. Instrumental effects are checked in detail by cross-comparison with an archival CFHT/MegaCam observation. We derive mass estimates for seven clusters by modelling the tangential shear with an NFW profile, in two cases with multiple components to account for projected structures in the line-of-sight. We firmly detect lensing signals from all seven clusters at more than 3.5σ3.5\sigma and determine their masses, ranging from 1014M⊙10^{14} M_{\odot} to 1015M⊙10^{15} M_{\odot}, despite the presence of nearby bright stars. We retrieve the lensing signal of more than one cluster in the CL 1701+6414 field, while apparently observing CL 1701+6414 through a massive foreground filament. We also find a multi-peaked shear signal in CL 1641+4001. Shear structures measured in the MMT and CFHT images of CL 1701+6414 are highly correlated.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics; A&A 546, A7

    A Search for the Optical/Infrared Counterpart of the Anomalous X-ray Pulsar 1E 1841-045

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    We have carried out a search for the optical and infrared counterpart of the Anomalous X-ray Pulsar 1E 1841-045, which is located at the center of the supernova remnant Kes73. We present the first deep optical and infrared images of the field of 1E 1841-045, as well as optical spectroscopy results that exclude the brightest objects in the error circle as possible counterparts. A few of the more reddened objects in this region can be considered as particularly interesting candidates, in consideration of the distance and absorption expected from the association with Kes73. The strong interstellar absorption in the direction of the source does not allow to completely exclude the presence of main sequence massive companions.Comment: 8 pages, latex, 6 figures, Submitted to Mon. Not. R. Astron. So

    On the stability of the shear-free condition

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    The evolution equation for the shear is reobtained for a spherically symmetric anisotropic, viscous dissipative fluid distribution, which allows us to investigate conditions for the stability of the shear-free condition. The specific case of geodesic fluids is considered in detail, showing that the shear-free condition, in this particular case, may be unstable, the departure from the shear-free condition being controlled by the expansion scalar and a single scalar function defined in terms of the anisotropy of the pressure, the shear viscosity and the Weyl tensor or, alternatively, in terms of the anisotropy of the pressure, the dissipative variables and the energy density inhomogeneity.Comment: 19 pages Latex. To appear in Gen. Rel. Gra

    The Pfaffian solution of a dimer-monomer problem: Single monomer on the boundary

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    We consider the dimer-monomer problem for the rectangular lattice. By mapping the problem into one of close-packed dimers on an extended lattice, we rederive the Tzeng-Wu solution for a single monomer on the boundary by evaluating a Pfaffian. We also clarify the mathematical content of the Tzeng-Wu solution by identifying it as the product of the nonzero eigenvalues of the Kasteleyn matrix.Comment: 4 Pages to appear in the Physical Review E (2006

    H_2 Absorption and Fluorescence for Gamma Ray Bursts in Molecular Clouds

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    If a gamma ray burst with strong UV emission occurs in a molecular cloud, there will be observable consequences resulting from excitation of the surrounding H2. The UV pulse from the GRB will pump H2 into vibrationally-excited levels which produce strong absorption at wavelengths < 1650 A. As a result, both the prompt flash and later afterglow will exhibit strong absorption shortward of 1650 A, with specific spectroscopic features. Such a cutoff in the emission from GRB 980329 may already have been observed by Fruchter et al.; if so, GRB 980329 was at redshift 3.0 < z < 4.4 . BVRI photometry of GRB 990510 could also be explained by H2 absorption if GRB 990510 is at redshift 1.6 < z < 2.3. The fluorescence accompanying the UV pumping of the H2 will result in UV emission from the GRB which can extend over days or months, depending on parameters of the ambient medium and beaming of the GRB flash. The 7.5-13.6 eV fluorescent luminosity is \sim 10^{41.7} erg/s for standard estimates of the parameters of the GRB and the ambient medium. Spectroscopy can distinguish this fluorescent emission from other possible sources of transient optical emission, such as a supernova.Comment: 13 pages, including 4 figures. submitted to Ap.J.(Letters

    Thermal Conduction in Systems out of Hydrostatic Equilibrium

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    We analyse the effects of thermal conduction in a relativistic fluid, just after its departure from hydrostatic equilibrium, on a time scale of the order of thermal relaxation time. It is obtained that the resulting evolution will critically depend on a parameter defined in terms of thermodynamic variables, which is constrained by causality requirements.Comment: 16 pages, emTex (LaTex 2.09). To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Gauss-Bonnet brane gravity with a confining potential

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    A brane scenario is envisaged in which the mm-dimensional bulk is endowed with a Gauss-Bonnet term and localization of matter on the brane is achieved by means of a confining potential. The resulting Friedmann equations on the brane are modified by various extra terms that may be interpreted as the X-matter, providing a possible phenomenological explanation for the accelerated expansion of the universe. The age of the universe in this scenario is studied and shown to be consistent with the present observational data.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, to appear in PR

    Volume Expansion of Swiss-Cheese Universe

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    In order to investigate the effect of inhomogeneities on the volume expansion of the universe, we study modified Swiss-Cheese universe model. Since this model is an exact solution of Einstein equations, we can get an insight into non-linear dynamics of inhomogeneous universe from it. We find that inhomogeneities make the volume expansion slower than that of the background Einstein-de Sitter universe when those can be regarded as small fluctuations in the background universe. This result is consistent with the previous studies based on the second order perturbation analysis. On the other hand, if the inhomogeneities can not be treated as small perturbations, the volume expansion of the universe depends on the type of fluctuations. Although the volume expansion rate approaches to the background value asymptotically, the volume itself can be finally arbitrarily smaller than the background one and can be larger than that of the background but there is an upper bound on it.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, to be submitted to Phys. Rev.
