55 research outputs found

    Determination of nutrient salts by automatic methods both in seawater and brackish water: the phosphate blank

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    9 páginas, 2 tablas, 2 figurasThe main inconvenience in determining nutrients in seawater by automatic methods is simply solved: the preparation of a suitable blank which corrects the effect of the refractive index change on the recorded signal. Two procedures are proposed, one physical (a simple equation to estimate the effect) and the other chemical (removal of the dissolved phosphorus with ferric hydroxide).Support for this work came from CICYT (MAR88-0245 project) and Conselleria de Pesca de la Xunta de GaliciaPeer reviewe

    Cotranscription and processing of 23S, 4.5S and 5S rRNA in chloroplasts from Zea mays

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    The rRNA operon from Zea mays chloroplasts: nucleotide sequence of 23S rDNA and its homology with E.coli 23S rDNA.

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    The nucleotide sequence of 23S rDNA from Zea mays chloroplasts has been determined. Alignment with 23S rDNA from E.coli reveals 71 percent homology when maize 4.5S rDNA is included as an equivalent of the 3' end of E.coli 23S rDNA. Among the conserved sequences are sites for base modification. Chloramphenicol sensitivity and ribosomal subunit interaction. A proposal for the base pairs formed between 16S and 23S rRNAs during the 30S/50S subunit interaction is presented. The alignment of maize 23S rDNA with that of E.coli reveals three small insertion sequences of 25, 65 and 78 base pairs, whereas maize 16S rDNA shows only deletions when compared with the E.coli species

    Affinity electrophoresis for monitoring terminal phosphorylation and the presence of queuosine in RNA. Application of polyacrylamide containing a covalently bound boronic acid.

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    An affinity electrophoretic method has been developed to study the state of terminal phosphorylation of RNAs and the presence of the hypermodified base Q in tRNA. It is based on the copolymerization of acryloylaminophenylboronic acid into standard polyacrylamide gels and the interaction of this derivative with free cis-diol groups present in the RNA. In the case of terminal phosphorylation, free ribose groups are present either as such, or may be introduced by enzymatic reactions specific for a particular phosphorylation pattern (e.g. using T4 RNA ligase or guanylyltransferase). Additionally, tRNA species containing the Q base may be resolved from Q-lacking tRNAs by boronate affinity electrophoresis. The introduction of a non-destructive, one-step electrophoretic procedure not only offers an alternative to classical analytical methods, but also provides a means of isolating such populations of RNAs for which other methods are unavailable or are less convenient

    Introduction of a heterologous editing site into the tobacco plastid genome: the lack of RNA editing leads to a mutant phenotype.

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    The psbF mRNA is edited in spinach plastids by a C to U conversion, changing a serine to a conserved phenylalanine codon. In tobacco at this position a phenylalanine codon is present at the DNA level, and the psbF mRNA here is not edited. To test if the psbF editing capacity is evolutionarily conserved, the tobacco psbF gene was modified to match the corresponding spinach sequence. The endogenous tobacco gene was replaced with the modified copy using biolistic transformation. We report here that the heterologous editing site remains unmodified in transplastomic tobacco plants. The lack of editing is associated with slower growth, lowered chlorophyll content and high chlorophyll fluorescence, a phenotype characteristic of photosynthetic mutants. This finding confirms that the editing of the psbF mRNA is an essential processing step for protein function and thus provides direct proof for the biological significance of plant organellar RNA editing. Given that a mutant phenotype is associated with the lack of editing, it seems likely that the evolutionary loss of the site-specific capacity for psbF editing was preceded by the mutation that eliminated the editing requirement

    Alternative base pairing between 5'- and 3'-terminal sequences of small subunit RNA may provide the basis of a conformational switch of the small ribosomal subunit.

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    The compiled sequences of small subunit ribosomal RNAs have been screened for base complementary between 5'- and 3'-terminal regions. Highly conserved complementary sequences are found which allow formation of a helix between the two ends of 5 or 6 base pairs. This helix is composed of sequences from the loop region of the first 5'-terminal stem and from sequences immediately distal to the last stem (the Me2A-stem) of the 3' terminus and therefore allows a coaxial stacking with either of these two flanking stems. Formation of the 5'/3'-helical arrangement is, however, only possible at the cost of dissolving the 'pseudo-knot' helix between the 5'-terminal region and the internal region of small subunit RNA. It is postulated that the mutually exclusive conformational states are in dynamic equilibrium and that they correlate with distinct functional states of the small ribosomal subunit. The 'pseudo-knot' containing conformation with the 3'-terminal sequences more exposed is likely to represent the initiating state, whereas the 5'/3' terminal paired 'closed' conformation may represent the elongating state in which interaction with fortuitous ribosomal binding sequences of mRNAs is avoided