6,521 research outputs found

    Tensor Product and Permutation Branes on the Torus

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    We consider B-type D-branes in the Gepner model consisting of two minimal models at k=2. This Gepner model is mirror to a torus theory. We establish the dictionary identifying the B-type D-branes of the Gepner model with A-type Neumann and Dirichlet branes on the torus.Comment: 26 page

    D-brane superpotentials and RG flows on the quintic

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    The behaviour of D2-branes on the quintic under complex structure deformations is analysed by combining Landau-Ginzburg techniques with methods from conformal field theory. It is shown that the boundary renormalisation group flow induced by the bulk deformations is realised as a gradient flow of the effective space time superpotential which is calculated explicitly to all orders in the boundary coupling constant.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure, v2:Typo in (3.14) correcte

    Permutation Orientifolds of Gepner Models

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    In tensor products of a left-right symmetric CFT, one can define permutation orientifolds by combining orientation reversal with involutive permutation symmetries. We construct the corresponding crosscap states in general rational CFTs and their orbifolds, and study in detail those in products of affine U(1)_2 models or N=2 minimal models. The results are used to construct permutation orientifolds of Gepner models. We list the permutation orientifolds in a few simple Gepner models, and study some of their physical properties - supersymmetry, tension and RR charges. We also study the action of corresponding parity on D-branes, and determine the gauge group on a stack of parity-invariant D-branes. Tadpole cancellation condition and some of its solutions are also presented.Comment: 2+67 pages, no figures. v3: references added, version to appear in JHE

    Moduli Webs and Superpotentials for Five-Branes

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    We investigate the one-parameter Calabi-Yau models and identify families of D5-branes which are associated to lines embedded in these manifolds. The moduli spaces are given by sets of Riemann curves, which form a web whose intersection points are described by permutation branes. We arrive at a geometric interpretation for bulk-boundary correlators as holomorphic differentials on the moduli space and use this to compute effective open-closed superpotentials to all orders in the open string couplings. The fixed points of D5-brane moduli under bulk deformations are determined.Comment: 41 pages, 1 figur

    Defect Perturbations in Landau-Ginzburg Models

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    Perturbations of B-type defects in Landau-Ginzburg models are considered. In particular, the effect of perturbations of defects on their fusion is analyzed in the framework of matrix factorizations. As an application, it is discussed how fusion with perturbed defects induces perturbations on boundary conditions. It is shown that in some classes of models all boundary perturbations can be obtained in this way. Moreover, a universal class of perturbed defects is constructed, whose fusion under certain conditions obey braid relations. The functors obtained by fusing these defects with boundary conditions are twist functors as introduced in the work of Seidel and Thomas.Comment: 46 page

    Triangle-generation in topological D-brane categories

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    Tachyon condensation in topological Landau-Ginzburg models can generally be studied using methods of commutative algebra and properties of triangulated categories. The efficiency of this approach is demonstrated by explicitly proving that every D-brane system in all minimal models of type ADE can be generated from only one or two fundamental branes.Comment: 34 page

    Opening Mirror Symmetry on the Quintic

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    Aided by mirror symmetry, we determine the number of holomorphic disks ending on the real Lagrangian in the quintic threefold. The tension of the domainwall between the two vacua on the brane, which is the generating function for the open Gromov-Witten invariants, satisfies a certain extension of the Picard-Fuchs differential equation governing periods of the mirror quintic. We verify consistency of the monodromies under analytic continuation of the superpotential over the entire moduli space. We reproduce the first few instanton numbers by a localization computation directly in the A-model, and check Ooguri-Vafa integrality. This is the first exact result on open string mirror symmetry for a compact Calabi-Yau manifold.Comment: 26 pages. v2: minor corrections and improvement

    Matrix Factorizations and Homological Mirror Symmetry on the Torus

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    We consider matrix factorizations and homological mirror symmetry on the torus T^2 using a Landau-Ginzburg description. We identify the basic matrix factorizations of the Landau-Ginzburg superpotential and compute the full spectrum, taking into account the explicit dependence on bulk and boundary moduli. We verify homological mirror symmetry by comparing three-point functions in the A-model and the B-model.Comment: 41 pages, 9 figures, v2: reference added, minor corrections and clarifications, version published in JHE

    D-branes in Toroidal Orbifolds and Mirror Symmetry

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    We study D-branes extended in T^2/Z_4 using the mirror description as a tensor product of minimal models. We describe branes in the mirror both as boundary states in minimal models and as matrix factorizations in the corresponding Landau-Ginzburg model. We isolate a minimal set of branes and give a geometric interpretation of these as D1-branes constrained to the orbifold fixed points. This picture is supported both by spacetime arguments and by the explicit construction of the boundary states, adapting the known results for rational boundary states in the minimal models. Similar techniques apply to a larger class of toroidal orbifolds.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figure

    Integrability of the N=2 boundary sine-Gordon model

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    We construct a boundary Lagrangian for the N=2 supersymmetric sine-Gordon model which preserves (B-type) supersymmetry and integrability to all orders in the bulk coupling constant g. The supersymmetry constraint is expressed in terms of matrix factorisations.Comment: LaTeX, 19 pages, no figures; v2: title changed, minor improvements, refs added, to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge
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