854 research outputs found

    Nonadiabatic Electron Pumping: Maximal Current with Minimal Noise

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    The noise properties of pump currents through an open double quantum dot setup with non-adiabatic ac driving are investigated. Driving frequencies close to the internal resonances of the double dot-system mark the optimal working points at which the pump current assumes a maximum while its noise power possesses a remarkably low minimum. A rotating-wave approximation provides analytical expressions for the current and its noise power and allows to optimize the noise characteristics. The analytical results are compared to numerical results from a Floquet transport theory.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, replaced Fig. 1, added new inset in Fig. 2, extended paragraph on symmetry consideration

    Thermodynamics and Fluctuation Theorems for a Strongly Coupled Open Quantum System: An Exactly Solvable Case

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    We illustrate recent results concerning the validity of the work fluctuation theorem in open quantum systems [M. Campisi, P. Talkner, and P. H\"{a}nggi, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 102}, 210401 (2009)], by applying them to a solvable model of an open quantum system. The central role played by the thermodynamic partition function of the open quantum system, -- a two level fluctuator with a strong quantum nondemolition coupling to a harmonic oscillator --, is elucidated. The corresponding quantum Hamiltonian of mean force is evaluated explicitly. We study the thermodynamic entropy and the corresponding specific heat of this open system as a function of temperature and coupling strength and show that both may assume negative values at nonzero low temperatures.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Specific heat anomalies of open quantum systems

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    The evaluation of the specific heat of an open, damped quantum system is a subtle issue. One possible route is based on the thermodynamic partition function which is the ratio of the partition functions of system plus bath and of the bath alone. For the free damped particle it has been shown, however, that the ensuing specific heat may become negative for appropriately chosen environments. Being an open system this quantity then naturally must be interpreted as the change of the specific heat obtained as the difference between the specific heat of the heat bath coupled to the system degrees of freedom and the specific heat of the bath alone. While this difference may become negative, the involved specific heats themselves are always positive; thus, the known thermodynamic stability criteria are perfectly guaranteed. For a damped quantum harmonic oscillator, instead of negative values, under appropriate conditions one can observe a dip in the difference of specific heats as a function of temperature. Stylized minimal models containing a single oscillator heat bath are employed to elucidate the occurrence of the anomalous temperature dependence of the corresponding specific heat values. Moreover, we comment on the consequences for the interpretation of the density of states based on the thermal partitionfunction.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, new title and some modifications of the main tex

    Capacitance fluctuations causing channel noise reduction in stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley systems

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    Voltage-dependent ion channels determine the electric properties of axonal cell membranes. They not only allow the passage of ions through the cell membrane but also contribute to an additional charging of the cell membrane resulting in the so-called capacitance loading. The switching of the channel gates between an open and a closed configuration is intrinsically related to the movement of gating charge within the cell membrane. At the beginning of an action potential the transient gating current is opposite to the direction of the current of sodium ions through the membrane. Therefore, the excitability is expected to become reduced due to the influence of a gating current. Our stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley like modeling takes into account both the channel noise -- i.e. the fluctuations of the number of open ion channels -- and the capacitance fluctuations that result from the dynamics of the gating charge. We investigate the spiking dynamics of membrane patches of variable size and analyze the statistics of the spontaneous spiking. As a main result, we find that the gating currents yield a drastic reduction of the spontaneous spiking rate for sufficiently large ion channel clusters. Consequently, this demonstrates a prominent mechanism for channel noise reduction.Comment: 18 page

    Directed transport in periodically rocked random sawtooth potentials

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    We study directed transport of overdamped particles in a periodically rocked random sawtooth potential. Two transport regimes can be identified which are characterized by a nonzero value of the average velocity of particles and a zero value, respectively. The properties of directed transport in these regimes are investigated both analytically and numerically in terms of a random sawtooth potential and a periodically varying driving force. Precise conditions for the occurrence of transition between these two transport regimes are derived and analyzed in detail.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Hydrodynamic and entropic effects on colloidal diffusion in corrugated channels

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    In the absence of advection, confined diffusion characterizes transport in many natural and artificial devices, such as ionic channels, zeolites, and nanopores. While extensive theoretical and numerical studies on this subject have produced many important predictions, experimental verifications of the predictions are rare. Here, we experimentally measure colloidal diffusion times in microchannels with periodically varying width and contrast results with predictions from the Fick-Jacobs theory and Brownian dynamics simulation. While the theory and simulation correctly predict the entropic effect of the varying channel width, they fail to account for hydrodynamic effects, which include both an overall decrease and a spatial variation of diffusivity in channels. Neglecting such hydrodynamic effects, the theory and simulation underestimate the mean and standard deviation of first passage times by 40\% in channels with a neck width twice the particle diameter. We further show that the validity of the Fick-Jakobs theory can be restored by reformulating it in terms of the experimentally measured diffusivity. Our work thus demonstrates that hydrodynamic effects play a key role in diffusive transport through narrow channels and should be included in theoretical and numerical models.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Checking the validity of truncating the cumulant hierarchy description of a small system

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    We analyze the behavior of the first few cumulant in an array with a small number of coupled identical particles. Desai and Zwanzig (J. Stat. Phys., {\bf 19}, 1 (1978), p. 1) studied noisy arrays of nonlinear units with global coupling and derived an infinite hierarchy of differential equations for the cumulant moments. They focused on the behavior of infinite size systems using a strategy based on truncating the hierarchy. In this work we explore the reliability of such an approach to describe systems with a small number of elements. We carry out an extensive numerical analysis of the truncated hierarchy as well as numerical simulations of the full set of Langevin equations governing the dynamics. We find that the results provided by the truncated hierarchy for finite systems are at variance with those of the Langevin simulations for large regions of parameter space. The truncation of the hierarchy leads to a dependence on initial conditions and to the coexistence of states which are not consistent with the theoretical expectations based on the multidimensional linear Fokker-Planck equation for finite arrays

    Microcanonical quantum fluctuation theorems

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    Previously derived expressions for the characteristic function of work performed on a quantum system by a classical external force are generalized to arbitrary initial states of the considered system and to Hamiltonians with degenerate spectra. In the particular case of microcanonical initial states explicit expressions for the characteristic function and the corresponding probability density of work are formulated. Their classical limit as well as their relations to the respective canonical expressions are discussed. A fluctuation theorem is derived that expresses the ratio of probabilities of work for a process and its time reversal to the ratio of densities of states of the microcanonical equilibrium systems with corresponding initial and final Hamiltonians.From this Crooks-type fluctuation theorem a relation between entropies of different systems can be derived which does not involve the time reversed process. This entropy-from-work theorem provides an experimentally accessible way to measure entropies.Comment: revised and extended versio

    Effect of channel block on the spiking activity of excitable membranes in a stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley model

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    The influence of intrinsic channel noise on the spontaneous spiking activity of poisoned excitable membrane patches is studied by use of a stochastic generalization of the Hodgkin-Huxley model. Internal noise stemming from the stochastic dynamics of individual ion channels is known to affect the collective properties of the whole ion channel cluster. For example, there exists an optimal size of the membrane patch for which the internal noise alone causes a regular spontaneous generation of action potentials. In addition to varying the size of ion channel clusters, living organisms may adapt the densities of ion channels in order to optimally regulate the spontaneous spiking activity. The influence of channel block on the excitability of a membrane patch of certain size is twofold: First, a variation of ion channel densities primarily yields a change of the conductance level. Second, a down-regulation of working ion channels always increases the channel noise. While the former effect dominates in the case of sodium channel block resulting in a reduced spiking activity, the latter enhances the generation of spontaneous action potentials in the case of a tailored potassium channel blocking. Moreover, by blocking some portion of either potassium or sodium ion channels, it is possible to either increase or to decrease the regularity of the spike train.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, published 200

    Finite quantum dissipation: the challenge of obtaining specific heat

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    We consider a free particle coupled with finite strength to a bath and investigate the evaluation of its specific heat. A harmonic oscillator bath of Drude type with cutoff frequency omega_D is employed to model an ohmic friction force with dissipation strength gamma. Two scenarios for obtaining specific heat are presented. The first one uses the measurement of the kinetic energy of the free particle while the second one is based on the reduced partition function. Both descriptions yield results which are consistent with the Third Law of thermodynamics. Nevertheless, the two methods produce different results that disagree even in their leading quantum corrections at high temperatures. We also consider the regime where the cutoff frequency is smaller than the friction strength, i.e. omega_D<gamma. There, we encounter puzzling results at low temperatures where the specific heat based on the thermodynamic prescription becomes negative. This anomaly is rooted in an ill-defined density of states of the damped free particle which assumes unphysical negative values when gamma/omega_D>1.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure
