1,142 research outputs found

    Distortion Exponent in MIMO Channels with Feedback

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    The transmission of a Gaussian source over a block-fading multiple antenna channel in the presence of a feedback link is considered. The feedback link is assumed to be an error and delay free link of capacity 1 bit per channel use. Under the short-term power constraint, the optimal exponential behavior of the end-to-end average distortion is characterized for all source-channel bandwidth ratios. It is shown that the optimal transmission strategy is successive refinement source coding followed by progressive transmission over the channel, in which the channel block is allocated dynamically among the layers based on the channel state using the feedback link as an instantaneous automatic repeat request (ARQ) signal.Comment: Presented at the IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), Taormina, Italy, Oct. 200

    Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoffs in MIMO Relay Channels

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    A multi-hop relay channel with multiple antenna terminals in a quasi-static slow fading environment is considered. For both full-duplex and half-duplex relays the fundamental diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (DMT) is analyzed. It is shown that, while decode-and-forward (DF) relaying achieves the optimal DMT in the full-duplex relay scenario, the dynamic decode-and-forward (DDF) protocol is needed to achieve the optimal DMT if the relay is constrained to half-duplex operation. For the latter case, static protocols are considered as well, and the corresponding achievable DMT performance is characterized.Comment: To appear at IEEE Global Communications Conf. (Globecom), New Orleans, LA, Nov. 200

    The Multi-way Relay Channel

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    The multiuser communication channel, in which multiple users exchange information with the help of a relay terminal, termed the multi-way relay channel (mRC), is introduced. In this model, multiple interfering clusters of users communicate simultaneously, where the users within the same cluster wish to exchange messages among themselves. It is assumed that the users cannot receive each other's signals directly, and hence the relay terminal in this model is the enabler of communication. In particular, restricted encoders, which ignore the received channel output and use only the corresponding messages for generating the channel input, are considered. Achievable rate regions and an outer bound are characterized for the Gaussian mRC, and their comparison is presented in terms of exchange rates in a symmetric Gaussian network scenario. It is shown that the compress-and-forward (CF) protocol achieves exchange rates within a constant bit offset of the exchange capacity independent of the power constraints of the terminals in the network. A finite bit gap between the exchange rates achieved by the CF and the amplify-and-forward (AF) protocols is also shown. The two special cases of the mRC, the full data exchange model, in which every user wants to receive messages of all other users, and the pairwise data exchange model which consists of multiple two-way relay channels, are investigated in detail. In particular for the pairwise data exchange model, in addition to the proposed random coding based achievable schemes, a nested lattice coding based scheme is also presented and is shown to achieve exchange rates within a constant bit gap of the exchange capacity.Comment: Revised version of our submission to the Transactions on Information Theor

    Joint Source-Channel Cooperative Transmission over Relay-Broadcast Networks

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    Reliable transmission of a discrete memoryless source over a multiple-relay relay-broadcast network is considered. Motivated by sensor network applications, it is assumed that the relays and the destinations all have access to side information correlated with the underlying source signal. Joint source-channel cooperative transmission is studied in which the relays help the transmission of the source signal to the destinations by using both their overheard signals, as in the classical channel cooperation scenario, as well as the available correlated side information. Decode-and-forward (DF) based cooperative transmission is considered in a network of multiple relay terminals and two different achievability schemes are proposed: i) a regular encoding and sliding-window decoding scheme without explicit source binning at the encoder, and ii) a semi-regular encoding and backward decoding scheme with binning based on the side information statistics. It is shown that both of these schemes lead to the same source-channel code rate, which is shown to be the "source-channel capacity" in the case of i) a physically degraded relay network in which the side information signals are also degraded in the same order as the channel; and ii) a relay-broadcast network in which all the terminals want to reconstruct the source reliably, while at most one of them can act as a relay.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 201

    Lossy Source Transmission over the Relay Channel

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    Lossy transmission over a relay channel in which the relay has access to correlated side information is considered. First, a joint source-channel decode-and-forward scheme is proposed for general discrete memoryless sources and channels. Then the Gaussian relay channel where the source and the side information are jointly Gaussian is analyzed. For this Gaussian model, several new source-channel cooperation schemes are introduced and analyzed in terms of the squared-error distortion at the destination. A comparison of the proposed upper bounds with the cut-set lower bound is given, and it is seen that joint source-channel cooperation improves the reconstruction quality significantly. Moreover, the performance of the joint code is close to the lower bound on distortion for a wide range of source and channel parameters.Comment: Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Toronto, ON, Canada, July 6 - 11, 200

    Compound Multiple Access Channels with Partial Cooperation

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    A two-user discrete memoryless compound multiple access channel with a common message and conferencing decoders is considered. The capacity region is characterized in the special cases of physically degraded channels and unidirectional cooperation, and achievable rate regions are provided for the general case. The results are then extended to the corresponding Gaussian model. In the Gaussian setup, the provided achievable rates are shown to lie within some constant number of bits from the boundary of the capacity region in several special cases. An alternative model, in which the encoders are connected by conferencing links rather than having a common message, is studied as well, and the capacity region for this model is also determined for the cases of physically degraded channels and unidirectional cooperation. Numerical results are also provided to obtain insights about the potential gains of conferencing at the decoders and encoders.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Relaying Simultaneous Multicast Messages

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    The problem of multicasting multiple messages with the help of a relay, which may also have an independent message of its own to multicast, is considered. As a first step to address this general model, referred to as the compound multiple access channel with a relay (cMACr), the capacity region of the multiple access channel with a "cognitive" relay is characterized, including the cases of partial and rate-limited cognition. Achievable rate regions for the cMACr model are then presented based on decode-and-forward (DF) and compress-and-forward (CF) relaying strategies. Moreover, an outer bound is derived for the special case in which each transmitter has a direct link to one of the receivers while the connection to the other receiver is enabled only through the relay terminal. Numerical results for the Gaussian channel are also provided.Comment: This paper was presented at the IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Volos, Greece, June 200

    Morphological assessment of the stylohyoid complex variations with cone beam computed tomography in a Turkish population

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    Background: The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the length, thickness, sagittal and transverse angulations and the morphological variations of the stylohyoid complex (SHC), to assess their probable associations with age and gender, and to investigate the prevalence of it in a wide range of a Turkish sub-population by using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Materials and methods: The CBCT images of the 1000 patients were evaluated retrospectively. The length, thickness, sagittal and transverse angulations, morphological variations and ossification degrees of SHC were evaluated on multiplanar reconstructions (MPR) adnd three-dimensional (3D) volume rendering (3DVR) images. The data were analysed statistically by using nonparametric tests, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, Student’s t test, c2 test and one-way ANOVA. Statistical significance was considered at p < 0.05. Results: It was determined that 684 (34.2%) of all 2000 SHCs were elongated (> 35 mm). The mean sagittal angle value was measured to be 72.24° and the mean transverse angle value was 70.81°. Scalariform shape, elongated type and nodular calcification pattern have the highest mean age values between the morphological groups, respectively. Calcified outline was the most prevalent calcification pattern in males. There was no correlation between length and the calcification pattern groups while scalariform shape and pseudoarticular type were the longest variations. Conclusions: We observed that as the anterior sagittal angle gets wider, SHC tends to get longer. The most observed morphological variations were linear shape, elongated type and calcified outline pattern. Detailed studies on the classification will contribute to the literature. (Folia Morphol 2018; 77, 1: 79–89)

    Secure Lossless Compression with Side Information

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    Secure data compression in the presence of side information at both a legitimate receiver and an eavesdropper is explored. A noise-free, limited rate link between the source and the receiver, whose output can be perfectly observed by the eavesdropper, is assumed. As opposed to the wiretap channel model, in which secure communication can be established by exploiting the noise in the channel, here the existence of side information at the receiver is used. Both coded and uncoded side information are considered. In the coded side information scenario, inner and outer bounds on the compression-equivocation rate region are given. In the uncoded side information scenario, the availability of the legitimate receiver's and the eavesdropper's side information at the encoder is considered, and the compression-equivocation rate region is characterized for these cases. It is shown that the side information at the encoder can increase the equivocation rate at the eavesdropper. Hence, the side information at the encoder is shown to be useful in terms of security; this is in contrast with the pure lossless data compression case where side information at the encoder would not help.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Porto, Portugal, May 5-9, 200
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