343 research outputs found

    Curing the Ills of Higgsless Models: the S Parameter and Unitarity

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    We consider various constraints on Higgsless models of electroweak symmetry breaking based on a bulk SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R x U(1)_{B-L} gauge group in warped space. First we show that the S parameter which is positive if fermions are localized on the Planck brane can be lowered (or made vanishing) by changing the localization of the light fermions. If the wave function of the light fermions is almost flat their coupling to the gauge boson KK modes will be close to vanishing, and therefore contributions to the S parameter will be suppressed. At the same time the experimental bounds on such Z' and W' gauge bosons become very weak, and their masses can be lowered to make sure that perturbative unitarity is not violated in this theory before reaching energies of several TeV. The biggest difficulty of these models is to incorporate a heavy top quark mass without violating any of the experimental bounds on bottom quark gauge couplings. In the simplest models of fermion masses a sufficiently heavy top quark also implies an unacceptably large correction to the Zb\bar{b} vertex and a large splitting between the KK modes of the top and bottom quarks, yielding large loop corrections to the T-parameter. We present possible directions for model building where perhaps these constraints could be obeyed as well.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures. References and acknowledgements adde

    The S-parameter in Holographic Technicolor Models

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    We study the S parameter, considering especially its sign, in models of electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB) in extra dimensions, with fermions localized near the UV brane. Such models are conjectured to be dual to 4D strong dynamics triggering EWSB. The motivation for such a study is that a negative value of S can significantly ameliorate the constraints from electroweak precision data on these models, allowing lower mass scales (TeV or below) for the new particles and leading to easier discovery at the LHC. We first extend an earlier proof of S>0 for EWSB by boundary conditions in arbitrary metric to the case of general kinetic functions for the gauge fields or arbitrary kinetic mixing. We then consider EWSB in the bulk by a Higgs VEV showing that S is positive for arbitrary metric and Higgs profile, assuming that the effects from higher-dimensional operators in the 5D theory are sub-leading and can therefore be neglected. For the specific case of AdS_5 with a power law Higgs profile, we also show that S ~ + O(1), including effects of possible kinetic mixing from higher-dimensional operator (of NDA size) in the 5D5D theory. Therefore, our work strongly suggests that S is positive in calculable models in extra dimensions.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures. v2: references adde

    An action for the (2,0) self-dual tensor multiplet in a conformal supergravity background

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    We present the action for a self-dual tensor in six dimensions, coupled to a (2,0) conformal supergravity background. This action gives rise to the expected equations of motion. An alternative look upon one of the gauge symmetries clarifies its role in the supersymmetry transformation rules and the realisation of the algebra.Comment: 14 pages, accepted by Class. Quant. Gra

    No-Go Theorem for Horizon-Shielded Self-Tuning Singularities

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    We derive a simple no-go theorem relating to self-tuning solutions to the cosmological constant for observers on a brane, which rely on a singularity in an extra dimension. The theorem shows that it is impossible to shield the singularity from the brane by a horizon, unless the positive energy condition (rho+p >= 0) is violated in the bulk or on the brane. The result holds regardless of the kinds of fields which are introduced in the bulk or on the brane, whether Z_2 symmetry is imposed at the brane, or whether higher derivative terms of the Gauss-Bonnet form are added to the gravitational part of the action. However, the no-go theorem can be evaded if the three-brane has spatial curvature. We discuss explicit realizations of such solutions which have both self-tuning and a horizon shielding the singularity.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, revtex; added reference and minor correction

    Higgsless Electroweak Theory following from the Spherical Geometry

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    A new formulation of the Electroweak Model with 3-dimensional spherical geometry in the target space is suggested. The free Lagrangian in the spherical field space along with the standard gauge field Lagrangian form the full Higgsless Lagrangian of the model, whose second order terms reproduce the same fields with the same masses as the Standard Electroweak Model. The vector bosons and electron masses are generated automatically, so there is no need in special mechanism.Comment: 6 page

    Spacelike Branes

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    Scalar field theories with appropriate potentials in Minkowski space can have time-dependent classical solutions containing topological defects which correspond to S-branes - i.e. branes all of whose tangential dimensions are spacelike. It is argued that such S-branes arise in string theory as time-dependent solutions of the worldvolume tachyon field of an unstable D-brane or D-brane-anti-D-brane pair. Using the known coupling of the spacetime RR fields to the worldvolume tachyon it is shown that these S-branes carry a charge, defined as the integral of a RR field strength over a sphere (containing a time as well as spatial dimensions) surrounding the S-brane. This same charge is carried by SD-branes, i.e. Dirichlet branes arising from open string worldsheet conformal field theories with a Dirichlet boundary condition on the timelike dimension. The corresponding SD-brane boundary state is constructed. Supergravity solutions carrying the same charges are also found for a few cases.Comment: 23 pages, harvmac(b), no figures, v2 references added and minor changes, v4: more references adde

    A High Luminosity e+e- Collider to study the Higgs Boson

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    A strong candidate for the Standard Model Scalar boson, H(126), has been discovered by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments. In order to study this fundamental particle with unprecedented precision, and to perform precision tests of the closure of the Standard Model, we investigate the possibilities offered by An e+e- storage ring collider. We use a design inspired by the B-factories, taking into account the performance achieved at LEP2, and imposing a synchrotron radiation power limit of 100 MW. At the most relevant centre-of-mass energy of 240 GeV, near-constant luminosities of 10^34 cm^{-2}s^{-1} are possible in up to four collision points for a ring of 27km circumference. The achievable luminosity increases with the bending radius, and for 80km circumference, a luminosity of 5 10^34 cm^{-2}s^{-1} in four collision points appears feasible. Beamstrahlung becomes relevant at these high luminosities, leading to a design requirement of large momentum acceptance both in the accelerating system and in the optics. The larger machine could reach the top quark threshold, would yield luminosities per interaction point of 10^36 cm^{-2}s^{-1} at the Z pole (91 GeV) and 2 10^35 cm^{-2}s^{-1} at the W pair production threshold (80 GeV per beam). The energy spread is reduced in the larger ring with respect to what is was at LEP, giving confidence that beam polarization for energy calibration purposes should be available up to the W pair threshold. The capabilities in term of physics performance are outlined.Comment: Submitted to the European Strategy Preparatory Group 01-04-2013 new version as re-submitted to PRSTA

    BPS pp-wave brane cosmological solutions in string theory

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    We construct time dependent BPS pp-wave brane solutions in the context of M-theory and type II supergravity. It is found that N-brane solutions we considered satisfy the crossing rule as S-brane solutions but 1/8 supersymmetry remains. By applying them to the cosmological setting, inflationary solutions are obtained. During this inflation, the size of the extradimensions becomes smaller than our four-dimensional spacetime dynamically. We also discuss the mechanism for terminating this inflation and recovering the hot big-bang universe.Comment: 10 page

    Regular S-Brane Backgrounds

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    We construct time-dependent S-brane solutions to the supergravity field equations in various dimensions which (unlike most such geometries) do not contain curvature singularities. The configurations we consider are less symmetric than are earlier solutions, with our simplest solution being obtained by a simple analytical continuation of the Kerr geometry. We discuss in detail the global structure and properties of this background. We then generalize it to higher dimensions and to include more complicated field configurations - like non vanishing scalars and antisymmetric tensor gauge potentials - by the usual artifice of applying duality symmetries.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures. Typos in eq.(2.6) correcte

    4D Constructions of Supersymmetric Extra Dimensions and Gaugino Mediation

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    We present 4D gauge theories which at low energies coincide with higher dimensional supersymmetric (SUSY) gauge theories on a transverse lattice. We show that in the simplest case of pure 5D SUSY Yang-Mills there is an enhancement of SUSY in the continuum limit without fine-tuning. This result no longer holds in the presence of matter fields, in which case fine-tuning is necessary to ensure higher dimensional Lorentz invariance and supersymmetry. We use this construction to generate 4D models which mimic gaugino mediation of SUSY breaking. The way supersymmetry breaking is mediated in these models to the MSSM is by assuming that the physical gauginos are a mixture of a number of gauge eigenstate gauginos: one of these couples to the SUSY breaking sector, while another couples to the MSSM matter fields. The lattice can be as coarse as just two gauge groups while still obtaining the characteristic gaugino-mediated soft breaking terms.Comment: 32 pages LaTeX; missing factor in two-loop gauge-mediated scalar mass estimate fixed, comments on unification revise
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