509 research outputs found

    The social value of expressing personal and general belief in a just world in different contexts

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    Research conducted in France and Portugal has consistently found that expressing high versus low Belief in a Personal Just World (BJW-P) is more socially valued. Results concerning the Belief in a General Just World (BJW-G) have been mixed. We propose this reflects a higher resistance of BJW-P social value to contextual changes. Testing this idea was the main goal of three experimental studies conducted in France, Germany and Portugal. In Study 1 (N = 283) participants expressed higher BJW-G when asked to convey a positive versus a negative image in a job application at a bank. The opposite pattern showed up when they applied for a job at a Human Rights NGO, an employment assistance institution and a trade union. Participants expressed higher BJW-P in all contexts, except at the trade union (no significant differences). In Study 2 (N = 489) participants judged bogus candidates who expressed high or low BJW-P/G while applying for a job at the same contexts. The patterns of judgments replicated those of self-presentations in Study 1. In Study 3 (N = 158), participants were asked to judge targets who expressed high versus moderate versus low BJW-P at a trade union. The former target was more socially valued than the other two. High versus low BJW-P expression was associated with higher stamina and less unadjusted self-enhancement. We conclude that in Western societies the expression of BJW-P is more central to the legitimation of the status quo and that of BJW-G is more context sensitive.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Présence d’un pergélisol würmien sur le piémont des Pyrénées Atlantiques

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    Des cryoturbations se sont produites sur le sommet de terrasses anciennes sur le piémont nord des Pyrénées. Elles déforment le contact entre une couche de loess wùrmien et les cailloutis altérés sous-jacents. Deux fentes de gel fossiles, sous la zone cryoturbée, indiquent la présence, sous la couche active, d'un pergélisol à plus de 15 km au nord des moraines externes de Lourdes.Cryoturbations developed on top of old terraces of the northern piedmont of the Pyrénées. They deformed the contact between a Wurmian loess and weathered gravels underneath. Two fossil ice wedge casts observed under the cryoturbated layer are indicative of a permafrost of Wurmian age, extending more than 15 km north of the external moraines of Lourdes.Kryturbationen haben an der Oberfläche der alten Terrassen der Bergfussebene der Pyrenaen stattgefunden. Sie haben den Kontakt zwischen einer Lôss-Schicht aus der Wurmeiszeit und dem darunter liegenden verwitterten Gerôll verformt. Zwei fossile Frost-Klùfte unter der kryoturbaten Zone weisen auf das Vorhandensein eines Permafrostbodens unter der aktiven Schicht, mehr als 15 km nôrdlich der externen Morànen von Lourdes

    Note sur un site à macrorestes végétaux tardiglaciaires au sud-ouest de Montréal, Québec

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    À une cinquantaine de kilomètres au sud-ouest de Montréal, dans la région de Huntingdon, des dépôts littoraux attribués à la mer de Champlain renferment, vers 110 m d'altitude, deux minces lits organiques fossiles contenant des macrorestes de type arctique-alpin. La datation au radiocarbone de l'un des lits organiques a donné un âge de 10 480 ± 140 BP (Beta-8270). Le contexte géomorphologique, l'identification de la flore macrofossile et l'analyse pollinique indiquent que les lits organiques résultent du mélange, sur un estran tardiglaciaire, de macrorestes provenant de deux habitats d'une toundra sise à proximité du site.Two thin organic layers containing plant macrofossils of arctic-alpine taxa were found in shore deposits, attributed to the Champlain Sea, at an elevation of 110 m above present sea level, near Huntingdon (Québec) about fifty kilometres southwest of Montréal. A radiocarbon date of 10 480 ± 140 BP (Beta-8270) was obtained on one of the organic layers. Geomorphic context, macrofossil flora and pollen analysis suggest that the organic layers were the result of a mix of plant remains from two distinct tundra habitats on a lateglacial strand

    Chronologie de la déglaciation en Gaspésie : nouvelles données et implications

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    De nouvelles datations à l'accélérateur de particules des premiers macrorestes végétaux terricoles accumulés dans les sédiments postglaciaires d'une douzaine de lacs répartis en Gaspésie et au Bas-Saint-Laurent bouleversent entièrement la chronologie générale de la déglaciation de ces régions. Ces données indiquent que la Gaspésie est restée sous l'emprise des glaces jusque vers 10 500-10 000 ans BP sauf en bordure de la péninsule, notamment le long de la côte septentrionale où la déglaciation de l'arrière-pays date d'au moins 12 500 ans BP par endroits. La déglaciation finale se serait produite vers 9500-9000 ans BP dans la région de Murdochville. La chronologie de déglaciation qui se dégage de ces données s'accorde maintenant avec celle des provinces maritimes, notamment pour ce qui est de l'existence de masses glaciaires actives durant l'épisode du Dryas récent. Les conséquences sont importantes, tant pour la modélisation du retrait des glaces, la colonisation végétale et l'accessibilité du territoire aux populations humaines que pour les reconstitutions climatiques.The general chronology of ice retreat in the Lower-St. Lawrence and Gaspé Peninsula regions is drastically changed by new AMS dates on the first terrestrial plant macrofossils recovered from postglacial sediments from a dozen lakes throughout the area. The dates indicate that most of the Gaspé Peninsula was ice-covered until 10 500-10 000 year BP except along coasts, particularly the northern coast, where ice retreat on land dates back over 12 500 year BP in places. Final deglaciation occurred in the Murdochville area at around 9500-9000 year BP. The implied chronology of ice retreat is now in accordance with that from the Maritimes, especially with respect to active ice masses during the Younger Dryas episode. This finding has important implications for the modelling of ice retreat and for climatic reconstructions, as well as for accessibility of land to plant, animal and human populations.Neue Datierungen mit dem Teilchenbeschleuniger der ersten pflanzlichen Erd-Makroreste aus den postglazialen Sedimenten eines Dutzends von Seen der Gaspé-Halbinsel und des unteren Sankt-Lorenz-Gebiets haben die allgemeine Chronologie der Enteisung dieser Regionen drastisch veràndert. Diese Daten zeigen, daB die Gaspé-Halbinsel bis gegen 10 500 - 10 000 Jahre v.u.Z. unter dem EinfluB des Eises stand, auBer am Rand der Halbinsel, besonders entlang der nôrdlichen Kiiste, wo die Enteisung des Hinterlandes stellenweise mindestens vor 12 500 Jahren v.u.Z. stattfand. Die endgultige Enteisung soil gegen 9500 - 9000 Jahre v.u.Z. in der Gegend von Murdochville stattgefunden haben. Die so erhaltene Chronologie der Enteisung stimmt jetzt mit der der Atlantikprovinzen ùberein, vor allem was die Existenz der aktiven Eismassen der jungeren Dryas-Episode betrifft. Die Konsequenzen sind wichtig, sowohl fur das Modellieren des Eisrùckzugs, die Pflanzen-Ansiedlung und die Zuganglichkeit des Gebiets fur menschliche Populationen wie auch fur die klimatischen Rekonstruktionen

    Reconstruction microchirurgicale et prise en charge globale des patients porteurs de cancer ORL : l’importance d’une approche qualité et d’un circuit protocolisé [Microsurgical reconstruction and full management of patients with head and neck cancer: Importance of a quality approach and a circuit protocolisation]

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    Main of study: Management and surgical reconstruction of head and neck cancers remain a challenge. From the first consultation to surgery and radiotherapy, it is necessary to save time to ensure optimum treatment and better survival rates. Objectif: To establish a kind of quality approach to the management of patients with head and neck cancers. 54 patients who had microsurgical reconstruction after head and neck cancer were included in this study between 1997 and 2006. Results : Multiple data were considered: body mass index (BMI), ASA stage, age, existence of a pre-or postoperative radiotherapy, the surgeon's experience and the number of veins drainage. The success rate is superior when more than one draining vein is sutured to the flap for patients with a BMI > 20. Radiotherapy does not seem to affect the survival of the flap. Conclusion: According to current literature, the survival rate of these patients is better when the overall time care is less than 100 days. That period is possible with a perfect organization of the medical and paramedical team. Therefore, we propose to include these patients in a circuit protocolisation care, which saves time, to better inform patients and improve survival rates. Buts: la prise en charge et la reconstruction chirurgicale des cancers ORL restent un challenge. De la première consultation à la chirurgie et la radiothérapie, il est nécessaire de gagner du temps afin d’assurer une traitement optimum et un meilleur taux de survie. Objectif : établir une sorte d’approche qualité de la prise en charge des patients porteurs de cancers ORL. 54 patients qui ont bénéficié d’une reconstruction microchirurgicale suite à un cancer ORL ont été inclus dans cette étude entre 1997 et 2006. Résultats : plusieurs données ont été étudiées : l’index de masse corporelle (IMC), le stade ASA, l’âge, l’existence d’une radiothérapie pré ou post opératoire, l’expérience du chirurgien ainsi que le nombre de veines de drainage. Le taux de succès se révèle supérieur lorsque plus d’une veine de drainage est suturée au lambeau, pour des patients ayant un IMC > 20. La radiothérapie ne semble pas avoir de répercussion sur la survie du lambeau. Conclusion : conformément à la littérature actuelle, le taux de survie de ces patients est meilleur lorsque le temps global de prise en charge est inférieur à 100 jours. Ce délai court n’est possible qu’avec une parfaite organisation de l’équipe médicale et paramédicale. De ce fait, nous proposons d’inclure ces patients dans un circuit de prise en charge protocolisé, ce qui permet de gagner du temps, de mieux informer le patient et d’améliorer le taux de survie

    Bioinspired Nanofeatured Substrates: Suitable Environment for Bone Regeneration.

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    Bone mimicking coatings provide a complex microenvironment in which material, through its inherent properties (such as nanostructure and composition), affects the commitment of stem cells into bone lineage and the production of bone tissue regulating factors required for bone healing and regeneration. Herein, a bioactive mineral/biopolymer composite made of calcium phosphate/chitosan and hyaluronic acid (CaP-CHI-HA) was elaborated using a versatile simultaneous spray coating of interacting species. The resulting CaP-CHI-HA coating was mainly constituted of bioactive, carbonated and crystalline hydroxyapatite with 277 ± 98 nm of roughness, 1 μm of thickness, and 2.3 ± 1 GPa of stiffness. After five days of culture, CaP-CHI-HA suggested a synergistic effect of intrinsic biophysical features and biopolymers on stem cell mechanobiology and nuclear organization, leading to the expression of an early osteoblast-like phenotype and the production of bone tissue regulating factors such as osteoprotegerin and vascular endothelial growth factor. More interestingly, amalgamation with biopolymers conferred to the mineral a bacterial antiadhesive property. These significant data shed light on the potential regenerative application of CaP-CHI-HA bioinspired coating in providing a suitable environment for stem cell bone regeneration and an ideal strategy to prevent implant-associated infections.journal article2017 Apr 122017 03 30importe

    Interplay of Mre11 Nuclease with Dna2 plus Sgs1 in Rad51-Dependent Recombinational Repair

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    The Mre11/Rad50/Xrs2 complex initiates IR repair by binding to the end of a double-strand break, resulting in 5′ to 3′ exonuclease degradation creating a single-stranded 3′ overhang competent for strand invasion into the unbroken chromosome. The nuclease(s) involved are not well understood. Mre11 encodes a nuclease, but it has 3′ to 5′, rather than 5′ to 3′ activity. Furthermore, mutations that inactivate only the nuclease activity of Mre11 but not its other repair functions, mre11-D56N and mre11-H125N, are resistant to IR. This suggests that another nuclease can catalyze 5′ to 3′ degradation. One candidate nuclease that has not been tested to date because it is encoded by an essential gene is the Dna2 helicase/nuclease. We recently reported the ability to suppress the lethality of a dna2Δ with a pif1Δ. The dna2Δ pif1Δ mutant is IR-resistant. We have determined that dna2Δ pif1Δ mre11-D56N and dna2Δ pif1Δ mre11-H125N strains are equally as sensitive to IR as mre11Δ strains, suggesting that in the absence of Dna2, Mre11 nuclease carries out repair. The dna2Δ pif1Δ mre11-D56N triple mutant is complemented by plasmids expressing Mre11, Dna2 or dna2K1080E, a mutant with defective helicase and functional nuclease, demonstrating that the nuclease of Dna2 compensates for the absence of Mre11 nuclease in IR repair, presumably in 5′ to 3′ degradation at DSB ends. We further show that sgs1Δ mre11-H125N, but not sgs1Δ, is very sensitive to IR, implicating the Sgs1 helicase in the Dna2-mediated pathway
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