47 research outputs found

    The evolution of the plastid chromosome in land plants: gene content, gene order, gene function

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    This review bridges functional and evolutionary aspects of plastid chromosome architecture in land plants and their putative ancestors. We provide an overview on the structure and composition of the plastid genome of land plants as well as the functions of its genes in an explicit phylogenetic and evolutionary context. We will discuss the architecture of land plant plastid chromosomes, including gene content and synteny across land plants. Moreover, we will explore the functions and roles of plastid encoded genes in metabolism and their evolutionary importance regarding gene retention and conservation. We suggest that the slow mode at which the plastome typically evolves is likely to be influenced by a combination of different molecular mechanisms. These include the organization of plastid genes in operons, the usually uniparental mode of plastid inheritance, the activity of highly effective repair mechanisms as well as the rarity of plastid fusion. Nevertheless, structurally rearranged plastomes can be found in several unrelated lineages (e.g. ferns, Pinaceae, multiple angiosperm families). Rearrangements and gene losses seem to correlate with an unusual mode of plastid transmission, abundance of repeats, or a heterotrophic lifestyle (parasites or myco-heterotrophs). While only a few functional gene gains and more frequent gene losses have been inferred for land plants, the plastid Ndh complex is one example of multiple independent gene losses and will be discussed in detail. Patterns of ndh-gene loss and functional analyses indicate that these losses are usually found in plant groups with a certain degree of heterotrophy, might rendering plastid encoded Ndh1 subunits dispensable

    Combined petrological, geochemical and isotopic modeling of a plume source:example of Gambier Island, Pitcairn chain

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    Mantle plumes have been increasingly studied in the past years, yet they remain not well understood. While geophysical approaches attempt to locate the depth of sources, petrological approaches characterize the nature of the materials that melt and geochemical approaches trace their history and origin. However, combined studies remain rare while they could provide strong constraints on the processes that give rise to mantle plumes. Here we present a new model that combines petrological and geochemical approaches to constrain the nature of source materials, their temperature of melting, their composition and their age. We focus on Gambier Island, Pitcairn chain in Polynesia because it has the advantage of combining two important features, (a) most lavas are tholeiites, a necessary feature to perform an accurate petrological modeling that can be compared to other plumes and (b) it belongs to the Pitcairn Chain, whose composition varies through time and samples today the extreme EM1-type source.We present geochemical analyses as well as Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopes of lavas and high-precision olivine analyses. Using in situ olivine analyses and REE modeling, we constrain the composition of the mantle source (5% recycled oceanic crust - 95% peridotite), how both components melt (25-30% versus 0.5-1.5%) and we estimate the temperature of Gambier source at about 1400 °C, a rather low temperature compared to Hawaii for example. We also constrain both the age and the nature of the recycled material using the isotopic data. They require the presence of about 3% sediment associated to recycled basalt in the pyroxenitic component and its age is about 1.5 Gyr. We also attribute the marked Nb-Ta positive anomalies and the elevated Ce/Pb ratios to the presence of recycled basalt in the mantle source. These features resemble typical HIMU lavas but the younger age of the recycled material together with the presence of sediment in the plume source explains the lower Pb isotopic ratios. The clear isotopic change between Gambier and Pitcairn Islands suggests that the plume source changed radically within 5 Ma. More generally, our new data and model suggest that the FOZO composition as sampled by Gambier lavas does not necessarily represent a large and rather primitive mantle source

    Combined petrological, geochemical and isotopic modeling of a plume source:example of Gambier Island, Pitcairn chain

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    Mantle plumes have been increasingly studied in the past years, yet they remain not well understood. While geophysical approaches attempt to locate the depth of sources, petrological approaches characterize the nature of the materials that melt and geochemical approaches trace their history and origin. However, combined studies remain rare while they could provide strong constraints on the processes that give rise to mantle plumes. Here we present a new model that combines petrological and geochemical approaches to constrain the nature of source materials, their temperature of melting, their composition and their age. We focus on Gambier Island, Pitcairn chain in Polynesia because it has the advantage of combining two important features, (a) most lavas are tholeiites, a necessary feature to perform an accurate petrological modeling that can be compared to other plumes and (b) it belongs to the Pitcairn Chain, whose composition varies through time and samples today the extreme EM1-type source.We present geochemical analyses as well as Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopes of lavas and high-precision olivine analyses. Using in situ olivine analyses and REE modeling, we constrain the composition of the mantle source (5% recycled oceanic crust - 95% peridotite), how both components melt (25-30% versus 0.5-1.5%) and we estimate the temperature of Gambier source at about 1400 °C, a rather low temperature compared to Hawaii for example. We also constrain both the age and the nature of the recycled material using the isotopic data. They require the presence of about 3% sediment associated to recycled basalt in the pyroxenitic component and its age is about 1.5 Gyr. We also attribute the marked Nb-Ta positive anomalies and the elevated Ce/Pb ratios to the presence of recycled basalt in the mantle source. These features resemble typical HIMU lavas but the younger age of the recycled material together with the presence of sediment in the plume source explains the lower Pb isotopic ratios. The clear isotopic change between Gambier and Pitcairn Islands suggests that the plume source changed radically within 5 Ma. More generally, our new data and model suggest that the FOZO composition as sampled by Gambier lavas does not necessarily represent a large and rather primitive mantle source