3 research outputs found

    Efficacy of cardiosynchronized electrical stimulation in patients with acute heart failure

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    Objective: to study the efficacy of external cardiosynchronized muscular counterpulsation (CMC) in patients with different variants of acute heart failure. The study included the examination results of 62 patients with acute heart failure, which undergo two variants (two groups) of therapy: 1) only the standard drug therapy (diuretics, nitrates, etc .) and 2) in the case of its inefficacy over 12 hours, combination of the drug therapy with the CMC sessions over 7 days. The clinical assessment of the patients under examination characterized the group with the standard therapy as less severe. In 64% of the group 2 patients, a significant improvement in the form of improvement in the fluid balance indices was noted during the combined therapy

    Success of clinical applications of a method dispersive mapping

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    The article includes a brief description of the new method in the electrocardiographic diagnostics — Dispersion Mapping, and the main results of clinical studies. The method finds now the increasing application in clinical practice. The general theoretical prerequisites and methodological aspects of application of the method were considered and the basic principles of analysis were proposed. The results of our original studies were stated. The data on diagnostic and prognostic meaning of the dispersion mapping in health groups and group of patients with different forms of the Coronary Heart Disease were heavily emphasized. Some distant outcomes of the acute coronary syndrome and results of other recent clinical studies were considered

    The method of dispertion mapping in estimation of dayly end annual fluctuations microalternance ECG-signal

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    The study dayly and seasonal rhythm of the factors the analysis variance EKG opens the new possibilities for not invasive study of the processes on cardiometabolic level to organizations of the alive system. The material for the first time introduce in publications on monitoring factors dispertion mapping of ECG-signal. The most important result of the study was a discovery dayly and seasonal rhythm of the factors DM ECG beside sound persons