353 research outputs found

    Perceived Quality of Tourist Services. Case of Tarnava Mare Iulia C.

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    This paper presents the perceived quality of tourist services from Tarnava Mare. The mainobjective of the research was to evaluate the quality of the rural guesthouses by using the SERVQUALmethod. The SERVQUAL method permitted to develop e new research instrument adapted to the typeof analyzed services (rural tourism accommodation facilities). The survey was made during the periodaugust 2010-april 2011. The analysis of the 22 statements revealed that the main problem of theaccommodation guesthouses was related to their availability of solving the tourists’ demands, even ifthe other aspects related to the staff behavior was evaluated positive. The problems are mainly due tothe fact that the owners are those which assure the services’ delivery, and in most of the cases thetourists’ activity represents a complementary activity. As solutions for all these negative aspects canbe mention participation to trainings, hire qualified staff

    Compiling a Visitors Profile in Tarnava Mare Area

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    This research is a first step for estimating the main characteristics of the visitors from the Tarnava Mare Region. For assuring and for offering a high quality level of tourist services, as a competitive advantage for investors (in term of increasing the number of tourists and, implicitly, the turnover and profit), the profile of the visitors must be was studied using a direct survey by implementing a questionnaire using QUALITEST and SERVQUAL instruments, for observing the expected qualitative level of tourist destination. The research offers valuable information for determining relevant conclusions that can be used a fundament for diversifying and adapting the tourist offers as an important element for increasing the attractiveness of tourist destination

    Quality estimation of training courses using SERVQUAL model

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    Nowadays the training courses represents a real problem, and more and more people are interested in improving or developing new skills in order to improve their professional status. This article examines the factors which influence the quality of the training courses held by FAER organization. The training courses are address to possible future entrepreneurs. The courses were in the field of management, marketing, finance and other economic subjects. Due to the basic characterizes of the services it is difficult to evaluate the quality of this kind of activity. To achieve the purpose of the paper a survey was conducted using the SERVQUAL method. The total number of responds whom participate in this survey was 194. The results reveal the fact that the training courses did not achieve the expectations of the participants and the main problems which were indicated are related with the schedule and the ability of the professors to communicate and make the participants to feel comfortable during the classes. The training courses are important for the development of new skills of thouse who want to become an enterpreneur. To increase the quality of these courses is recomanded to pay attention also to the relation between lectures and praticipants, not only to the quantity and quality of the material provided

    The Current Problem of the Farmer, Situation and Prospects for Rural Areas of Kurdistan Region- Iraq

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    Abstract. Rural areas are meeting considerable challenges today which arise mainly from globalization, demographic change and the rural migration -to-urban migration. Rural farmers were account the prominent part of the population of any developing country such as Kurdistan Region. When the rural farmers lack access to knowledge, general services, early warning systems (drought, pests, diseases etc.), improved seedlings, fertilizer, lack of agricultural equipments, credit, market prices and lack of information that would help them achieve maximum agricultural yield, they are not only grope in the dark but are driven to the urban center in search of formal employment

    Why to Support Ecological Agriculture in the Common Agricultural Policies? Case of Romania

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    This paper has as the main objective the comparative analysis of production costs in fruitstrees ecological agriculture as well as for conventional agriculture. Sequentially, it was determinatedthe expenses changes that occur on similar farms in the two analyzed farming systems: ecological andconventional, using a survey instrument, a questionnaire which, provided data necessary to analyzedifferences in costs for different agricultural production. Based on the results of the comparative study,it can be observed that there are significant differences in the variable production costs and grossmargin of each culture, the lowest gross margin are recorded, mainly, for the farms on the conversionperiod, proving the necessity for supporting the ecological agriculture

    Tourism Demand Segmentation Based on Type of Services. Case of Vatra Dornei

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    Tourism represents a sector which has developed during the last decades. The number ofthose which travel for leisure increased year by year. According to the data offered by UNWTO in2011 the international tourists’ arrivals reached a total of 980 million, up from 939 million in 2010. Atthe national level according the National Institute for Statistics press release, the number of the arrivalsincreased by 16%, while the overnights stay increased by 12.2% in 2011 compared to 2010. Based onthese facts and the Minister of Regional Development and Tourism strategies researches need to beconducted to determinate the tourism demand structure and tourists’ preferences for services

    Estimating the quality of tourist destination in Tarnava Mare Area

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    This paper presents the results of a research conducted in the Tarnava Mare Region by setting up an original tool based on QUALITEST and SERVQUAL methods, having as main objective to determine the quality of the region as a tourist destination. The working method used was a social survey based on questionnaire. Research carried out revealed that tourist services in general and of the tourist guesthouses, in particular, are difficult to quantify in terms of quality, being based mainly on emotional impressions. Because of that, a continuous adaptation of research instruments is needed in order to determine the most valuable future directions for the development of the region in terms of tourism

    Difficulties of Measuring the Effects of Entrepreneurial Training

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    By analyzing the studied socio-economic, it was observed that the recession and theeconomic crisis had negative effects, since the investments, both in public and in private sectors werenot sufficient to cover all the needs. Also, it can be seen that local authorities had not enough resourcesand/or they were unable to create a coherent strategy for effectively combating the negativeconsequences of the economic depreciation over communities. So, the need for entrepreneurship skillsof people, both through the need to develop the current business environment and the availability ofpeople to attend and take advantage of later knowledge gained is more stringent

    Profile of Participants to Entrepreneurship Training Courses

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    This paper presents the particularities of participants’ profile to trainings. The research wasconducted in April 2012 in four counties of Romania: Arges, Bistrita-Nasaud, Mures and Suceava.The research method was de survey based on questionnaire. The sample size was of 194 respondents.The study revealed that the participants in training are mainly female, with high education level andlow income