702 research outputs found

    Utilization of Poly(methyl Methacrylate) Rejection Blended with Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Resins and the Effect on Product Properties

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    PMMA is one of the main raw materials for the injection molding process in the lens industries. Since this process requires extremely careful techniques to obtain lens with the best quality, it leads to a high rate of product rejection. These rejected products do not only pose an issue for the industrial environment and require storage space, their price also falls significantly. Among the solutions to this problem is to reuse the rejected products as substitute materials for the manufacture of another product's part such as lamp holders. This process reuses rejected PMMA-containing products in the ABS base polymer industries so as to generate PMMA-containing products with better physical properties. In this experiment, 10 to 40 % (w/w) of rejected PMMA was blended with ABS resins. The monomer content in the ABS resins was analyzed by NMR. Moreover, the mechanical, thermal, and morphological properties of the blended products were also examined. The NMR analysis showed that the resin contained 21.6 % butadiene monomer, in which its value was higher than the value required for materials with high-impact class application. The blend of resins and rejected PMMA (10-30% w/w) could increase the tensile strength value and decrease Izod impact strength and elongation percentage. The morphological analysis showed that this increased PMMA content may also result in widespread brittle areas. Since the blend was designed without compatibilizers, the DSC analysis indicated that the resulting blend in any ratios was not completely miscible. It was revealed that ABS resins containing 10% PMMA was the best blend for the polymer engineering application and this blend still had adequate properties and elastomer content required

    Islamic Education Philosophy Development (Study Analysis on Ta'lim al-Kitab al-Zarnuji Muta'allim Works)

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    Ta'lim Muta'allim is one of the monumental works of Shaykh Tajuddin Nu'man ibn Ibrahim ibn al-Khalil al-Zarnuji, who lived in the 6th century H / 13-14 M. The reason for writing this study ie: (1) it is very rich with the basic values of Islamic education, (2) the values are already widely practiced in the world of education, especially among boarding schools, and (3) most teachings are so relevant applied in education today, given the students a lot to lose character and Indonesian identity as a religious community and plural. As the subject of the study are (1) what is the nature of learning objectives (2) how the moral nature of man and the action of the outside world, and (3) how the thought of al-Zarnuji position among Islamic educational philosophy flow map. The approach used writing tools philosophy of Islamic education (eclectic incorporative) and engineering analysis using content analysis. The findings, according to al-Zarnuji that the purpose of education / knowledge gained is more focused on religious values (theocentric) compared with human values (anthropocentric) and values to the experience (Cosmo centric). The nature and process of development is a positive-active. While the position of his thinking on the map of Islamic educational philosophy located on the territory of the conservative-religious. Keywords: ta'lim al-muta'allim, educational, moral nature, and the flow of educational thought


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    Human resources in a company is an asset that can realize the achievement of the company’s mission to obtain benefits. The Jayakarta Bandung Hotel has 90% of employees who are competent and certified, but there are still complaints about the services provided. Therefore, this study was done to determine the influence of competence on performance, motivation on performance, and organizational culture on performance; and the influence of the competence, motivation, and work culture on the employee performance. This study used a quantitative research method approach with descriptive statistics, the data collection tool of questionnaires. The population was all employees of The Jayakarta Bandung Hotel with a purposive sample of 66 employees. The results showed that: employees’ competence tended to be at a sufficient value (a significant effect on the performance); employees’ motivation tended to be at a good value (a significant effect on the performance); and work culture tendency tended to be at a sufficient value to affect the performance. In conclusion, statistical hypotheses were accepted, indicating direct influence of X1 on Y was 9.61%. The value of indirect effect of X1 through X2 on Y was 9.85%, and that of X1 through X3 on Y was 5.39%. The total effect of X1 was 24.80%

    Analisis Kinerja Ekspor Komoditas Unggulan Dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Daerah Sulawesi Tengah

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    The purposes of this study as follow: firstly, to determine the contribution of export commodities regional economic growth in Central Sulawesi; secondly, to determine the contribution of Central Sulawesi total exports to the economic growth of Central Sulawesi; thirdly, to determine the magnitude of the leading commodity exports of Central Sulawesi to the total exports of Central Sulawesi; lastly, to determine the effect of commodity exports on the regional economic growth of Central Sulawesi. This study apply RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage) analysis to identify the main commodity. Then, this study is purposed to answer the contribution of main export commodity to economic growth by using contributions analysis, and this study is also conducted to identify the impact of exports on economic growth by usingthe simple regression. The result shows that the leading commodity has a substantial contribution to economic growth in which the largest contribution of cocoa with 14.7 per cent in 2010. The total contribution of Central Sulawesi export on regional economic growth in the period 2002-2013 was lower compare to the period 2010. The economic growth in the period 2002-2003 shows that the value was fluctuated with the average contribution of 10.4 per cent. Meanwhile, the largest contribution was occurred in 2009 with 18.49 percent. This study found that cocoa is the leading commodity with the range of contribution between 11,3- 94,2 per cent in the period 2002-2013. Furthermore, simple regression shows that the Central Sulawesi commodity exports (independent variable) has positive correlation, but not significant, to the dependent variable swith 1,964


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    E. cottonii merupakan salah satu makroalga merah yang mengandung senyawa Mycosporine-like amino acids(MAAs) yang mempunyai aktivitas mengabsorpsi radiasi UV-A dan UV-B sehingga E. cottonii bisa dikembagkanuntuk menjadi produk krim tabir surya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan formulasi krim tabir suryaberbahan dasar E. cottonii yang tepat sehingga didapatkan produk krim tabir surya dari E. cottonii yangmemiliki mutu fisik yang baik melalui uji pH, uji viskositas, uji daya sebar, memiliki stabilitas fisik yang baikserta nilai SPF yang maksimal. Metode dalam penelitian ini merupakan metode eksperimen laboratorium.Bubur E. cottonii diformulasi menjadi krim tabir surya dengan mencampurkannya kedalam basis krim yangtelah dibuat. Krim dibuat dengan mencampurkan bubur E. cottonii dengan jumlah yang berbeda kedalambasis krim (F0). Formula dibuat sebanyak tiga macam dengan mencampurkan 5 gram bubur E. cottonii kedalam F0 (F1), 15 gram bubur E. cottonii ke dalam F0 (F2), dan 25 gram bubur E. cottonii ke dalam F0 (F3).Krim yang telah dibuat kemudian di evaluasi mutu fisiknya yang meliputi uji organoleptis dan homogenitas, ujiviskositas, uji daya sebar, dan uji pH. Kemudian dilakukan penentuan nilai Sun Protecting Factor (SPF) krimdengan menggunakan spektrofotometri UV-VIS. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa krim F0, F1, F2, dan F3tidak mengalami perubahan secara organoleptis, homogenitas, pH dan viskositas selama empat minggu.Sediaan krim F1, F2, dan F3 memenuhi daya sebar yang baik yaitu 5-7 cm. Nilai viskositas F0, F1, F2, dan F3memenuhi persyaratan krim yang baik yaitu berkisar antara 7.500-28.500 cPs selama penyimpanan empatminggu. Nilai pH F0, F1, F2, dan F3 sesuai dengan SNI dan pH balance kulit normal manusia yaitu berkisarantara 5,5-6,3. Formula terbaik yang memiliki nilai SPF maksimal adalah krim dengan penambahan bubur E.cottonii 25 gram (F3) yaitu 10,9

    Strategi Bertahan Hidup Penaraik Perahu Motor di Kampung Pinang Sebatang Kecamatan Tualang Kabupaten Siak

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    This research was conducted in Pinang village of Tualang Subdistrict of Siak District. Thepurpose of this study was to analyze the dynamics of the life of a motor boat puller in PinangSatu village, how the social capital of towing a motorboat, and how the strategy in survival. Thetheory used is the strategy of survival, social adaptation, and social capital. The analysis used inthe problem questioning in this research is qualitative with descriptive approach which is thenanalyzed based on the theory and presented in the narrative qualitatively, the data retrievaltechnique in this research is the porposive sampling where the number of informants in thisresearch is 5 people. From the results of the research in the field of motor boat pullers establishthree strategies in survival which is an active strategy by exploiting the potential of the familyby looking for a side job and include family members in work, passive strataegi by pressing theamount of expenditure or by frugality, then apply a network strategy that is with Establishrelationships with relatives or other relations. Further social capital that occurs among fellowtowing workers, owners with boat towing workers, towing boats with passengers, and towingworkers boat to the community around that is by applying social capital, economic capital, andcultural capital
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