18 research outputs found

    Offline Witness Encryption from Witness PRF and Randomized Encoding in CRS model

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    Witness pseudorandom functions (witness PRFs) generate a pseudorandom value corresponding to an instance x of an NP language and the same pseudorandom value can be recomputed if a witness w that x is in the language is known. Zhandry (TCC 2016) introduced the idea of witness PRFs and gave a construction using multilinear maps. Witness PRFs can be interconnected with the recent powerful cryptographic primitive called witness encryption. In witness encryption, a message can be encrypted with respect to an instance x of an NP language and a decryptor that knows a witness w corresponding to the instance x can recover the message from the ciphertext. Mostly, witness encryption was constructed using obfuscation or multilinear maps. In this work, we build (single relation) witness PRFs using a puncturable pseudorandom function and a randomized encoding in common reference string (CRS) model. Next, we propose construction of an offline witness encryption having short ciphertexts from a public-key encryption scheme, an extractable witness PRF and a randomized encoding in CRS model. Furthermore, we show how to convert our single relation witness PRF into a multi-relation witness PRF and the offline witness encryption into an offline functional witness encryption scheme

    Simple Proofs of Space-Time and Rational Proofs of Storage

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    We introduce a new cryptographic primitive: Proofs of Space-Time (PoSTs) and construct an extremely simple, practical protocol for implementing these proofs. A PoST allows a prover to convince a verifier that she spent a ``space-time\u27\u27 resource (storing data---space---over a period of time). Formally, we define the PoST resource as a trade-off between CPU work and space-time (under reasonable cost assumptions, a rational user will prefer to use the lower-cost space-time resource over CPU work). Compared to a proof-of-work, a PoST requires less energy use, as the ``difficulty\u27\u27 can be increased by extending the time period over which data is stored without increasing computation costs. Our definition is very similar to ``Proofs of Space\u27\u27 [ePrint 2013/796, 2013/805] but, unlike the previous definitions, takes into account amortization attacks and storage duration. Moreover, our protocol uses a very different (and much simpler) technique, making use of the fact that we explicitly allow a space-time tradeoff, and doesn\u27t require any non-standard assumptions (beyond random oracles). Unlike previous constructions, our protocol allows incremental difficulty adjustment, which can gracefully handle increases in the price of storage compared to CPU work. In addition, we show how, in a cryptocurrency context, the parameters of the scheme can be adjusted using a market-based mechanism, similar in spirit to the difficulty adjustment for PoW protocols

    Tight Proofs of Space and Replication

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    We construct a concretely practical proof-of-space (PoS) with arbitrarily tight security based on stacked depth robust graphs and constant-degree expander graphs. A proof-of-space (PoS) is an interactive proof system where a prover demonstrates that it is persistently using space to store information. A PoS is arbitrarily tight if the honest prover uses exactly N space and for any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 the construction can be tuned such that no adversary can pass verification using less than 1ϵN1-\epsilon N space. Most notably, the degree of the graphs in our construction are independent of ϵ\epsilon, and the number of layers is only O(log(1/ϵ))O(\log(1/\epsilon)). The proof size is O(d/ϵ)O(d/\epsilon). The degree dd depends on the depth robust graphs, which are only required to maintain Ω(N)\Omega(N) depth in subgraphs on 80% of the nodes. Our tight PoS is also secure against parallel attacks. Tight proofs of space are necessary for proof-of-replication (PoRep), which is a publicly verifiable proof that the prover is dedicating unique resources to storing one or more retrievable replicas of a file. Our main PoS construction can be used as a PoRep, but data extraction is as inefficient as replica generation. We present a second variant of our construction called ZigZag PoRep that has fast/parallelizable data extraction compared to replica generation and maintains the same space tightness while only increasing the number of levels by roughly a factor two

    Semi-Adaptively Secure Offline Witness Encryption from Puncturable Witness PRF

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    In this work, we introduce the notion of puncturable witness pseudorandom function (pWPRF) which is a stronger variant of WPRF proposed by Zhandry, TCC 2016. The punctured technique is similar to what we have seen for puncturable PRFs and is capable of extending the applications of WPRF. Specifically, we construct a semi-adaptively secure offline witness encryption (OWE) scheme using a pWPRF, an indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) and a symmetric-key encryption (SKE), which enables us to encrypt messages along with NP statements. We show that replacing iO with extractability obfuscation, the OWE turns out to be an extractable offline witness encryption scheme. To gain finer control over data, we further demonstrate how to convert our OWEs into offline functional witness encryption (OFWE) and extractable OFWE. All of our OWEs and OFWEs produce an optimal size ciphertext, in particular, encryption of a message is as small as the size of the message plus the security parameter multiplied with a constant, which is optimal for any public-key encryption scheme. On the other hand, in any previous OWE, the size of a ciphertext increases polynomially with the size of messages. Finally, we show that the WPRF of Pal et al. (ACISP 2019) can be extended to a pWPRF and an extractable pWPRF

    New Techniques in Replica Encodings with Client Setup

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    A proof of replication system is a cryptographic primitive that allows a server (or group of servers) to prove to a client that it is dedicated to storing multiple copies or replicas of a file. Until recently, all such protocols required fined-grained timing assumptions on the amount of time it takes for a server to produce such replicas. Damgård, Ganesh, and Orlandi (CRYPTO\u27 19) proposed a novel notion that we will call proof of replication with client setup. Here, a client first operates with secret coins to generate the replicas for a file. Such systems do not inherently have to require fine-grained timing assumptions. At the core of their solution to building proofs of replication with client setup is an abstraction called replica encodings. Briefly, these comprise a private coin scheme where a client algorithm given a file mm can produce an encoding σ\sigma. The encodings have the property that, given any encoding σ\sigma, one can decode and retrieve the original file mm. Secondly, if a server has significantly less than nmn \cdot |m| bit of storage, it cannot reproduce nn encodings. The authors give a construction of encodings from ideal permutations and trapdoor functions. In this work, we make three central contributions: 1) Our first contribution is that we discover and demonstrate that the security argument put forth by DGO19 is fundamentally flawed. Briefly, the security argument makes assumptions on the attacker\u27s storage behavior that does not capture general attacker strategies. We demonstrate this issue by constructing a trapdoor permutation which is secure assuming indistinguishability obfuscation, serves as a counterexample to their claim (for the parameterization stated). 2) In our second contribution we show that the DGO19 construction is actually secure in the ideal permutation model from any trapdoor permutation when parameterized correctly. In particular, when the number of rounds in the construction is equal to λnb\lambda \cdot n \cdot b where λ\lambda is the security parameter, nn is the number of replicas and bb is the number of blocks. To do so we build up a proof approach from the ground up that accounts for general attacker storage behavior where we create an analysis technique that we call ``sequence-then-switch\u27\u27. 3) Finally, we show a new construction that is provably secure in the random oracle (or random function) model. Thus requiring less structure on the ideal function

    Syndromic surveillance: STL for modeling, visualizing, and monitoring disease counts

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Public health surveillance is the monitoring of data to detect and quantify unusual health events. Monitoring pre-diagnostic data, such as emergency department (ED) patient chief complaints, enables rapid detection of disease outbreaks. There are many sources of variation in such data; statistical methods need to accurately model them as a basis for timely and accurate disease outbreak methods.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Our new methods for modeling daily chief complaint counts are based on a seasonal-trend decomposition procedure based on loess (STL) and were developed using data from the 76 EDs of the Indiana surveillance program from 2004 to 2008. Square root counts are decomposed into inter-annual, yearly-seasonal, day-of-the-week, and random-error components. Using this decomposition method, we develop a new synoptic-scale (days to weeks) outbreak detection method and carry out a simulation study to compare detection performance to four well-known methods for nine outbreak scenarios.</p> <p>Result</p> <p>The components of the STL decomposition reveal insights into the variability of the Indiana ED data. Day-of-the-week components tend to peak Sunday or Monday, fall steadily to a minimum Thursday or Friday, and then rise to the peak. Yearly-seasonal components show seasonal influenza, some with bimodal peaks.</p> <p>Some inter-annual components increase slightly due to increasing patient populations. A new outbreak detection method based on the decomposition modeling performs well with 90 days or more of data. Control limits were set empirically so that all methods had a specificity of 97%. STL had the largest sensitivity in all nine outbreak scenarios. The STL method also exhibited a well-behaved false positive rate when run on the data with no outbreaks injected.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The STL decomposition method for chief complaint counts leads to a rapid and accurate detection method for disease outbreaks, and requires only 90 days of historical data to be put into operation. The visualization tools that accompany the decomposition and outbreak methods provide much insight into patterns in the data, which is useful for surveillance operations.</p

    Lower Bounds on the Time/Memory Tradeoff of Function Inversion

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    We study time/memory tradeoffs of function inversion: an algorithm, i.e., an inverter, equipped with an ss-bit advice on a randomly chosen function f ⁣:[n][n]f\colon [n] \mapsto [n] and using qq oracle queries to ff, tries to invert a randomly chosen output yy of ff, i.e., to find xf1(y)x\in f^{-1}(y). Much progress was done regarding adaptive function inversion - the inverter is allowed to make adaptive oracle queries. Hellman [IEEE transactions on Information Theory \u2780] presented an adaptive inverter that inverts with high probability a random ff. Fiat and Naor [SICOMP \u2700] proved that for any s,qs,q with s3q=n3s^3 q = n^3 (ignoring low-order terms), an ss-advice, qq-query variant of Hellman\u27s algorithm inverts a constant fraction of the image points of any function. Yao [STOC \u2790] proved a lower bound of sqnsq\ge n for this problem. Closing the gap between the above lower and upper bounds is a long-standing open question. Very little is known for the non-adaptive variant of the question - the inverter chooses its queries in advance. The only known upper bounds, i.e., inverters, are the trivial ones (with s+q=ns+q= n), and the only lower bound is the above bound of Yao. In a recent work, Corrigan-Gibbs and Kogan [TCC \u2719] partially justified the difficulty of finding lower bounds on non-adaptive inverters, showing that a lower bound on the time/memory tradeoff of non-adaptive inverters implies a lower bound on low-depth Boolean circuits. Bounds that, for a strong enough choice of parameters, are notoriously hard to prove. We make progress on the above intriguing question, both for the adaptive and the non-adaptive case, proving the following lower bounds on restricted families of inverters: - Linear-advice (adaptive inverter): If the advice string is a linear function of ff (e.g., A×fA\times f, for some matrix AA, viewing ff as a vector in [n]n[n]^n), then s+qΩ(n)s+q \in \Omega(n). The bound generalizes to the case where the advice string of f1+f2f_1 + f_2, i.e., the coordinate-wise addition of the truth tables of f1f_1 and f2f_2, can be computed from the description of f1f_1 and f2f_2 by a low communication protocol. - Affine non-adaptive decoders: If the non-adaptive inverter has an affine decoder - it outputs a linear function, determined by the advice string and the element to invert, of the query answers - then sΩ(n)s \in \Omega(n) (regardless of qq). - Affine non-adaptive decision trees: If the non-adaptive inversion algorithm is a dd-depth affine decision tree - it outputs the evaluation of a decision tree whose nodes compute a linear function of the answers to the queries - and q0q 0, then sΩ(n/dlogn)s\in \Omega(n/d \log n)

    Offline Witness Encryption with Semi-Adaptive Security

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    The first construction of Witness Encryption (WE) by Garg et al. (STOC 2013) has led to many exciting avenues of research in the past years. A particularly interesting variant is Offline WE (OWE) by Abusalah et al. (ACNS 2016), as the encryption algorithm uses neither obfuscation nor multilinear maps. Current OWE schemes provide only selective security. That is, the adversary must commit to their challenge messages m0m_0 and m1m_1 before seeing the public parameters. We provide a new, generic framework to construct OWE, which achieves adaptive security in the sense that the adversary may choose their challenge messages adaptively. We call this semi-adaptive security, because - as in prior work - the instance of the considered NP language that is used to create the challenge ciphertext must be fixed before the parameters are generated in the security proof. We show that our framework gives the first OWE scheme with constant ciphertext overhead even for messages of polynomially-bounded size. We achieve this by introducing a new variant of puncturable encryption defined by Green and Miers (S&P 2015) and combining it with the iO-based approach of Abusalah et al. Finally, we show that our framework can be easily extended to construct the first Extractable Offline Witness Encryption (EOWE), by using extractability obfuscation of Boyle et al. (TCC 2014) in place of iO, opening up even more possible applications. The obfuscation is needed only for our public parameters, but its functionality can be realised with a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE), which means we have a very efficient scheme with ciphertexts consisting of only 5 group elements

    Witness Encryption with (Weak) Unique Decryption and Message Indistinguishability: Constructions and Applications

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    In this paper, we investigate WE scheme with the unique decryption and message indistinguishability, as well as its compelling applications. Our contributions are three-fold: (i) we first propose the notion of WE with MI and weak unique decryption, and give a construction based on public-coin differing-inputs obfuscation (diO), pseudorandom generator, and the Goldreich-Levin hard-core predicate; (ii) We show that our WE with MI and weak unique decryption can be used to construct a 4-round non-black-box honest-verifier zero-knowledge argument protocol; and (iii) We present a WE scheme with unique decryption and MI based on public-coin diO and weak auxiliary input multi-bit output point obfuscation (AIMPO). Moreover, we show that using our WE with unique decryption, we can get rid of the limitation of honest-verifier zero-knowledge property, thus yielding a 4-round non-black-box zero-knowledge argument


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    Bitcoin has become the most successful cryptocurrency ever deployed, and its most distinctive feature is that it is decentralized. Its underlying protocol (Nakamoto consensus) achieves this by using proof of work, which has the drawback that it causes the consumption of vast amounts of energy to maintain the ledger. Moreover, Bitcoin mining dynamics have become less distributed over time. Towards addressing these issues, we propose SpaceMint, a cryptocurrency based on proofs of space instead of proofs of work. Miners in SpaceMint dedicate disk space rather than computation. We argue that SpaceMint’s design solves or alleviates several of Bitcoin’s issues: most notably, its large energy consumption. SpaceMint also rewards smaller miners fairly according to their contribution to the network, thus incentivizing more distributed participation. This paper adapts proof of space to enable its use in cryptocurrency, studies the attacks that can arise against a Bitcoin-like blockchain that uses proof of space, and proposes a new blockchain format and transaction types to address these attacks. Our prototype shows that initializing 1 TB for mining takes about a day (a one-off setup cost), and miners spend on average just a fraction of a second per block mined. Finally, we provide a game-theoretic analysis modeling SpaceMint as an extensive game (the canonical game-theoretic notion for games that take place over time) and show that this stylized game satisfies a strong equilibrium notion, thereby arguing for SpaceMint ’s stability and consensus