694 research outputs found

    Molecular Hydrogen Optical Depth Templates for FUSE Data Analysis

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    The calculation and use of molecular hydrogen optical depth templates to quickly identify and model molecular hydrogen absorption features longward of the Lyman edge at 912 Angstroms are described. Such features are commonly encountered in spectra obtained by the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer and also in spectra obtained by the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph, albeit less commonly. Individual templates are calculated containing all the Lyman and Werner transitions originating from a single rotational state (J'') of the 0th vibrational level (v'') of the ground electronic state. Templates are provided with 0.01 Angstrom sampling for doppler parameters ranging from 2 <= b <= 20 km s^-1 and rotational states 0 <= J'' <= 15. Optical depth templates for excited vibrational states are also available for select doppler parameters. Each template is calculated for a fiducial column density of log[N(cm^-2)] = 21 and may be scaled to any column less than this value without loss of accuracy. These templates will facilitate the determination of the distribution of molecular hydrogen column density as a function of rotational level. The use of these templates will free the user from the computationally intensive task of calculating profiles for a large number of lines and allow concentration on line profile or curve-of-growth fitting to determine column densities and doppler parameters. The templates may be downloaded freely from http://www.pha.jhu.edu/~stephan/h2ools2.htmlComment: 20 pages, 2 tables, 6 figures, submitted to PASP 02-04-2003 Accepted for publication on 03-05-2003 with revisions, including modified fg1, modifed fg6 to become fg2 to support improved error discussion. To appear in the June 2003 issue of the PAS

    Low Redshift Intergalactic Absorption Lines in the Spectrum of HE0226-4110

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    We present an analysis of the FUSE and STIS E140M spectra of HE0226-4110 (z=0.495). We detect 56 Lyman absorbers and 5 O VI absorbers. The number of intervening O VI systems per unit redshift with W>50 m\AA is dN(O VI)/dz~ 11. The O VI systems unambiguously trace hot gas only in one case. For the 4 other O VI systems, photoionization and collisional ionization models are viable options to explain the observed column densities of the O VI and the other ions. If the O VI systems are mostly photoionized, only a fraction of the observed O VI will contribute to the baryonic density of the warm-hot ionized medium (WHIM) along this line of sight. Combining our results with previous ones, we show that there is a general increase of N(O VI) with increasing b(O VI). Cooling flow models can reproduce the N-b distribution but fail to reproduce the observed ionic ratios. A comparison of the number of O I, O II, O III, O IV, and O VI systems per unit redshift show that the low-z IGM is more highly ionized than weakly ionized. We confirm that photoionized O VI systems show a decreasing ionization parameter with increasing H I column density. O VI absorbers with collisional ionization/photoionization degeneracy follow this relation, possibly suggesting that they are principally photoionized. We find that the photoionized O VI systems in the low redshift IGM have a median abundance of 0.3 solar. We do not find additional Ne VIII systems other than the one found by Savage et al., although our sensitivity should have allowed the detection of Ne VIII in O VI systems at T~(0.6-1.3)x10^6 K (if CIE applies). Since the bulk of the WHIM is believed to be at temperatures T>10^6 K, the hot part of the WHIM remains to be discovered with FUV--EUV metal-line transitions.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJS. Full resolution figures available at http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/ApJ/journal/preprints/ApJS63975.preprint.pd

    H_2 Absorption and Fluorescence for Gamma Ray Bursts in Molecular Clouds

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    If a gamma ray burst with strong UV emission occurs in a molecular cloud, there will be observable consequences resulting from excitation of the surrounding H2. The UV pulse from the GRB will pump H2 into vibrationally-excited levels which produce strong absorption at wavelengths < 1650 A. As a result, both the prompt flash and later afterglow will exhibit strong absorption shortward of 1650 A, with specific spectroscopic features. Such a cutoff in the emission from GRB 980329 may already have been observed by Fruchter et al.; if so, GRB 980329 was at redshift 3.0 < z < 4.4 . BVRI photometry of GRB 990510 could also be explained by H2 absorption if GRB 990510 is at redshift 1.6 < z < 2.3. The fluorescence accompanying the UV pumping of the H2 will result in UV emission from the GRB which can extend over days or months, depending on parameters of the ambient medium and beaming of the GRB flash. The 7.5-13.6 eV fluorescent luminosity is \sim 10^{41.7} erg/s for standard estimates of the parameters of the GRB and the ambient medium. Spectroscopy can distinguish this fluorescent emission from other possible sources of transient optical emission, such as a supernova.Comment: 13 pages, including 4 figures. submitted to Ap.J.(Letters

    Physical Properties and Baryonic Content of Low-Redshift Intergalactic Ly-alpha and O VI Absorption Systems: The PG1116+215 Sight Line

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    We present HST and FUSE observations of the intergalactic absorption toward PG1116+215 in the 900-3000 A spectral region. We detect 25 Ly-alpha absorbers at rest-frame equivalent widths W_r > 30 mA, yielding (dN/dz)_Ly-alpha = 154+/-18 over an unblocked redshift path of 0.162. Two additional weak Ly-alpha absorbers with W_r ~ 15-20 mA are also present. Eight of the Ly-alpha absorbers have large line widths (b > 40 km/sec). The detection of narrow OVI in the broad Ly-alpha absorber at z=0.06244 supports the idea that the Ly-alpha profile is thermally broadened in gas with T > 10^5 K. We find dN/dz ~ 50 for broad Ly-alpha absorbers with W_r > 30 mA and b > 40 km/sec. If the broad Ly-alpha lines are dominated by thermal broadening in hot gas, the amount of baryonic material in these absorbers is enormous, perhaps as much as half the baryonic mass in the low-redshift universe. We detect OVI absorption in several of the Ly-alpha clouds along the sight line. Two detections at z=0.13847 and z=0.16548 are confirmed by the presence of other ions at these redshifts, while the detections at z=0.04125, 0.05895, 0.05928, and 0.06244 are based upon the Ly-alpha and OVI detections alone. The information available for 13 low-redshift OVI absorbers with W_r > 50 mA along 5 sight lines yields (dN/dz)_OVI ~ 14 and Omega_b(OVI) > 0.0027/h_75, assuming a metallicity of 0.1 solar and an OVI ionization fraction < 0.2. The properties and prevalence of low-redshift OVI absorbers suggest that they too may be a substantial baryon repository, perhaps containing as much mass as stars and gas inside galaxies. The redshifts of the OVI absorbers are highly correlated with the redshifts of galaxies along the sight line, though few of the absorbers lie closer than 600/h_75 kpc to any single galaxy. [abbreviated]Comment: 99 pages, 30 figures, aastex format, ApJS in pres

    Discovery of Enhanced Germanium Abundances in Planetary Nebulae with FUSE

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    We report the discovery of Ge III λ\lambda1088.46 in the planetary nebulae (PNe) SwSt 1, BD+30o^{\rm o}3639, NGC 3132, and IC 4593, observed with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer. This is the first astronomical detection of this line and the first measurement of Ge (Z = 32) in PNe. We estimate Ge abundances using S and Fe as reference elements, for a range of assumptions about gas-phase depletions. The results indicate that Ge, which is synthesized in the initial steps of the s-process and therefore can be self-enriched in PNe, is enhanced by factors of > 3-10. The strongest evidence for enrichment is seen for PNe with Wolf-Rayet central stars, which are likely to contain heavily processed material.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    A FUSE survey of high-latitude Galactic molecular hydrogen

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    Measurements of molecular hydrogen (H_2) column densities are presented for the first six rotational levels (J=0 to 5) for 73 extragalactic targets observed with FUSE. All of these have a final signal-to-noise ratio larger than \snlimit, and are located at galactic latitude |b|>20 deg. The individual observations were calibrated with the FUSE calibration pipeline CalFUSE version 2.1 or higher, and then carefully aligned in velocity. The final velocity shifts for all the FUSE segments are listed. H_2 column densities or limits are determined for the 6 lowest rotational (J) levels for each HI component in the line of sight, using a curve-of-growth approach at low column densities ~16.5), and Voigt-profile fitting at higher column densities. Detections include 73 measurements of low-velocity H_2 in the Galactic Disk and lower Halo. Eight sightlines yield non-detections for Galactic H_2. The measured column densities range from log N(H_2)=14 to log N(H_2)=20. Strong correlations are found between log N(H_2) and T_01, the excitation temperature of the H_2, as well as between log N(H_2) and the level population ratios (log (N(J')/N(J))). The average fraction of nuclei in molecular hydrogen (f(H_2)) in each sightline is calculated; however, because there are many HI clouds in each sightline, the physics of the transition from HI to H_2 can not be studied. Detections also include H2 in 16 intermediate-velocity clouds in the Galactic Halo (out of 35 IVCs). Molecular hydrogen is seen in one high-velocity cloud (the Leading Arm of the Magellanic Stream), although 19 high-velocity clouds are intersected; this strongly suggests that dust is rare or absent in these objects. Finally, there are five detections of H_2 in external galaxies.Comment: Accepted for ApJ Supplement. Note: figs 7 and 8 not included because astro-ph rejects them as too bi

    Dynamical Expansion of Ionization and Dissociation Front around a Massive Star. II. On the Generality of Triggered Star Formation

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    We analyze the dynamical expansion of the HII region, photodissociation region, and the swept-up shell, solving the UV- and FUV-radiative transfer, the thermal and chemical processes in the time-dependent hydrodynamics code. Following our previous paper, we investigate the time evolutions with various ambient number densities and central stars. Our calculations show that basic evolution is qualitatively similar among our models with different parameters. The molecular gas is finally accumulated in the shell, and the gravitational fragmentation of the shell is generally expected. The quantitative differences among models are well understood with analytic scaling relations. The detailed physical and chemical structure of the shell is mainly determined by the incident FUV flux and the column density of the shell, which also follow the scaling relations. The time of shell-fragmentation, and the mass of the gathered molecular gas are sensitive tothe ambient number density. In the case of the lower number density, the shell-fragmentation occurs over a longer timescale, and the accumulated molecular gas is more massive. The variations with different central stars are more moderate. The time of the shell-fragmentation differs by a factor of several with the various stars of M_* = 12-101 M_sun. According to our numerical results, we conclude that the expanding HII region should be an efficient trigger for star formation in molecular clouds if the mass of the ambient molecular material is large enough.Comment: 49 pages, including 17 figures ; Accepted for publication in Ap

    The Radiative Feedback of the First Cosmological Objects

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    In hierarchical models of structure formation, an early cosmic UV background (UVB) is produced by the small (T_vir < 10^4 K) halos that collapse before reionization. The UVB at energies below 13.6eV suppresses the formation of stars or black holes inside small halos, by photo-dissociating their only cooling agent, molecular H2. We self-consistently compute the buildup of the early UVB in Press-Schechter models, coupled with H2 photo-dissociation both in the intergalactic medium (IGM), and inside virialized halos. We find that the intergalactic H2 has a negligible effect on the UVB, both because its initial optical depth is small (tau<0.1), and because it is photo-dissociated at an early stage. If the UV sources in the first collapsed halos are stars, then their UV flux suppresses further star-formation inside small halos. This results in a pause in the buildup of the UVB, and reionization is delayed until larger halos (T_vir> 10^4 K) collapse. If the small halos host mini-quasars with hard spectra extending to approximately 1 keV, then their X-rays balance the effects of the UVB, the negative feedback does not occur, and reionization can be caused by the small halos.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figures included, uses emulateapj.sty. Submitted to Ap

    Are Giant Planets Forming Around HR 4796A?

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    We have obtained FUSE and HST STIS spectra of HR 4796A, a nearby 8 Myr old main sequence star that possesses a dusty circumstellar disk whose inclination has been constrained from high resolution near-infrared observations to be ~17 deg from edge-on. We searched for circumstellar absorption in the ground states of C II at 1036.3 A, O I at 1039.2 A, Zn II at 2026.1 A, Lyman series H2, and CO (A-X) and failed to detect any of these species. We place upper limits on the column densities and infer upper limits on the gas masses assuming that the gas is in hydrostatic equilibrium, is well-mixed, and has a temperature, Tgas ~ 65 K. Our measurements suggest that this system possesses very little molecular gas. Therefore, we infer an upper limit for the gas:dust ratio (<4.0) assuming that the gas is atomic. We measure less gas in this system than is required to form the envelope of Jupiter.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures (including 1 color figure), accepted for publication in Ap

    FUSE Observations of the Magellanic Bridge Gas toward Two Early-Type Stars: Molecules, Physical Conditions, and Relative Abundance

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    We discuss FUSE observations of two early-type stars, DI1388 and DGIK975, in the low density and low metallicity gas of Magellanic Bridge (MB). Toward DI1388, the FUSE observations show molecular hydrogen, O VI, and numerous other atomic or ionic transitions in absorption, implying the presence of multiple gas phases in a complex arrangement. The relative abundance pattern in the MB is attributed to varying degrees of depletion onto dust similar to that of halo clouds. The N/O ratio is near solar, much higher than N/O in damped Ly-alpha systems, implying subsequent stellar processing to explain the origin of nitrogen in the MB. The diffuse molecular cloud in this direction has a low column density and low molecular fraction. H2 is observed in both the Magellanic Stream and the MB, yet massive stars form only in the MB, implying significantly different physical processes between them. In the MB some of the H2 could have been pulled out from the SMC via tidal interaction, but some also could have formed in situ in dense clouds where star formation might have taken place. Toward DGIK975, the presence of neutral, weakly and highly ionized species suggest that this sight line has also several complex gas phases. The highly ionized species of O VI, C IV, and Si IV toward both stars have very broad features, indicating that multiple components of hot gas at different velocities are present. Several sources (a combination of turbulent mixing layer, conductive heating, and cooling flows) may be contributing to the production of the highly ionized gas in the MB. Finally, this study has confirmed previous results that the high-velocity cloud HVC 291.5-41.2+80 is mainly ionized composed of weakly and highly ions. The high ion ratios are consistent with a radiatively cooling gas in a fountain flow model.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJ (October 10, 2002). Added reference (Gibson et al. 2000
