34 research outputs found

    Partial rip scenario—a cosmology with a growing cosmological term

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    AbstractA cosmology with the growing cosmological term is considered. If there is no exchange of energy between vacuum and matter components, the requirement of general covariance implies the time dependence of the gravitational constant G. Irrespectively of the exact functional form of the cosmological term growth, the universe ends in a de Sitter regime with a constant asymptotic Λ, but vanishing G. Although there is no divergence of the scale factor in finite time, such as in the “Big Rip” scenario, gravitationally bound systems eventually become unbound. In the case of systems bound by non-gravitational forces, there is no unbounding effect, as the asymptotic Λ is insufficiently large to disturb these systems

    Dark energy transition between quintessence and phantom regimes - an equation of state analysis

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    The dark energy transition between quintessence (w>1w>-1) and phantom (w<1w<-1) regimes (the crossing of the cosmological constant boundary) is studied using the dark energy equation of state. Models characterized by this type of transition are explicitly constructed and their equation of state is found to be {\em implicitly} defined. The behavior of the more general models with the implicitly defined equation of state, obtained by the generalization of the explicitly constructed models, is studied to gain insight into the necessary conditions for the occurrence of the transition, as well as to investigate the mechanism behind the transition. It is found that the parameters of the generalized models need to satisfy special conditions for the transition to happen and that the mechanism behind the transition is the cancellation of the contribution of the cosmological constant boundary. The aspects of the behavior of the generalized models which are not related to the transition are briefly discussed and the role of the implicitly defined dark energy equation of state in the description of the dark energy evolution is emphasized.Comment: v1: 9 pages, 6 figures. v2: references added. v3: minor changes. Version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Cosmology with variable parameters and effective equation of state for Dark Energy

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    A cosmological constant, Lambda, is the most natural candidate to explain the origin of the dark energy (DE) component in the Universe. However, due to experimental evidence that the equation of state (EOS) of the DE could be evolving with time/redshift (including the possibility that it might behave phantom-like near our time) has led theorists to emphasize that there might be a dynamical field (or some suitable combination of them) that could explain the behavior of the DE. While this is of course one possibility, here we show that there is no imperative need to invoke such dynamical fields and that a variable cosmological constant (including perhaps a variable Newton's constant too) may account in a natural way for all these features.Comment: LaTeX, 9 pages, 1 figure. Talk given at the 7th Intern. Workshop on Quantum Field Theory Under the Influence of External Conditions (QFEXT 05

    Enhancement of preasymptotic effects in inclusive beauty decays

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    We extend Voloshin's recent analysis of charmed and beauty hyperon decays based on SU(3) symmetry and heavy quark effective theory, by introducing a rather moderate model-dependence, in order to obtain more predictive power, e.g. the values of lifetimes of the (\Lambda_{b},\Xi_{b}) hyperon triplet and the lifetime of \Omega_{b}. In this way we obtain an improvement of the ratio \tau(\Lambda_{b})/\tau(B_{d}^{0}) \sim 0.9 and the hierarchy of lifetimes \tau(\Lambda_{b}) \simeq \tau(\Xi_{b}^{0}) < \tau(\Xi_{b}^{-}) < \tau(\Omega_{b}) with lifetimes of \Xi_{b}^{-} and \Omega_{b} exceeding the lifetime of \Lambda_{b} by 22% and 35%, respectively.Comment: Latex2e, 12 pages, 3 eps figures include

    What is there in the black box of dark energy: variable cosmological parameters or multiple (interacting) components?

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    The coincidence problems and other dynamical features of dark energy are studied in cosmological models with variable cosmological parameters and in models with the composite dark energy. It is found that many of the problems usually considered to be cosmological coincidences can be explained or significantly alleviated in the aforementioned models.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, talk given at IRGAC2006 (Barcelona, July 11-15, 2006), to appear in J. Phys.

    Renormalization-group running of the cosmological constant and its implication for the Higgs boson mass in the Standard Model

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    The renormalization-group equation for the zero-point energies associated with vacuum fluctuations of massive fields from the Standard Model is examined. Our main observation is that at any scale the running is necessarily dominated by the heaviest degrees of freedom, in clear contradistinction with the Appelquist & Carazzone decoupling theorem. Such an enhanced running would represent a disaster for cosmology, unless a fine-tuned relation among the masses of heavy particles is imposed. In this way, we obtain mH550GeVm_H \simeq 550 GeV for the Higgs mass, a value safely within the unitarity bound, but far above the more stringent triviality bound for the case when the validity of the Standard Model is pushed up to the grand unification (or Planck) scale.Comment: 11 pages, LaTex2

    Renormalization-group running cosmologies - a scale-setting procedure

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    For cosmologies including scale dependence of both the cosmological and the gravitational constant, an additional consistency condition dictated by the Bianchi identities emerges, even if the energy-momentum tensor of ordinary matter stays individually conserved. For renormalization-group (RG) approaches it is shown that such a consistency relation ineluctably fixes the RG scale (which may have an explicit as well as an implicit time dependence), provided that the solutions of the RG equation for both quantities are known. Hence, contrary to the procedures employed in the recent literature, we argue that there is no more freedom in identification of the RG scale in terms of the cosmic time in such cosmologies. We carefully set the RG scale for the RG evolution phrased in a quantum gravity framework based on the hypothetical existence of an infrared (IR) fixed point, for the perturbative regime within the same framework, as well as for an evolution within quantum field theory (QFT) in a curved background. In the latter case, the implications of the scale setting for the particle spectrum are also briefly discussed.Comment: v1:15 pages, 1 figure. v2: references added. v3: discussion of the physical interpretation of the scale-setting procedure added. v4: discussions added. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Cabibbo suppressed decays and the Ξc+\Xi_{c}^{+} lifetime

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    The problem of the Ξc+\Xi_{c}^{+} lifetime is considered in the framework of {\em Heavy-Quark Expansion} and SU(3)flavorSU(3)_{flavor} symmetry. The lifetime of Ξc+\Xi_{c}^{+} is expressed in terms of measurable inclusive quantities of the other two charmed baryons belonging to the same SU(3)flavorSU(3)_{flavor} multiplet in a model-independent way. In such a treatment, inclusive decay rates of singly Cabibbo suppressed decay modes have a prominent role. An analogous approach is applied to the multiplet of charmed mesons yielding interesting predictions on Ds+D_{s}^{+} properties. The results obtained indicate that a more precise measurement of inclusive decay quantities of some charmed hadrons (such as Λc+\Lambda_{c}^{+}) that are more amenable to experiment can contribute significantly to our understanding of decay properties of other charmed hadrons (such as Ξc+\Xi_{c}^{+}) where discrepancies or ambiguities exist.Comment: 9 pages, revtex4; certain improvements in text as suggested by the referee, acknowledgement changed; version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Renormalization group scale-setting from the action - a road to modified gravity theories

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    The renormalization group (RG) corrected gravitational action in Einstein-Hilbert and other truncations is considered. The running scale of the renormalization group is treated as a scalar field at the level of the action and determined in a scale-setting procedure recently introduced by Koch and Ramirez for the Einstein-Hilbert truncation. The scale-setting procedure is elaborated for other truncations of the gravitational action and applied to several phenomenologically interesting cases. It is shown how the logarithmic dependence of the Newton's coupling on the RG scale leads to exponentially suppressed effective cosmological constant and how the scale-setting in particular RG corrected gravitational theories yields the effective f(R)f(R) modified gravity theories with negative powers of the Ricci scalar RR. The scale-setting at the level of the action at the non-gaussian fixed point in Einstein-Hilbert and more general truncations is shown to lead to universal effective action quadratic in Ricci tensor.Comment: v1: 15 pages; v2: shortened to 10 pages, main results unchanged, published in Class. Quant. Gra

    New Isotropic and Anisotropic Sudden Singularities

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    We show the existence of an infinite family of finite-time singularities in isotropically expanding universes which obey the weak, strong, and dominant energy conditions. We show what new type of energy condition is needed to exclude them ab initio. We also determine the conditions under which finite-time future singularities can arise in a wide class of anisotropic cosmological models. New types of finite-time singularity are possible which are characterised by divergences in the time-rate of change of the anisotropic-pressure tensor. We investigate the conditions for the formation of finite-time singularities in a Bianchi type VII0VII_{0} universe with anisotropic pressures and construct specific examples of anisotropic sudden singularities in these universes.Comment: Typos corrected. Published versio