149,247 research outputs found

    Exciton Hierarchies in Gapped Carbon Nanotubes

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    We present evidence that the strong electron-electron interactions in gapped carbon nanotubes lead to finite hierarchies of excitons within a given nanotube subband. We study these hierarchies by employing a field theoretic reduction of the gapped carbon nanotube permitting electron-electron interactions to be treated exactly. We analyze this reduction by employing a Wilsonian-like numerical renormalization group. We are so able to determine the gap ratios of the one-photon excitons as a function of the effective strength of interactions. We also determine within the same subband the gaps of the two-photon excitons, the single particle gaps, as well as a subset of the dark excitons. The strong electron-electron interactions in addition lead to strongly renormalized dispersion relations where the consequences of spin-charge separation can be readily observed.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Identification of Optimal Locations for Sampling Ground Water for Pesticides in the Mississippi Delta Region of Eastern Arkansas

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    Concerns about the presence of pesticides in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer in the Arkansas Delta have generated the need to develop a map of ground water vulnerability for this region comprised of approximately 10 million acres. Based on the availability of digital data and the scale of this study. we used a modified Pesticide DRASTIC model in a GRASS GIS environment to identify areas that were physically more sensitive to pesticide contamination than other areas within the Delta. Spatial distribution of pesticide loading was estimated from pesticide application rates in different crops and crop distribution map interpreted from satellite imagery. Relative ground water vulnerability index was expressed as a product of aquifer sensitivity index and pesticide loading index. The resulting map showing the spatial distribution of relative ground water vulnerability index values was intended for use in selecting optimal locations for sampling ground water for pesticides in the Arkansas Delta and for aid in implementing the Arkansas Agricultural Chemical Ground-Water Management Plan. The most sensitive areas in the Delta are distributed mostly along major streams where a combination of shallow depth to ground water, thin confining unit, permeable soils, and high recharge rate usually prevails. It is also in many of these areas where large acres of crops are grown, and pesticides are used. Consequently, many areas along major streams are also most vulnerable. These vulnerable areas may be targeted by planners and governmental agencies for further detailed evaluation. Uncertainties in the methodology and mapped input data, plus the dynamic nature of model factors, require continued and improved efforts in ground water vulnerability assessment for the Arkansas Delta

    Path integral for a relativistic Aharonov-Bohm-Coulomb system

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    The path integral for the relativistic spinless Aharonov-Bohm-Coulomb system is solved, and the energy spectra are extracted from the resulting amplitude.Comment: 6 pages, Revte

    Mass Spectrum and Bounds on the Couplings in Yukawa Models With Mirror-Fermions

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    The SU(2)L⊗SU(2)R\rm SU(2)_L\otimes SU(2)_R symmetric Yukawa model with mirror-fermions in the limit where the mirror-fermion is decoupled is studied both analytically and numerically. The bare scalar self-coupling λ\lambda is fixed at zero and infinity. The phase structure is explored and the relevant phase transition is found to be consistent with a second order one. The fermionic mass spectrum close to that transition is discussed and a first non-perturbative estimate of the influence of fermions on the upper and lower bounds on the renormalized scalar self-coupling is given. Numerical results are confronted with perturbative predictions.Comment: 7 (Latex) page

    Long-range coupling of prefrontal cortex and visual (MT) or polysensory (STP) cortical areas in motion perception

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    To investigate how, where and when moving auditory cues interact with the perception of object-motion during self-motion, we conducted psychophysical, MEG, and fMRI experiments in which the subjects viewed nine textured objects during simulated forward self-motion. On each trial, one object was randomly assigned its own looming motion within the scene. Subjects reported which of four labeled objects had independent motion within the scene in two conditions: (1) visual information only and (2) with additional moving- auditory cue. In MEG, comparison of the two conditions showed: (i) MT activity is similar across conditions, (ii) late after the stimulus presentation there is additional activity in the auditory cue condition ventral to MT, (iii) with the auditory cue, the right auditory cortex (AC) shows early activity together with STS, (iv) these two activities have different time courses and the STS signals occur later in the epoch together with frontal activity in the right hemisphere, (v) for the visual-only condition activity in PPC (posterior parietal cortex) is stronger than in the auditory-cue condition. fMRI conducted for visual-only condition reveals activations in a network of parietal and frontal areas and in MT. In addition, Dynamic Granger Causality analysis showed for auditory cues a strong connection of the AC with STP but not with MT suggesting binding of visual and auditory information at STP. Also, while in the visual-only condition PFC is connected with MT, in the auditory-cue condition PFC is connected to STP (superior temporal polysensory) area. These results indicate that PFC allocates attention to the “object” as a whole, in STP to a moving visual-auditory object, and in MT to a moving visual object.Accepted manuscrip
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