10 research outputs found

    Untersuchungen über Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Abdeckungen (Vlies/Folie) auf Wachstum und Ertrag von Frühkartoffeln im ökologischen Landbau

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    Different coverings (fleece, punched mulching film, thermal foil (Wepelen® Climatec) for early potatoes in ecological cultivation where compared in order to show their advantages and/or disadvantages concerning to crop and profit. As a result a increase of crop and profit could be appointed by all coverings (except fleece 2006). A financial success depends on the annual climate conditions and potato price

    Comparative Harvest Efficiency of Soybeans between Cropping Systems Affected by First Pod Height and Plant Length

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    Today, the demand for soybean for feed industry and food production in Germany is met by imports from South and North America. Soybean cultivation in Germany, although challenging, will be of interest in the future due to an increasing demand for non-genetically modified (NGM) soybeans. To meet this rising demand for NGM soybeans and to increase resource use efficiency there is a need to reduce soybean harvest losses arising from harvesting with combine harvester. The height of the first pod can be a major factor affecting harvest losses, especially when it is not possible to maintain a sufficiently low cutting height. From 2011 to 2013, six soybean varieties were cultivated using two cropping systems (conventional ‘CON’ and organic ‘ORG’) at the Osnabru ̈ck University of Applied Sciences in a randomized block design with four replications to investigate the effect of first pod height and plant length on harvest losses and the effect of the cropping system on these parameters. Before harvesting with an experimental harvester, 1.5 m2 per plot were harvested manually as a reference. First pod height, number of pods per plant and plant length were determined on 10 plants per plot. Over the three years of the study, the first pod height (10.4 cm) and plant length (81.4 cm) were on average higher under conventional conditions compared to organic cultivation (7.3 cm; 60.9 cm). On average, lower harvest losses (25.6% vs. 39.2%) and higher grain yields (20.8 dt ha−1 vs. 16.9 dt ha−1) were also observed under conventional cultivation. Varieties differed significantly in grain yield, first pod height and plant length. A high first pod height was related to a longer plant length and lower harvest losses at both sites. However, a high first pod height and a high plant length did not lead to higher grain yields on any of the plots. These results indicate that harvest efficiency can be improved by choosing varieties with long plant lengths if it is not possible to maintain a low cutting height when harvesting with a combine harvester

    Effekte der Saatgutimpfung im ökologischen Soja-Anbau unter den Umweltbedingungen nördlicher Breiten

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    Driven by an increasing demand for GMO-free soya as food or fodder, the production of organic Soybeans increases, also in high latitudes. As a legume crop, soya needs specific rhizobia bacteria to be supplied by biological nitrogen fixation (BNF). Since most soils lack the soy-specific strains, bacteria material is usually added manually. We set up a field trial with 5 site-years to investigate the benefit of this inoculation procedure in two different environments (humid, Germany/semi-arid, Russia) under organic farming conditions. Overall 5 different varieties were used (at each site 2 individual and 1 joint) to compare inoculation against untreated control. Leaf chlorophyll as indicator for BNF was determined by a SPAD-502. To make the SPADmeter readings of diff d). Inoculation was always significantly successful and led to higher leaf chlorophyll contents. This positive inoculation effect resulted only in 1 year in a higher bean yield. Since soya will only benefit from BNF after manual inoculation, this additional effort seems to be necessary to substitute other pules in organic crop rotations

    Sortenprüfung frühabreifender Sojabohnensorten im ökologischen Landbau

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    Um das Wachstumspotential von Sojabohnen (Glycine max (L.)) im ökologischen Anbau und unter ungünstigen klimatischen Bedingungen zu testen wurden an zwei Standorten (University of Applied Sciences, Waldhof) and Frankenhausen (University of Kassel, Hessian State Farm Frankenhausen)Feldversuche mit sechs unterschiedlichen Sojabohnensorten durchgeführt.Erfasst wurden das Pflanzenwachstum, phänologische Stadien, Ertrag, Rohprotein und Tausendkorngewicht. Einige der getestetem Sorten zeigten vielversprechende Ergebnisse in Bezug auf den Ertrag und die Quälität. Zur Absicherung der Ergebnisse werden weitere Versuche in 2010 durchgeführt

    Einfluss der Inokulierung auf Ertrag, Rohproteingehalt und N-Gehalt der Gesamtpflanze unterschiedlicher Sojabohnensorten (Glycine max) am Versuchsstandort Osnabrück 2011

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    A field experiment was conducted during the 2011 growing season to determine the effect of inoculation with Bradyrhizobium japonicum on yield, crude protein content (%) and nitrogen content of five inoculated and not -inoculated soybean varieties (Klaxon, Protina, Gallec, ES Mentor and Aveline). At three defined points of time (BBCH 23, BBCH 69, BBCH 75) plant samples including the root system were taken for analysis regarding the nitrogen content. Soil analysis to determine the N-min content had been carried out. Concluding the yield and crude protein content of the varieties was determined. Significant differences between inoculated and not inoculated varieties could be verified concerning yield, crude protein content and nitrogen content

    Charakterisierung von Sojabohnensorten hinsichtlich Pflanzenhöhe und Hülsenansatz und deren Einfluss auf den Mähdruschertrag

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    Investigation about eight soybean varieties, regarding plant height and height of insertion of the lowest pod and their influence on the harvest losses in conventional and organic farming in Osnabrück, Germany. The first dates about yields, plant height and height of insertion of the lowest pod of 2011 showed, that there were no significant relations on this matter, but clear differences between varieties and locations

    Kartoffeln mit Zusatznutzen – Antioxidative Kapazität und Erträge ausgewählter blau- und rotfleischiger Kartoffelsorten im ökologischen und integrierten Landbau

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    In a three year research project a representative spectrum of coloured potato varieties were cultivated and tested in detail regarding yield potential and the influence of production systems (organic/integrated). The varying anthocyanin content as well as the antioxidant capacity of the types used were analysed to determine their potential health benefits. Types with a particularly high content undergo further tests to show the influence of the manner of preparation (boiling, steaming, frying) and determine their use for the processing industry. The cultivation of high yield blue types can be an alternative to the cultivation of yellow fleshed high yield types in organic or integrated operating farm companies

    Comparative Harvest Efficiency of Soybeans between Cropping Systems Affected by First Pod Height and Plant Length

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    Today, the demand for soybean for feed industry and food production in Germany is met by imports from South and North America. Soybean cultivation in Germany, although challenging, will be of interest in the future due to an increasing demand for non-genetically modified (NGM) soybeans. To meet this rising demand for NGM soybeans and to increase resource use efficiency there is a need to reduce soybean harvest losses arising from harvesting with combine harvester. The height of the first pod can be a major factor affecting harvest losses, especially when it is not possible to maintain a sufficiently low cutting height. From 2011 to 2013, six soybean varieties were cultivated using two cropping systems (conventional ‘CON’ and organic ‘ORG’) at the Osnabru ̈ck University of Applied Sciences in a randomized block design with four replications to investigate the effect of first pod height and plant length on harvest losses and the effect of the cropping system on these parameters. Before harvesting with an experimental harvester, 1.5 m2 per plot were harvested manually as a reference. First pod height, number of pods per plant and plant length were determined on 10 plants per plot. Over the three years of the study, the first pod height (10.4 cm) and plant length (81.4 cm) were on average higher under conventional conditions compared to organic cultivation (7.3 cm; 60.9 cm). On average, lower harvest losses (25.6% vs. 39.2%) and higher grain yields (20.8 dt ha−1 vs. 16.9 dt ha−1) were also observed under conventional cultivation. Varieties differed significantly in grain yield, first pod height and plant length. A high first pod height was related to a longer plant length and lower harvest losses at both sites. However, a high first pod height and a high plant length did not lead to higher grain yields on any of the plots. These results indicate that harvest efficiency can be improved by choosing varieties with long plant lengths if it is not possible to maintain a low cutting height when harvesting with a combine harvester. </div

    Ausweitung des Sojaanbaus in Deutschland durch züchterische Anpassung sowie pflanzenbauliche und verarbeitungstechnische Optimierung

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    Die Arbeiten im Sojaforschungsprojekt waren erfolgreich und konnten wichtige Impulse für die Ausweitung des Sojaanbaus in Deutschland geben. So sind die entwickelten Stämme und Kreuzungsnachkommen eine Basis für den Aufbau einer eigenständigen deutschen Sojazüchtung. Die Sorten Korus und Protibus erwiesen sich als besonders geeignet für die Tofuherstellung. Die im Projekt entwickelte Labortofurei ist ein Züchtungsinstrument zur Identifikation vielversprechender Genotypen, mit dem auch die weitere Entwicklung frühreifer Tofusojasorten unterstützt werden kann. In Gefäßversuchen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Reaktion auf Kühlestress während der Hülsenansatzphase zwischen den Sorten variiert und es tolerante, kompensierende und sensitive Sorten gibt. Die praktische Selektion auf Kältetoleranz war erfolgreich und für die Selektion auf Unkrauttoleranz konnte ein System etabliert werden. Bis auf das Präparat Radicin können die vorhandenen kommerziellen Bradyrhizobienpräparate für den Praxiseinsatz empfohlen werden. Die Hypothese, dass die Selektion des Symbiosepartners auf Kühletoleranz lohnenswert ist, wurde bestätigt. Bei der Sortenprüfung in ganz Deutschland zeigte sich, dass die Anbauwürdigkeit von Soja gut und nur an wenigen der geprüften Standorte nicht gegeben war. Die 00-Sorte ES-Mentor lieferte insgesamt die höchsten Relativerträge sowie den höchsten Rohproteinertrag, bei den 000-Sorten schnitt Sultana besonders gut ab. Eine Variation der Saatzeit sowie verschiedene Verfrühungstechniken erweisen sich nicht als ertragsrelevant. Beim Erfolg der Unkrautregulierung mit Torsionshacke, Fingerhacke und Flachhäufler gab es keine Unterschiede. Im Dammanbau lassen sich Sojabohnen mit gutem Unkrautregulierungserfolg kultivieren. Bei der Sojaaufbereitung sollte eine unnötig hohe Erhitzung der Bohnen bei der Aufbereitung vermieden werden, da durch die Erhitzung neben der Trypsininhibitoraktivität auch Eiweißverdaulichkeit reduziert werden. Mit ausschließlich indirekter, länger einwirkender, trockener Wärme (z. B. Biogasabwärme), ist es schwierig, gute Aufbereitungsqualitäten zu erzielen. Der Wissenstransfer mit Feldtagen und Website www.sojainfo.de war wichtig und erfolgreich zur Steigerung des Interesses am heimischen Sojaanbau


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    Examination of the effects of various earliness strategies on yield of soybeans In 2011 and 2012 a field experiment was realized in Osnabrück, Northern Germany, to study the influence of different earliness strategies on the yield of soybean. This study was done in a randomized strip design with four repetitions, realizing two earliness strategies, dissolving film and fleece cover, and additionally the control variant. In both years it was possible to increase the germination rate of the plants. Besides, there were no statistically significant differences between the yield of the three variants. However, in 2012, differences between the protein concentrations could be detected. The protein concentrations of the variants which were realized with dissolving film and fleece cover, were significantly higher than those of the control variant