11 research outputs found

    A Study on the Use of Massive Open Online Courses in Otorhinolaryngology After Graduation

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    Objective:The use of massive open online courses (MOOCs) in medical education and postgraduate education is becoming more and more widespread across the world. A survey study was carried out in Turkey to collect information and raise awareness about the use of MOOCs for educational and training purposes in the field of otorhinolaryngology after graduation.Method:The prepared survey questionnaire was published on the online communication platform of the Turkish Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Association, and volunteers were asked to fill-out the questionnaire by clicking the given link.Results:A total of 210 volunteers participated in the survey study. Most of the volunteers (26.2%) were in the 36-40 age range. At the time of the study 53.8% of the volunteers were working as specialist doctors, 19.5% as residents, 10.5% as professors, 8.1% as associate professors, and 8.1% as assistant professors. Only 19 (9%) respondents ticked "yes" in response to the question "Are you familiar with the MOOC programs?" and only six (2.9%) of these respondents had attended a MOOC program. Evaluation of the correlation between academic title and awareness of MOOC programs showed that the instructors had a significantly higher level of MOOC awareness compared to the specialists and the residents (p=0.032).Conclusion:Results of the survey revealed that the use of MOOC programs in postgraduate otorhinolaryngology education was low and the volunteers were not well-informed about this practice

    Otolaryngology Residents’ Attitudes, Experiences, and Barriers Regarding the Medical Research

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    Objective:It was aimed to investigate the attitudes, experiences, and barriers towards scientific research among otolaryngology residents in Turkey.Methods:Anonymous data were collected via an online survey. The demographic characteristics and experience in scientific research were investigated in the first section of the survey. The attitudes of participants towards scientific research and the barriers to the scientific research were examined in the second section of the survey using 17 items.Results:The present study involved 119 otolaryngology residents continuing their education. It was determined that 68.1% of participants think that “participating in scientific research” is a part of otolaryngology training. In the present study, it was shown that the residents having journal club hours in clinics on regular basis participated in various steps of scientific research projects (p<0.05). Residents stated that they participated in the “literature review” stage of the preparation of a scientific publication (mean value of 2.58±1.88) most and in “verbal presentation in a congress” least (mean value of 0.74±1.44). It was determined that 80.7% of participants have not attended in any training on scientific research. It was found that the residents receiving structured scientific research training participated more in steps of scientific research projects which was statistically significantly (p<0.05).Conclusion:In our country, otolaryngology residents are very enthusiastic about having research education and participating in researches. However, residency students frequently have time deficiency, lack of knowledge-skill, and lack of financial support. Dedicated time should be allocated for research training and practice in specialty programs. Journal club activities should be organized on regular basis and integrated with research education. On the other hand, the scholarly activities of residents should be supported by means of various countrywide educational activities on research training

    A Rare Tumor of Palatine Tonsils: Chondrolipoma

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    Chondrolipomas are benign mesenchymal tumors that have two mature tissues simultaneously and emerge as a result of cartilaginous metaplasia in lipomas. They rarely occur in the head and neck area (1%-4%), and occur more frequently in the 60-70 years age group. Although there are cases of the nasopharynx, tongue, lip, and neck reported in the literature, we have been able to find only two cases on tonsils. The case of a 17-year-old male patient, who presented to our clinic complaining of dysphagia and was diagnosed with tonsillar chondrolipoma, is described here, along with the radiological, clinical, and immunohistochemical findings, as well as the review of the literatur

    Preemptive analgesic properties of ketamine on tonsillectomy surgery

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    Tonsillektomi/adenotonsillektomi operasyonlarında cerrahinin çesitli zamanlarında uygulanan ketaminin preemptif analjezik özelliklerini arastırmaktır. Tıp Fakültesi Etik Kurulu ve olguların/ailelerinin yazılı onamları sonrası, çalısma prospektif, randomize, çift kör olarak gerçeklestirildi.Yasları 5-15 arası, 90 çocuk 3 gruba ayrıldı. Preemptif grupta (Grup P, n=30) tosillektomi pozisyonununda, ketamin 0,5mg/kg intravenöz (IV) 2mL serum fizyolojik (%0.9 NaCl=SF) içinde uygulandı. Kanama kontrolüne kadar 6 g/kg/dak. ketamin infüzyonuna devam edildi ve kanama kontrolünde 2mLSF uygulandı. Ketamine grubunda (Grup K, n=30), tonsillektomi pozisyonu baslangıcında IV 2mLSF verildi. Sonrasında 10 mL/saat SF infüzyonuna devam edildi ve kanama kontrolünde 0,8 mg/kg ketamin 2 mL SF içinde IV verildi. Kontrol grubunda (Grup C, n=30) tonsillektomi pozisyonu, cerrahi boyunca ve kanama kontrolünde IV SF uygulandı. Postoperatif periyotta sözel agrı skoru (VPS)>3 oldugunda, ilk 6 saatte 1mg/kg IV tramadol, sonrasında 6 mg/kg oral parasetamol ile agrı sagaltımı yapıldı. Kardiorespiratuar sistem bulguları, anesteziden uyanma ve taburcu olma parametreleri tramadol ve parasetamole ihtiyaçı olan olgu sayısı, parasetamol doz sayısı ve komplikasyonlar kaydedildi. Bulgular: Anesteziden uyanma ve taburcu olma parametreleri ile kardiyorespiratuar sistem bulguları gruplar arasında benzerdi. Sözel agrı skoru preemptif grupta, erken postoperatif dönem ve 4. saatte diger iki gruptan daha düsükken, 6. saatte kontrol grubunda diger iki gruptan yüksekti (P<0,05). Parasetamol ve tramadol ihtiyacı olan olgu sayısı ve total parasetamol dozu preemptif grupta diger iki gruptan daha azdı. Cerrahi insizyon baslamadan önce kullanıldıgında, ketaminin tonsillektomi/ adenotonsillektomi operasyonu sonrası preemptif analjezik etkili oldugu ve postoperatif analjezik ihtiyacını azalttıgı kanısına varıldıThe aim was to evaluate the preemptive analgesic effects of ketamine was used in different stages of surgery. All of the patients/parents were informed and The Ethical Committee of the Medical Faculty approved the study. Ninety patients (ages, 5-15) divided into three groups. The pre-emptive group (Group P, n=30) received intravenous (IV) ketamine 0,5mg/kg in 2mL saline at tonsillectomy position, followed by a continuous infusion of ketamine 6 g/kg/min, and 2mLsaline was administered during homeostasis. In the ketamine group (Group K, n=30), 2 mL saline was given at tonsillectomy position, and saline infusion (10 mL/h) continued until homeostasis, and 0,8 mg/kg examine was given during homeostasis in 2mLsaline. In the control group (Group C, n=30) saline was given at all stages of study.WhenVPS is greater than 3; tramadol 1 mg/kg IV administered in the first 6 hours postoperatively, and after paracetamol orally, 40mg/kg was given. Cardiorespiratory system data, recovery from anaesthesia and discharging parameters tramadol and paracetamol requirement, total dose of paracetamol, and complications were recorded. Recovery from anesthesia and discharging parameters were similar between the groups. In the preemptive group, VPS scores were lower than the other two groups at the early postoperative period, and at 4 , hours. The VPS scores were higher in the control group than the other two groups at 6 hour (P< 0,05). Tramadol and paracetamol requirement, total dose of paracetamol were fewer than the other groups in the preemptive group.Total complication number was similar in all groups. Ketamine decreases postoperative analgesic requirement and has preemptive analgesic effect when used before surgery in tonsillectomy/adenotonsillectomy surger

    Effects of topical mometasone furoate therapy on local and systemic macrophage migration inhibitory factor levels in allergic rhinitis patients

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada mometazon furoat nazal sprey (MFNS) ile tedavi ettiğimiz alerjik rinitli hastalarda tedavi öncesi (TÖ) / tedavi sonrası (TS) serumda ve nazal lavaj sıvılarında makrofaj migrasyon inhibitör faktör (MİF) düzeylerini araştırdık. Ayrıca, tedavinin naza lmukozadaki eozinofil düzeyine etkilerini irdeledik. Gereç ve Yöntem: İlk muayene sırasında alerjik rinit yakınmalarının en az ikisine sahip olan 22 hastanın semptomları skorlandı, muayene bulguları kaydedildi; serumda ve nazal lavaj sıvısında MİF değerleri saptandı. Hastalara günde bir kez 100 g MFNS (Nasonex®) başlandı. TS dördüncü haftada semptomlar ve muayene bulguları yeniden değerlendirildi, nazal lavaj/serum MİF değerleri ELISA metodu ile ölçüldü. Nazal mukoza impresyonsitolojisimateryallerinde eozinofillerin diğer hücrelere göre oranları hesaplandı. Bulgular: TÖ/TS nazal lavaj MİF ortalaması (sırasıyla 503,53 294,50 pg/ml ve 1422.35 1097,98 pg/ml, P0.05) bulundu. Nazal mukozanın impresyon sitolojisinde eozinofil yüzdesi TÖve TS, sırasıyla 51.86 28,94 ve 25.64 23,60 idi. Eozinofil yüzdeleri arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı (p<0.001). Semptomskorları ortalaması TÖve TS sırasıyla 16,95 4,27 ve 9,24 3,38 idi. Skor ortalamalarındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı (P<0.001). Sonuç: HastalarımızdaTSda anlamlı klinik bir düzelme görüldü.TS semptomskorları ve nazalmukoza eozinofil yüzdeleri belirgin şekilde azaldı. TSda lokal MİF düzeylerinde ise artış izlendi. MFNS tedavisini takiben MİF değerlerinde izlenen anlamlı değişikliğin klinik düzelmeyle ilişkisinin daha ayrıntılı incelenmesi gerekmektedir.Background: In this study we aimed to investigate the systemic and local levels of macrophagemigration inhibitory factor (MIF) before and after topically applied mometasone furoate therapy in patients with allergic rhinitis. We also investigated the effects of therapy on local eosinophil accumulation. Material and Methods: Twenty-two patients (8 males and 14 females; median of 46 years ranging, from 17 to 68 years) with AR were subjects of this study. Percentages of eosinophils in nasal smears were calculated. MIF levels in serum and nasal lavage were measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: Topical glucocorticoid treatment significantly inhibited total symptom score (TSS) (16,95 4,27 and 9,24 3,38, respectively, p<0.001). After therapy, mean percentages of eosinophils decreased significantly (51.86 28,94 and 25.64 23,60 respectively, p<0.001) by impression cytology. MIF levels both in serum (782,55 759,43pg/ml and 917.10 1080,37 pg/ml, respectively) and nasal lavage (503,53 294,50 pg/ml and 1422.35 1097,98 pg/ml, respectively) increased after mometasone therapy. However, only the change in nasal lavage samples was statistically significant (p<0.001). Conclusions: TSS and nasal eosionophil numbers in nasal mucosa decreased following therapy. Further investigations are needed to evaluate the relations between clinical improvement and the significant changes in MIF levels following MFNS treatment

    Kulak Burun Boğaz Ameliyathanedeki Eğitim Ortamı Sorunları ve Önerileri; Öğrenciler ve Eğiticiler Konuşuyor

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    Cerrahi dalların uzmanlık eğitiminin gerçekleştirildiği ameliyathane ortamı başarılı bir cerrahi eğitiminin en önemli bileşenidir. Ancak ülkemizde cerrahi dallardaki uzmanlık öğrencilerinin ameliyathane eğitiminde, programın amacına uygun olarak sistematik ve yapılandırılmış bir program izlemekten çok ”geleneksel usta / çırak” modeliyle karşı karşıyadırlar. Bu yazıda 41. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresinde düzenlenmiş olan “Ameliyathane Eğitiminde Sorunlar ve Öneriler” başlıklı paneldeki konuşmalar özetlenmiştir. Kulak Burun Boğaz uzmanlık eğitimindeki öğrencilerin ve eğiticilerin bakış açısı ile sorunlar ve olası çözüm önerileri dile getirilmiştir

    Coexistence of dentigerous cysts and ectopic teeth in maxillary sinuses bilaterally: A case report

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    Ektopik dişler nedeni tam olarak anlaşılmamış, ve sıklıkla mandibular kondil, maksiler sinüs, çene, nazal kavite, sert damak ve orbitada yerleşebilen, nadir görülen bir rahatsızlıktır. Bu çalışmada 12 yaşında bir hastada bilateral maksiller sinüsde dentijeröz kist içinde yerleşen 4 adet ektopik diş olgusu sunularak literatür bilgileri gözden geçirilmiştir.Ectopic teeth have rarely been described in the mandibular condyle, maxillary sinus, chin, nasal septum, hard palate and the orbit. The etiology has not yet been completely clarified. We hereby present a case of a 12-year-old patient with four ectopic teeth located in a dentigerous cyst bilaterally in the maxillary sinuses