90 research outputs found

    Unboxing co-creation with students

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    Co-creation has received increasing interest as a way of develop products and services in collaboration with customers and clients. Recently, co-creation has been introduced in higher education; however, there is no general agreement about what this entails, and while the concept of co-creation has been used in a number of differing contexts, descriptions tend to focus on potentials only and not the tensions inherent in this kind of collaboration. In this paper we describe a conceptual model for co-creation with students and explore the potentials as well as the tensions inherent in co-creation with students at academic libraries. Through a case study at The Royal Danish Library, Aarhus University Library we develop a conceptual model for co-creation with students that identifies the key aspects of co-creation with students and indicates its key potentials and tensions


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    Denne artikel er det danske resumé af afhandlingen Resisting State Iconoclasm among the Loma of Guinea. Den 6. februar 2006 blev afhandlingen antaget til forsvar for den antropologiske doktorgrad af det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Københavns Universitet, og den er udgivet i Carolina Academic Press’ Ritual Studies Monograph Series. Resisting State Iconoclasm among the Loma of Guinea er et antropologisk studie af de årsagssammenhænge, der ligger til grund for en vestafrikansk lokalbefolknings vedvarende udøvelse af deres såkaldt traditionelle religion. Emnet vedrører en religiøs praksis, der fra at have været genstand for statsstyret voldelig undertrykkelse siden hen har udviklet sig til et instrument for vold begået mod nabofolk. Studiet af den tilsyneladende kontinuitet af religiøse forestillinger og rituelle handlinger baserer sig på to og et halvt års etnografisk feltarbejde udført i flere omgange blandt mande-talende lomafolk i det sydøstlige Guinea i perioden 1990-1999. Undersøgelsen inddrager desuden historisk og komparativt, regionalt materiale af både ældre og nyere dato fra det øvre Guineas skov- og kystområde, som foruden Guinea bl.a. omfatter landene Liberia og Sierra Leone. &nbsp


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    DebatoplĂŚg imod udsagne

    Privat produktpolitik i det indre marked

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    De politiske og administrative studier af det indre markeds færdiggørelse har overvejende fokuseret på, hvordan gennemførelsen er bundet til en forandring af kompetence‐ og arbejdsdelingen mellem de eksisterende EU institutioner og medlemslandene. Et sådant EU internt fokus ser imidlertid bort fra, at væsentlige dele af gennemførelsen allerede i 1987 med Fællesaktens vedtagelse blev overladt til de private europæiske standardiseringsorganisationer (ESO2). Når man tænker på, hvor vigtig en rolle disse organisationer er tildelt i udviklingen af det indre marked, kan det undre, at denne uddelegering hidtil ikke har været belyst i nævneværdigt omfang. For det første synes uddelegeringen at indeholde demokratiske udfordringer, fordi private aktører gennem medlemsskab af de autonome europæiske standardiseringsorganisationer deltager direkte og i et vist omfang uden for politisk og administrativ kontrol i at fastlægge reglerne for markedsførelsen af varer i det indre marked. For det andet rejser uddelegeringen en række analytiske spørgsmål om, hvor EU integrationens institutionelle locus skal findes, når sikringen af EUs politiske målsætninger med det indre marked er afhængig af en inter‐organisatorisk koordination mellem EU og ESO. Udover at det indre marked er betinget af institutionelle forandringer inden for rammerne af EU er det ligeledes afhængig af en institutionsdannelse mellem de gensidigt autonome organisationer EU og ESO. Endelig, for det tredje, indebærer uddelegeringen en særskilt udfordring for ESO. I takt med at europæisk teknisk standardisering skal indfri bredere samfundsmæssige og politiske hensyn i markedsdannelsesprocessen er der risiko for, at én af de bærende principper i standardiseringsarbejdet, nemlig frivilligheden, sættes under pres. Der er sandsynligvis grænser for, hvad teknisk standardisering kan levere i forhold til samfundsmæssig regulering uden at undergrave sin egen logik

    ANTROPOLOGIENS HEMMELIGHED: Refleksioner over etnografens rolle i studiet af hemmelige ritualer

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    Christian Kordt Højbjerg: The Secret of Anthropology. Reflections on the Ethnographer’s Role in the Study of Secret Rituals. The article gives an account of an apparently hopeless effort to study men’s secret association and its masked figure among the Loma in Guinea. The secret mask is purposely withheld during the ethnographer’s stay, and he is not allowed to assist in the meetings of the men’s society taking place in the sacred grove. However, the student possesses prior knowledge about the mask, and information from the meetings is transmitted constantly. Therefore, nothing is in faet held secret to the ethnographer, and the leaders of the men’s association seem to be aware of it. Still, secrecy is being practiced by the people chosen as the object of study. An essential aspect of secrecy is hereby revealed. Despite its emptiness, it is efficient in its patteming of social relations. The methodological point is that in anthropology, subjectivity can be a means to objectivity. Not by focusing too exelusively on the observing scientist, but rather in the sense that the staging of the ethnographic encounter by the anthropologist produces a miscalculation permitting an understanding of the scientific object. A sort of role inversion is taking place. The anthropologist realizes that he has become the victim of an illusion about the nature of secrecy, and that he has been subjected to the practice of secrecy. This lived experience leads to a concluding observation about the common but reversed strategies of staging inherent in secrecy and anthropology. While secrecy deliberately and inevitably reveals a part of itself in order to conceal, anthropology is on the contrary inevitably concealing reality when constructing its object. But just as secrecy implies concealment, anthropology is compelled to unmask reality, at least as a regulative principle, if it is not to lose its status as a scientific discipline

    Negotiating the EU Internal Market for Products

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    The EU internal market has predominantly been studied in terms of changes in delegation of authority and division of labor between EU institutions and member states. However, this EU internal focus ignores that already in 1987 the completion of the internal market was substantially left to the private European standardization organizations (ESO). The paper addresses two fundamental challenges in this transnational, public-private, and internal-external delegation of authority. First, it involves a governance challenge, because private actors are directly involved – but to a certain extent outside EU political and administrative control – in the constitution of the internal market. Second, the delegation raises important analytical questions concerning the identification of the institutional locus of European integration, when the realization of the political goals with the internal market is dependent on an inter-organizational coordination between the EU and ESO. Applying the analytical concept of a ‘policy field’ the analysis shows how the completion of the internal market fundamentally challenges institutionalized conceptions of the role of politics in constituting markets. Keywords: Internal market, policy field, technical standards, transnationalization, new approach harmonization, private product polic

    The clinical application of longitudinal layer specific strain as a diagnostic and prognostic instrument in ischemic heart diseases: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background2-dimensional Speckle-Tracking Echocardiography, to obtain longitudinal layer specific strain (LSS), has recently emerged as a novel and accurate non-invasive imaging technique for diagnosis as well as for prediction of adverse cardiac events. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to give an overview of the possible clinical implication and significance of longitudinal LSS.MethodsWe conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis with all the studies involving layer specific strain in patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD). Of 40 eligible studies, 9 met our inclusion criteria. Studies that were included either investigated the prognostic value (n = 3) or the diagnostic value (n = 6) of longitudinal LSS.ResultsThe pooled meta-analysis showed that longitudinal LSS is a significant diagnostic marker for coronary artery disease (CAD) in patients with IHD. Endocardial LSS was found to be a good diagnostic marker for CAD in IHD patients (OR: 1.28, CI95% [1.11–1.48], p < 0.001, per 1% decrease). Epicardial (OR: 1.34, CI95% [1.14–1.56], p < 0.001, per 1% decrease), Mid-Myocardial (OR: 1.24, CI95% [1.12–1.38], p < 0.001, per 1% decrease) and endocardial (OR: 1.21, CI95% [1.09–1.35], p < 0.001, per 1% decrease) LSS all entailed diagnostic information regarding CAD, with epicardial LSS emerging as the superior diagnostic marker for CAD in patients with SAP. Endocardial LSS proved to be the better diagnostic marker of CAD in patients with non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS). LSS was shown to be a good prognostic maker of adverse cardiac events in IHD patients. Two studies found endocardial circumferential strain to be the good predictor of outcome in CAD patients and when added to baseline characteristics. Epicardial LSS emerged as best predictor in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients.ConclusionIn patients with SAP, epicardial LSS was the stronger diagnostic marker while in NSTE-ACS patients, endocardial LSS was the stronger diagnostic marker. In addition, endocardial circumferential strain is the better predictor of adverse outcome in CAD patients whilst in ACS patients, epicardial LSS was found to be a better predictor of outcome

    Myocardial Work in Patients Hospitalized With COVID‐19:Relation to Biomarkers, COVID‐19 Severity, and All‐Cause Mortality

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    BACKGROUND: COVID‐19 infection has been hypothesized to affect left ventricular function; however, the underlying mechanisms and the association to clinical outcome are not understood. The global work index (GWI) is a novel echocardiographic measure of systolic function that may offer insights on cardiac dysfunction in COVID‐19. We hypothesized that GWI was associated with disease severity and all‐cause death in patients with COVID‐19. METHODS AND RESULTS: In a multicenter study of patients admitted with COVID‐19 (n=305), 249 underwent pressure‐strain loop analyses to quantify GWI at a median time of 4 days after admission. We examined the association of GWI to cardiac biomarkers (troponin and NT‐proBNP [N‐terminal pro‐B‐type natriuretic peptide]), disease severity (oxygen requirement and CRP [C‐reactive protein]), and all‐cause death. Patients with elevated troponin (n=71) exhibited significantly reduced GWI (1508 versus 1707 mm Hg%; P=0.018). A curvilinear association to NT‐proBNP was observed, with increasing NT‐proBNP once GWI decreased below 1446 mm Hg%. Moreover, GWI was significantly associated with a higher oxygen requirement (relative increase of 6% per 100–mm Hg% decrease). No association was observed with CRP. Of the 249 patients, 37 died during follow‐up (median, 58 days). In multivariable Cox regression, GWI was associated with all‐cause death (hazard ratio, 1.08 [95% CI, 1.01–1.15], per 100–mm Hg% decrease), but did not increase C‐statistics when added to clinical parameters. CONCLUSIONS: In patients admitted with COVID‐19, our findings indicate that NT‐proBNP and troponin may be associated with lower GWI, whereas CRP is not. GWI was independently associated with all‐cause death, but did not provide prognostic information beyond readily available clinical parameters. REGISTRATION: URL: https://www.clinicaltrials.gov; Unique identifier: NCT04377035
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