3 research outputs found

    Dicer-like Enzymes with Sequence Cleavage Preferences

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    Dicer proteins are known to produce small RNAs (sRNAs) from long double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) templates. These sRNAs are bound by Argonaute proteins, which select the guide strand, often with a 5′ end sequence bias. However, Dicer proteins have never been shown to have sequence cleavage preferences. In Paramecium development, two classes of sRNAs that are required for DNA elimination are produced by three Dicer-like enzymes: Dcl2, Dcl3, and Dcl5. Through in vitro cleavage assays, we demonstrate that Dcl2 has a strict size preference for 25 nt and a sequence preference for 5′ U and 5′ AGA, while Dcl3 has a sequence preference for 5′ UNG. Dcl5, however, has cleavage preferences for 5′ UAG and 3′ CUAC/UN, which leads to the production of RNAs precisely matching short excised DNA elements with corresponding end base preferences. Thus, we characterize three Dicer-like enzymes that are involved in Paramecium development and propose a biological role for their sequence-biased cleavage products

    Pdsg1 and Pdsg2, novel proteins involved in developmental genome remodelling in Paramecium

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    The epigenetic influence of maternal cells on the development of their progeny has long been studied in various eukaryotes. Multicellular organisms usually provide their zygotes not only with nutrients but also with functional elements required for proper development, such as coding and non-coding RNAs. These maternally deposited RNAs exhibit a variety of functions, from regulating gene expression to assuring genome integrity. In ciliates, such as Paramecium these RNAs participate in the programming of large-scale genome reorganization during development, distinguishing germline-limited DNA, which is excised, from somatic-destined DNA. Only a handful of proteins playing roles in this process have been identified so far, including typical RNAi-derived factors such as Dicer-like and Piwi proteins. Here we report and characterize two novel proteins, Pdsg1 and Pdsg2 (Paramecium protein involved in Development of the Somatic Genome 1 and 2), involved in Paramecium genome reorganization. We show that these proteins are necessary for the excision of germline-limited DNA during development and the survival of sexual progeny. Knockdown of PDSG1 and PDSG2 genes affects the populations of small RNAs known to be involved in the programming of DNA elimination (scanRNAs and iesRNAs) and chromatin modification patterns during development. Our results suggest an association between RNA-mediated trans-generational epigenetic signal and chromatin modifications in the process of Paramecium genome reorganization

    Circular Concatemers of Ultra-Short DNA Segments Produce Regulatory RNAs

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    In the ciliated protozoan Paramecium tetraurelia, Piwi-associated small RNAs are generated upon the elimination of tens of thousands of short transposon-derived DNA segments as part of development. These RNAs then target complementary DNA for elimination in a positive feedback process, contributing to germline defense and genome stability. In this work, we investigate the formation of these RNAs, which we show to be transcribed directly from the short (length mode 27 bp) excised DNA segments. Our data support a mechanism whereby the concatenation and circularization of excised DNA segments provides a template for RNA production. This process allows the generation of a double-stranded RNA for Dicer-like protein cleavage to give rise to a population of small regulatory RNAs that precisely match the excised DNA sequences. VIDEO ABSTRACT