3 research outputs found

    Matrix product states approaches to operator spreading in ergodic quantum systems

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    We review different tensor network approaches to study the spreading of operators in generic nonintegrable quantum systems. As a common ground to all methods, we quantify this spreading by means of the Frobenius norm of the commutator of a spreading operator with a local operator, which is usually referred to as the out of time order correlation (OTOC) function. We compare two approaches based on matrix-product states in the Schr\"odinger picture: the time dependent block decimation (TEBD) and the time dependent variational principle (TDVP), as well as TEBD based on matrix-product operators directly in the Heisenberg picture. The results of all methods are compared to numerically exact results using Krylov space exact time evolution. We find that for the Schr\"odinger picture the TDVP algorithm performs better than the TEBD algorithm. Moreover the tails of the OTOC are accurately obtained both by TDVP MPS and TEBD MPO. They are in very good agreement with exact results at short times, and appear to be converged in bond dimension even at longer times. However the growth and saturation regimes are not well captured by both methods.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Identifying correlation clusters in many-body localized systems

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    We introduce techniques for analysing the structure of quantum states of many-body localized (MBL) spin chains by identifying correlation clusters from pairwise correlations. These techniques proceed by interpreting pairwise correlations in the state as a weighted graph, which we analyse using an established graph theoretic clustering algorithm. We validate our approach by studying the eigenstates of a disordered XXZ spin chain across the MBL to ergodic transition, as well as the non-equilibrium dyanmics in the MBL phase following a global quantum quench. We successfully reproduce theoretical predictions about the MBL transition obtained from renormalization group schemes. Furthermore, we identify a clear signature of many-body dynamics analogous to the logarithmic growth of entanglement. The techniques that we introduce are computationally inexpensive and in combination with matrix product state methods allow for the study of large scale localized systems. Moreover, the correlation functions we use are directly accessible in a range of experimental settings including cold atoms.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Measuring the Loschmidt amplitude for finite-energy properties of the Fermi-Hubbard model on an ion-trap quantum computer

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    Calculating the equilibrium properties of condensed matter systems is one of the promising applications of near-term quantum computing. Recently, hybrid quantum-classical time-series algorithms have been proposed to efficiently extract these properties from a measurement of the Loschmidt amplitude ⟨ψ∣e−iH^t∣ψ⟩\langle \psi| e^{-i \hat H t}|\psi \rangle from initial states ∣ψ⟩|\psi\rangle and a time evolution under the Hamiltonian H^\hat H up to short times tt. In this work, we study the operation of this algorithm on a present-day quantum computer. Specifically, we measure the Loschmidt amplitude for the Fermi-Hubbard model on a 1616-site ladder geometry (32 orbitals) on the Quantinuum H2-1 trapped-ion device. We assess the effect of noise on the Loschmidt amplitude and implement algorithm-specific error mitigation techniques. By using a thus-motivated error model, we numerically analyze the influence of noise on the full operation of the quantum-classical algorithm by measuring expectation values of local observables at finite energies. Finally, we estimate the resources needed for scaling up the algorithm.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure