9 research outputs found
The Dramatic Arc in the Development of Argumentation Skills of Upper Secondary School Students in Geography Education
Geography education can facilitate learners' critical thinking and argumentation skills to make well-reasoned decisions on social and environmental issues. This study reports on a geography course consisting of 18 lessons, each of them 75 min, designed to afford intensive practice in argumentation to upper secondary school students (n = 21) and following the dramatic arc. The study produces examples of different developmental pathways of upper secondary school students' argumentation during the geography course. In this qualitative case study, the data were collected from learning diaries and analyzed using content analysis following ARRA-analysis (Analysis of Reasoning, Rhetorics and Argumentation), which is based on Toulmin's argumentation model. The results indicated that most of the students developed justified arguments and composed clear claims and relevant rhetorical modes such as qualifications, rhetorical questions and rebuttals. Justification categories that were mainly used were backings, grounds and warrants. However, some students had difficulties in recognizing the main claim and arguments. The students developed their argumentation skills following the dramatic arc. They possessed the prerequisites for argumentative reasoning and writing but needed further practice in analytical and critical writing.Peer reviewe
The Dramatic Arc in the Development of Argumentation Skills of Upper Secondary School Students in Geography Education
Geography education can facilitate learners' critical thinking and argumentation skills to make well-reasoned decisions on social and environmental issues. This study reports on a geography course consisting of 18 lessons, each of them 75 min, designed to afford intensive practice in argumentation to upper secondary school students (n = 21) and following the dramatic arc. The study produces examples of different developmental pathways of upper secondary school students' argumentation during the geography course. In this qualitative case study, the data were collected from learning diaries and analyzed using content analysis following ARRA-analysis (Analysis of Reasoning, Rhetorics and Argumentation), which is based on Toulmin's argumentation model. The results indicated that most of the students developed justified arguments and composed clear claims and relevant rhetorical modes such as qualifications, rhetorical questions and rebuttals. Justification categories that were mainly used were backings, grounds and warrants. However, some students had difficulties in recognizing the main claim and arguments. The students developed their argumentation skills following the dramatic arc. They possessed the prerequisites for argumentative reasoning and writing but needed further practice in analytical and critical writing.Peer reviewe
COVID-19-epidemian vaikutukset väestön palvelutarpeisiin, palvelujärjestelmään ja kansantalouteen : nopea vaikutusarvio
Raportissa kuvataan koronaviruksen aiheuttaman COVID-19-epidemian ja sen leviämisen hillitsemiseen tehtyjen politiikkatoimenpiteiden vaikutuksia väestön elinoloihin, palvelutarpeisiin, palvelujen käyttöön sekä mielialaan. Tarkastelu sisältää myös ennusteita erilaisten taudin leviämisen ja rajoittamistoimien vaikutuksista talouden kehitykseen. Tavoitteena oli koota nopeasti päätöksenteossa tarvittavaa tietoa infektioepidemian muista kuin epidemiologisista ja sen hoitoon liittyvistä kysymyksistä, toisin sanoen vaikutuksista yhteiskunnassa laajasti arvioituna
The Dramatic Arc in the Development of Argumentation Skills of Upper Secondary School Students in Geography Education
Geography education can facilitate learners’ critical thinking and argumentation skills to make well-reasoned decisions on social and environmental issues. This study reports on a geography course consisting of 18 lessons, each of them 75 min, designed to afford intensive practice in argumentation to upper secondary school students (n = 21) and following the dramatic arc. The study produces examples of different developmental pathways of upper secondary school students’ argumentation during the geography course. In this qualitative case study, the data were collected from learning diaries and analyzed using content analysis following ARRA-analysis (Analysis of Reasoning, Rhetorics and Argumentation), which is based on Toulmin’s argumentation model. The results indicated that most of the students developed justified arguments and composed clear claims and relevant rhetorical modes such as qualifications, rhetorical questions and rebuttals. Justification categories that were mainly used were backings, grounds and warrants. However, some students had difficulties in recognizing the main claim and arguments. The students developed their argumentation skills following the dramatic arc. They possessed the prerequisites for argumentative reasoning and writing but needed further practice in analytical and critical writing
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Teema: Opetuksen maantiede - Nuorten maantiede
The Dramatic Arc in the Development of Argumentation Skills of Upper Secondary School Students in Geography Education
Geography education can facilitate learners’ critical thinking and argumentation skills to make well-reasoned decisions on social and environmental issues. This study reports on a geography course consisting of 18 lessons, each of them 75 min, designed to afford intensive practice in argumentation to upper secondary school students (n = 21) and following the dramatic arc. The study produces examples of different developmental pathways of upper secondary school students’ argumentation during the geography course. In this qualitative case study, the data were collected from learning diaries and analyzed using content analysis following ARRA-analysis (Analysis of Reasoning, Rhetorics and Argumentation), which is based on Toulmin’s argumentation model. The results indicated that most of the students developed justified arguments and composed clear claims and relevant rhetorical modes such as qualifications, rhetorical questions and rebuttals. Justification categories that were mainly used were backings, grounds and warrants. However, some students had difficulties in recognizing the main claim and arguments. The students developed their argumentation skills following the dramatic arc. They possessed the prerequisites for argumentative reasoning and writing but needed further practice in analytical and critical writing
Oikeus lähteä, oikeus jäädä, oikeus palata: Mitä ilmastokasvatuksen pitäisi kertoa muuttoliikkeestä?
The paper considers a specific field of climate change education from a geographical perspective, namely climate mobilities education. The theme of climate mobilities is largely missing in Finnish basic education, but it is included in the upper secondary school compulsory course of geography. As part of a broader study that develops decolonizing empathy education on climate mobilities for basic education, we carried out a study in an upper secondary school to learn from the students how they understand the phenomenon and to test out some methods for teaching this challenging topic. The study found that students recognize climate mobility as an important societal issue, but when considering responses they rely on a science-based approach to address causes and consequences with the aim of identifying general, once and for all solutions to the identified problems, rather than viewing climate mobilities from a more social scientific perspective, as a set of multi-scalar complex challenges that require contextual and continuous attention