25 research outputs found

    Personal-Flexibilisierungsinstrumente in Produktionsunternehmen: Proaktives Personalkapazitätsmanagement zur Bewältigung volatiler Märkte

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    Für Produktionsunternehmen steigt in den letzten Jahren die Marktvolatilität stetig an. Die Flexibilität des Personaleinsatzes wird daher ein immer wichtigerer Stellhebel zur Sicherung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in Hochlohnländern wie Deutschland. Zur Anpassung der personellen Kapazität an den Marktbedarf steht Unternehmen eine Vielzahl an Personalflexibilitätsinstrumenten zur Verfügung. Diese haben unterschiedliche Auswirkungen auf Unternehmen und Mitarbeiter. Daher muss ihr Einsatz systematisch und langfristig abgestimmt erfolgen

    Future Work Lab 2.0. Artificial Intelligence for Manufacturing Work of the Future

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    Our working world is in a state of upheaval. The Internet and mobile technologies are fundamentally changing the way we live and work. Industrie 4.0 and the Digital Transformation are relevant drivers for the development of our whole society. Even new digital technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and machine learning have a big footprint. The goal of the Future Work Lab 2.0 is to operate and develop a unique innovation laboratory for work, people and technology at the Stuttgart location. A Demonstrator World with more than 50 demonstrators showcasing manufacturing work of tomorrow makes new possibilities of digitalization and automation possibilities in the core areas of industrial work transparent. A Learning World serves to raise awareness, qualification and social dialog. An Ideas World provides a platform for national and international advanced research and academic discussion of changes in industrial work. The present paper describes the aims and the status of the German BMBF-funded project

    Future Work Lab: The workplace of the future

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    The Future Work Lab - an innovation laboratory for work, people, and technology - provides companies, associations, coworkers and labor unions with extensive opportunities to experience future-oriented work concepts. The laboratory combines demonstrations of specific Industry 4.0 applications with competencydevelopment offers and integrates the current state ofwork research. In this way, it facilitates holistic developmental progress in the field ofwork, people, and technology. Taken as a whole, the Future Work Lab provides a significant contribution to long-term increases in companies' competitiveness through participative design of sustainable working environments

    Transforming to a hyper-connected society and economy - towards an "Industry 4.0"

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    Volatile markets and global and inter-industrial networks are creating a radically more dynamic market environment which calls for considerably greater on-demand flexibility in resource deployment. Today’s businesses have to respond to evolving trends. As well as increasing flexibility, this also means taking action in two further areas, namely increasing transformability and responding to demographic change. Furthermore the global change towards a fully networked society is in progress, in Germany, in Europe, and of course in the United States – actually more or less all over the world. In this context one significant topic is the “Internet of things and services”. The digital transformation changes business and private life likewise – in a radically and sustainable way. The economic potential is enormous. Topics related to the networking of the internet by far have the most economical potential worldwide. The world becomes more and more digital. This is the Big Business of the future. Digitally networked and data-intensive are the main attributes of a smarter production, the so called industry 4.0. But not only in technology many things are changing, humans and the society transforms, too. To achieve a positive influence on key performance indicators, organizational approaches to enterprise architecture should not be restricted to purely technical aspects but should instead put the focus firmly on employees. The study examines initial design approaches in the areas of qualifications, leadership and demography-resistant work architectures

    Priority rules for the control of flexible labour utilisation

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    Within this paper a cyber-physical-system for the support of a self-organised and highly flexible labour utilisation will be presented. It displays one of the main results of the German research project “KapaflexCy”, which comprises of ten industrial and scientific partners. The approach of the project is to involve employees in the personnel planning and scheduling processes by means of a matching and voting process with mobile communication devices and a rule base with a comprehensive set of priority rules which limit the possible work assignments within a legal and economical justified corridor for flexible working hours. Used Criteria are the qualification of employees, the legal restrictions on maximum working hours, the flextime wage records and the personal preferences of the employees. The paper will highlight in particular the priority rules, which are used to calculate the priority indicator for work assignments of the employees

    Der nächste Schritt auf dem Weg zur Industrie 4.0. KI-Studie des Fraunhofer IAO: Beitrag auf der Internetseite IT & Production Online (https://www.it-production.com), 21. November 2019

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    Die technologischen Rahmenbedingungen führen dazu, dass Firmen KI-Lösungen häufiger diskutieren als integrieren. In einer Studie hat das Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO untersucht, wo KI in Unternehmen zu finden ist und was sie dort leistet