59 research outputs found

    Strategi Bisnis PT. Unilever Dalam Persaingan Produk Kosmetik Di Indonesia Tahun 2010-2015

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    This research is examine the Business strategy of PT. Unilever Indonesia to compete its cosmetic product with another cosmetic brand in Indonesia. Multinational Coorperation or MNC is a form of a cooperation which ranged in various field and production and its operations range is went across the market states boundaries. Unilever is one of multinational cooperation that has a rapid developed in Indonesia. PT. Unilever's production are food, groceries, and cosmetic products.This research is theoretically built by using theory and multinational cooperation concept. Researcher formulate all data from books, journal, encyclopedia, media, and website. Theoritical framework in this research using qualitative methods.This research proves that PT. Unilever Indonesia have a several methods to compete its cosmetics products with another cosmetics brand in Indonesia in 2010-2015. The strategies are, promoting strategy, sustainabilitybased strategy, community engagement strategy, informations technology strategy, fungtional strategy, and competitive profile matrix (CMP) strategy.

    Hambatan Ekspor Sayuran Organik Riau ke Singapura

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    The purpose of this research is to explain obstacles of the cooperation Riau Province and Singapore in Organic Agriculture especially organic vegetable. The first time, both of countries signed Memorandum of Understanding in October 2001. The core of agreement is that Riau Province will export organic vegetable to Singapore as one country which has big potential vegetable market. Position of Singapore adjacent to Indonesia to provide advantages for Indonesia. Easy transport links made production costs low so that the larger profits earned by both of countries. In 2004-2008 the export of organic vegetables to Singapore Riau smoothly, and then vacuum caused due to a problem. And in 2014 Riau conduct re-export, but only lasted two months, namely in February and March. After that the export vacuum until now. This research applies pluralism perspective which considers that the state is not the only actor who plays a role in international relations, including in international trade transactions. As directives in this research, the author establishes nation-state as the level of analysis in this study. In accordance with the fact that the main object of international relations is the nation-state. And The theory used in this research is the theory of comparative advantage. This research applies research methods and literature (Library Research). The data in this study consisted of primary data and secondary data. Primary data was conducted by interview and observation. Secondary data were obtained from a collection of readings, namely: books, documents, internet and other readings that are related to the issues discussed. Keywords : Organic agriculture, pluralism perspective, comparative advantage Keywords : Organic agriculture, pluralism perspective, comparative advantag

    Peran End Child Prostitution, Child Phornography, And Trafficking Of Children For Sexsual Purposes (Ecpat) dalam Mengatasi Masalah Eksploitasi Seksual Komersial Anak (Eska) di Filipina (2009-2013)

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    This research aims to find out the role of End Child Prostitution, Child Phornography, and Trafficking of Children For Sexual Purposes (ECPAT) against child exploitation for sexual purposes (CSEC) in Phillipiness in 2009-2013. ECPAT is one of non governmental organization focus to end CSEC. CSEC is a form of human trafficking where children are treated as a commercial object by using coercion and violence that lead to form of child labor. CSEC become a great threat in many countries ecpecially in countries with social and economic problems. This research used NGO theory and Role Theory and pluralism perperctive to see the role of ECPAT against CSEC. The results shows ECPAT efforts to against CSEC through campaign, partnership with government, cooperation, other NGOs, etc. Philiphiness government and ECPAT oversee the implementation of child laws in the Philippines. ECPAT also formed a partnership with The Body Shop and cooperating with privat sectors such as travels agencies, hotel, airport, internet service provider. These effort need support from all of bases ini Philiphiness.Keywords : CSEC, ECPAT, International Campaign, NGO, Child Youth Participation

    Kerjasama Universitas Riau dan Universitas Kyoto dalam Pengelolaan Ekosistem Gambut di Kabupaten Bengkalis Tahun 2010-2014

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    This research explains about cooperation of Riau University and Kyoto University forward management of peatland ecosystem in District Bengkalis-Indonesia. The purpose of this research to know degradation of peatland ecosystem in District Bengkalis-Indonesia have global effect. A huge of peat area unwise exploited, especially for palm oil plantation industrial forest estate (plantation development: forestry and estate corps). This problem have of interest to the international institutions do research of peat, one of its Kyoto University. Kyoto University have partnership with Riau University. This research is a qualitative research. Method applied in doing this research is descriptive analysis with aim to depict and analyzed a phenomenon in this case. By using the Pluralism perspective to analyze the role of non state actor and global issue not only limited in security case and military case but international politics agenda very large. Cooperation theory to analyze how human necessities increase and interdependence complex required every state to cooperate. This research is a qualitative research. Method applied in doing this research is descriptive analysis with aim to depict and analyzed a phenomenon in this case. By using the Pluralism perspective to analyze the role of non state actor and global issue not only limited in security case and military case but international politics agenda very large. Cooperation theory to analyze how human necessities increase and interdependence complex required every state to cooperate. The result of show that peatland degradation have global effect. Parties exploit in this case which is economic interest with do in the name of environment issue. Research of Riau University and Kyoto University give solution for peatland problem with strategy and applied policy sustainable management of peatland ecosystem to reduce the risk of fire and associated regional haze. Also identified were actions (related to research, industry or local management practice or policies) need from different stakeholders, such as local governments, companies, NGOs, communities and researchers, to reduce or resolve the problem of peatland degradation in different scenarios. The result of show that peatland degradation have global effect. Parties exploit in this case which is economic interest with do in the name of environment issue. Research of Riau University and Kyoto University give solution for peatland problem with strategy and applied policy sustainable management of peatland ecosystem to reduce the risk of fire and associated regional haze. Also identified were actions (related to research, industry or local management practice or policies) need from different stakeholders, such as local governments, companies, NGOs, communities and researchers, to reduce or resolve the problem of peatland degradation in different scenarios. Keyword: international cooperation, peatland, and sustainable management Keyword: international cooperation, peatland, and sustainable managemen


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    Penelitian dengan judul ā€œDramaturgi Teater Postdramatik pada Teater Under The Volcano, sutradara Yusrilā€, merupakan kajian tentang teater kontemporer Indonesia di Sumatera Barat yang berpusat pada kekuatan budaya lokal Minangkabau, tercermin melalui gerak silat (silek), ulu ambek, musik dan dendang Minangkabau. Permasalahan penelitian ini adalah; (1) mengapa muncul terminologi teater postdramatik pada teater UTV, dan bagaimana peran Yusril di dalamnya, (2) Bagaimana proses penggarapan, struktur, dan tekstur pada teater postdramatik UTV, dan (3) bagaimana makna, dan kondisi sosial budaya yang berpengaruh terhadap penggarapan teater postdramatik UTV. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan beberapa teori untuk menjawab permasalahan penelitian ini yaitu; (1) teori sosial postmodern; (2) teori estetika dan teater postdramatik; dan (3) teori semiotika, dan sosiologi seni. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terminologi munculnya teater postdramatik sebagai bentuk respons terhadap praktik teater postmodern di Eropa. Sehingga, hal ini berpengaruh pada bentuk teater yang digarap oleh Yusril di Sumatera Barat. Proses penggarapan, struktur, dan tekstur teater postdramatik yang dikembangkan Hans-Thies Lehmann berpusat pada elemen teks, ruang, waktu, tubuh, dan media digambarkan dalam teater UTV. Struktur pertunjukan teater UTV dikonstruksi tidak linier, terlihat seperti komposisi artistik atau kolase. Makna pertunjukan tentang bencana alam tercermin melalui tanda-tanda visual yang terdapat dalam spektakel pertunjukan teater UTV, juga kondisi sosial-budaya masyarakat Minangkabau yang heterogen dan inklusif sehingga hal tersebut berpengaruh pada metode penggarapan teater Yusril, yaitu konsep teater demokratik yang berpusat pada Alam takambang jadi guru. Temuan yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah temuan model di dalam menganalisis bentuk teater yang bertolak pada pendekatan teater postdramatik dan metode penciptaan teater Yusril yang berpijak pada teater demokratik, berpusat pada falsafah Alam Takambang jadi Guru, sehingga dapat menjadi rujukan terhadap praktik teater postdramatik yang mengambil inspirasi dari tradisi nusantara

    Dramatic Structure and Development of Randai Sutan Maradewa in Nagari Anduriang, Padangpariaman

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    Dramatic Structure and Development of Randai Sutan Maradewa in Nagari Anduriang, Kayu Tanamā€”Kabupaten. Padang Pariaman discusses the dramatic randai of Sutan Maradewa and its development in Nagari Anduriang. The main objective of the research that underlies this thesis is to examine the dramatic structure and development. The primary data of the research is Sutan Maradewa's randai manuscript which is seen and analyzed with the theory of dramatic structure. This study aims to examine the elements that make up randai, then proceed to reading the history, development, and creation of randa

    Creative Interpretation of a Performing Art Work: From Malin Kundang to Malin Nan Kondang

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    The Minangkabau Opera Malin Nan Kondang is a work of art that attempts to combine concepts of traditional and modern art. The traditional concept used is the Minangkabau folk theater Randai. The modern concept is the concept of opera which is widely used throughout the world. Randai, a form of traditional Minangkabau theater, is joined together in this work with the essence of opera. The circles in Randai, with the rhythmic pencak movements accompanied by singing, are reprocessed and simplified. The essence of Randai is adapted to fit the structure of a conventional script. A folktale is used only as the inspiration for creating an innovative work. The folktale used, Malin Kundang, is about a son who disobeys and betrays his mother and has a curse put on him, turning him into stone. Meanwhile, the Minangkabau Opera Malin Nan Kondang, tells of the romance between Malin and Nilam. Their love story involves numerous challenges but the performance has a happy ending when the two characters finally meet and live happily ever after. The method used to analyze the Minangkabau Opera Malin Nan Kondang is the pamenan method, which views the performance from the perspective of a game and something that is well-loved in Minangkabau culture. This research is founded on the method and technique of qualitative writing, which is a strategy for obtaining descriptive data or information about the meaning of an object, action, or in this case the events related to the Minangkabau Opera Malin Nan Kondang. Keywords: opera Minangkabau, randai, pamenan, folk tale DOI: 10.7176/ADS/106-02 Publication date:August 31st 202

    Resepsi Penonton Terhadap Pertunjukan Teater Termediasi Pandemi Produksi Teater Koma

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    Artikel ini merupakan studi tentang resepsi penonton terhadap pertunjukan teater termediasi Pandemi, yang diproduksi oleh Teater Koma pada tahun 2020. Studi ini berusaha mengungkap dua pertanyaan besar, yaitu: Seperti apa Struktur dan tekstur pertunjukan teater termediasiĀ PandemiĀ produksi Teater Koma, dan seperti apa resepsi penonton terhadap pertunjukan teater termediasi tersebut. Secara umum penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang menitikberatkan pada pencarian makna dan interpretasi terhadap data. Hasil yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini ialah dari 40 orang responden yang meresepsi, sebanyak 65% responden menolak pertunjukan teater termediasi, sedangkan 35% responden menerima teater termediasi. Alasan yang paling utama dari penolakan tersebut, ialah responden merasakan pengalaman estetika yang dirasakan lebih seperti pertunjukan film dibandingkan pertunjukan teater
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