157 research outputs found

    Confidence-based adaptive frame rate up-conversion

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    The use of complementary and alternative medicine in children with common neurologic diseases

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    Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is a phrase used to describe additional health care methods such as mind/body practices and natural products not regarded as treatments by conventional medicine. The use of CAM in children with common neurologic diseases is more frequent than its use in healthy children (24%–78% vs. 12%). However, less than half of patients report such use to their physicians. The preferred modalities of CAM vary in different countries due to their different cultures and traditions. The most common factor significantly associated with the use of CAM is parental CAM use in most studies. The frequency of the use of CAM in children and adults with neurologic diseases is similar, and both rates are higher than the rates in those without these conditions. The preferred modalities of CAM in adults are diverse, and megavitamins and mind/body therapy (prayer and chiropractic care) are included. The most common factor significantly associated with the use of CAM in adults with neurologic diseases is high educational level. Physicians need to be concerned with patients' use of CAM and provide correct information about CAM so that patients may make the right decisions. Further study is needed to determine the evidence-based efficacy of CAM use in children with common neurologic diseases

    Design of the VISTA-ITL Test Facility for an Integral Type Reactor of SMART and a Post-Test Simulation of a SBLOCA Test

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    To validate the performance and safety of an integral type reactor of SMART, a thermal-hydraulic integral effect test facility, VISTA-ITL, is introduced with a discussion of its scientific design characteristics. The VISTA-ITL was used extensively to assess the safety and performance of the SMART design, especially for its passive safety system such as a passive residual heat removal system, and to validate various thermal-hydraulic analysis codes. The VISTA-ITL program includes several tests on the SBLOCA, CLOF, and PRHRS performances to support a verification of the SMART design and contribute to the SMART design licensing by providing proper test data for validating the system analysis codes. A typical scenario of SBLOCA was analyzed using the MARS-KS code to assess the thermal-hydraulic similarity between the SMART design and the VISTA-ITL facility, and a posttest simulation on a SBLOCA test for the shutdown cooling system line break has been performed with the MARS-KS code to assess its simulation capability for the SBLOCA scenario of the SMART design. The SBLOCA scenario in the SMART design was well reproduced using the VISTA-ITL facility, and the measured thermal-hydraulic data were properly simulated with the MARS-KS code

    Patterned Si thin film electrodes for enhancing structural stability

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    A patterned film (electrode) with lozenge-shaped Si tiles could be successfully fabricated by masking with an expanded metal foil during film deposition. Its electrochemical properties and structural stability during the charge-discharge process were examined and compared with those of a continuous (conventional) film electrode. The patterned electrode exhibited a remarkably improved cycleability (75% capacity retention after 120 cycles) and an enhanced structural stability compared to the continuous electrode. The good electrochemical performance of the patterned electrode was attributed to the space between Si tiles that acted as a buffer against the volume change of the Si electrode

    Funding structures for Build-to-Suit developments in Brazil: advantages and risks

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    Empreendimentos build-to-suit são aqueles em que o locador desenvolve um imóvel sob medida para o locatário, que o ocupará pelo prazo previsto em contrato. Dadas as peculiaridades desse tipo de contrato no contexto do real estate, o objetivo deste artigo é analisar as diferentes origens de recursos (fontes de funding) e a forma como eles são empregados (estruturas de funding) para desenvolver os empreendimentos, e discutir as vantagens e riscos dessas estruturas de funding do ponto de vista do empreendedor, que também é o locador. De forma a desenvolver este estudo e formatar as estruturas de funding apresentadas, parte-se de uma revisão das\ud práticas atuais do mercado imobiliário brasileiro (através de notícias veiculadas\ud na mídia e de prospectos de negócios realizados), da literatura brasileira sobre o tema e do conhecimento gerado no Grupo de Real Estate da Escola Politécnica da USP. De maneira a verificar a validade legal das soluções, é realizada uma checagem com\ud base na legislação brasileira e nas normas da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários.\ud Considera-se fontes de funding aquelas tratadas (1) como equity: capital próprio do empreendedor, capital de parceiros (e sócios) no empreendimento na forma de dinheiro ou imóveis (notadamente, o terreno onde será construído o empreendimento), ou investimento de Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário (FII); e (2) como dívida: financiamento bancário, securitização dos recebíveis de aluguéis com CRI ou debêntures. As estruturas de funding apresentadas serão combinações dessas fontes. A análise evidencia que estruturas com financiamento por securitização e emissão de CRI são as mais adequadas de forma geral para os negócios, assim como o investimento completo por FII para negócios de maior porte e nos quais o FII é proprietário direto do empreendimento. \ud Palavras-chave: real estate, build-to-suit, locação, funding, project financeBuild-to-suit real estate assets are tailor made developments for the tenant purposes, who occupies and operates the property for the duration agreed. Given the peculiarities of these contracts and the specificities of the property, this article aims at analyzing the sources of capital and how these funds are mixed and structured for the developments. The article discusses the risks and benefits of each of these funding\ud structures assuming the role of developer. In order to do this study and establish the funding structures shown, the research starts with a review of the current practices in Brazilian real estate market (based on press releases and prospects of deals), of local research papers, and will use the knowledge created at the Real Estate Research Group at Escola Politécnica at Universidade de São Paulo. Since it’s necessary to validate\ud the solutions proposed, Brazilian laws and Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) norms\ud are reviewed. Funding sources considered will be treated as (1) equity: developers own funds, partnership (via capital or real state – mainly land – investment), or Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário (Brazilian investment structure comparable to REITs); or as (2) debt: banks traditional credit lines, securitization of receivables with CRI emissions\ud , and debt bond emissions. The funding structures presented are mixes of these sources. The analysis shows that the structures best suited for this purpose are those with debt by securitization with CRI emissions, along with the complete investment by a FII but only with large emissions and having the FII as the sole owner of the real estate. \ud Keywords: real estate, build-to-suit, rent, funding, project financ

    A Systematic Review of Benefit of Silicone Intubation in Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy

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    Objectives Insertion of a silicone stent during endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) is the most common procedure to prevent rhinostomy closure. It has been claimed that silicone intubation improves the surgical outcomes of endoscopic DCR. However, many reports have documented an equally high success rate for surgery without silicone intubation. Accordingly, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to clarify the outcomes of endoscopic DCR with and without silicone intubation and determine whether silicone intubation is actually beneficial for patients. Methods PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane Library databases were searched to identify relevant controlled trials evaluating endoscopic DCR with and without silicone intubation. The search was restricted to English articles published between January 2007 and December 2016. Relevant articles were reviewed to obtain information pertaining to interventions and outcomes. We also performed a meta-analysis of the relevant literature. Results In total, 1,216 patients included in 12 randomized controlled trials were pooled. A total of 1,239 endoscopic DCR procedures were performed, and silicone stents were used in 533 procedures. The overall success rate for endoscopic DCR was 91.9% (1,139/1,239), while the success rates with and without silicone intubation were 92.9% (495/533) and 91.2% (644/706), respectively. There was no statistically significant heterogeneity among the included studies. A meta-analysis using a fixed-effects models showed no significant difference in the success rate between endoscopic DCR with silicone intubation and that without silicone intubation (OR, 1.38; 95% CI, 0.89 to 2.12; P=0.148; z=1.45). Furthermore, there were no significant differences with regard to surgical complications such as synechia, granulation, and postoperative bleeding. Conclusion The findings of our meta-analysis suggest that the success rate and postoperative complication rate for endoscopic DCR is not influenced by the use of silicone intubation during the procedure

    Real-Life Efficacy and Tolerability of Lacosamide in Pediatric Patients Aged 4 Years or Older with Drug-Resistant Epilepsy

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    Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of adjunctive lacosamide therapy in pediatric patients aged ≥4 years with drug-resistant epilepsy (DRE). Methods Medical records of children aged 4 to 19 years treated with lacosamide as adjunctive therapy for DRE were retrospectively reviewed. The patients were divided into two groups according to their age at the start of lacosamide treatment: group A (aged 4–15 years) and group B (aged 16–19 years). Changes in seizure frequency from baseline, adverse events, and the retention rate were evaluated at each follow-up visit. Results Sixty-two patients (33 males and 29 females) with a mean age of 11.4 years (range, 4 to 19) were included. The mean duration of follow-up was 20.1±12.9 months. The mean maintenance dose of lacosamide was 6.7±4.8 mg/kg/day. Forty-two patients (67.7%) were responders (≥50% reduction in seizures) with 19.4% (12/62) achieving freedom from seizures. The response rate did not differ significantly between groups A and B (67.6% vs. 68.0%, P=0.795) and was not affected by the concomitant use of sodium channel blockers. Significant independent factors associated with a good response to lacosamide treatment were a shorter duration of epilepsy (P=0.035) and fewer concomitant anti-seizure medications (P=0.002). Mild transient adverse events were observed in 20 patients (32.3%). Conclusion Lacosamide adjunctive therapy was efficacious and tolerated in children aged ≥4 years with DRE. Early use of lacosamide may be helpful for a good response to drug-resistant seizures