24 research outputs found

    Changes in starch distribution within an embryonic shoot of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) before resumption of mitotic activity

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    The above results supplemented earlier research on the structure and development of Norway spruce embryonic shoots and focuses on changes in starch distribution in winter and early spring. Starch accumulation and mobilization is characteristic of cells that play an important role in morphogenesis. The observed starch distribution within an embryonic shoot suggests that starch indicates the places of future mitotic and morphogenetic activities of the developing shoot. Changes of the rate of starch accumulation in a bud are affected by temperature. This study showed that especially important are the course of temperature fluctuations

    Significance of stem and leaf indumentum in distinguishing Populus × canescens from its parent species P. alba and P. tremula

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    The indumentum of P. alba, P. tremula and their hybrid (P. ×canescens) is discussed in detail and illustrated by scanning electron microscope and light microscope micrographs. Special attention is given to the hairiness of stems and leaves and to the diagnostic value of hairiness in distinguishing the grey poplar from its parent species. Presence or lack of hairs on leaves and stems, their density and their persistence are very useful features in distinguishing the taxa. Short shoot leaves of P. alba are usually described as initially densely white tomentose, but become glabrous or glabrescent. From our observations, it appears that the abaxial leaf surface of the white poplar remains hairy during the whole life span of the leaf. Hairiness does not disappear, but changes with time; arachnoid hairs become squeezed and pressed together until they finally form a very thin shiny layer on the leaf surface. In late summer, the indumentum becomes thinner and leaf blades seem to be glabrous, although hairs are still visible when using a strong magnifying glass. This feature allows easy distinction between P. alba and the similar P. ×canescens, the leaves of which are loosely arachnoid-tomentose when young and become fully glabrous or subglabrous when mature. Due to the presence of arachnoid hairs, the grey poplar can usually also be distinguished from its second parent, P. tremula. However, because of the introgression between the poplars, all possible features should be taken into account in diagnosis, especially the shape and indumentum of terminal adult leaves of long shoots and/or stronger suckers. In P. tremula, such leaves are usually broadly ovate, cordate at the base, irregularly serrate, glabrous or hairy, but never with long arachnoid hairs. In P. alba, the upper leaves of long shoots and suckers are deeply lobed, serrate and densely white arachnoid on the abaxial side, while in P. ×canescens they are serrate or shallowly lobed, rather loosely covered with arachnoid hairs and greenish-grey

    Accumulation of iron-binding compounds in root of Pinus sylvestris challenged by Heterobasidion annosum sensu lato

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    We examined the interaction between the roots of Pinus sylvestris and closely related species Heterobasidion annousum s.l. (H. annosum s.s., H. parviporum, H. abietinum) that differ in host plant preference. The aim of the current study was to determine in roots the accumulation pattern of low molecular mass compounds such as catecholate and hydroxamate derivates, oxalic acid as well as iron-reduction ability of that low molecular mass compounds, that play important roles in wood degradation and they are also involved in pathogenesis. The accumulation of catechol and hydroxamate derivates increased during the early (2–6 h) and late (24–48 h) stages of interaction and similar pattern of oxalic acid accumulation were observed. The level of catecholate derivates in P. sylvestris roots that were challenged with H. parviporum or H. abietinum correlated strongly with iron reducing ability. However, when host was exposed to H. annosum s. s. hydroxamates rather than catecholates regulated iron reducing ability. The extracellular Fe3+ reducing activity was greater for H. annosum s. s. isolates than for isolates of two other species, and reduction of ferric iron may promote oxidative burst in host cell and fungal colonization. Catecholate concentration in the presence of H. annosum s.s. contributing to host cell death, confirm iron involvement in infection success

    Anatomical study on the developing pericarp of selected Rosa species (Rosaceae)

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    Results of anatomical studies on the developing pericarp of selected wild roses are presented. Using SEM and CLSM, the changes in the pericarp structure of 5 species have been observed during its formation, from the flowering stage to fully ripe achenes. In the morphological development of the pericarp of Rosa species two main phases can be distinguished: the phase of intensive growth of the pericarp during which the fruit achieves its final shape and volume, and the subsequent phase of pericarp ripening when no significant morphological changes in the pericarp occur. Similarly, in the process of the anatomical development of the pericarp two phases are noticeable, however, during both stages, great internal changes proceed in the fruit. The first phase consists of intensive cell divisions and enlargement, gradual thickening of cell walls and formation of all pericarp layers. Due to these changes, the pericarp achieves its final anatomical structure. The second phase, involving the pericarp ripening, is manifested in the modification of cell walls, mainly by their quick thickening, but first of all by their lignification. The lignification of pericarp cell walls begins in the inner endocarp; it proceeds in the outer endocarp, later in mesocarp and finishes in the hypodermal cells of the exocarp. The epidermal cells remain alive the longest and their walls do not (or hardly) become lignified. The death of all cells finishes the pericarp ripening

    Structure of embryogenic tissues and accumulation of storage materials in somatic embryos of Picea abies and P. omorika

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    Microscopic analysis of embryogenic tissues of Picea abies and P. omorika showed that the tissues differed in proportions of various types of proembryogenic masses, and in presence/absence of early somatic embryos, which suggests that they differed in embryogenic potential. On the basis of this study, embryogenic competence of tissues can be assessed at early stages of somatic embryogenesis, and thus the most efficient lines can be selected (one Picea abies and two P. omorika). In the course of development of somatic embryos embryogenic tissue was placed on a medium with abscisic acid (ABA), which affects an increase in osmotic pressure at the stage of maturation of somatic embryos and finally on the regeneration of cotyledonary embryos. In this stage of embryos development, storage materials were accumulated, which are used in specific metabolic processes during embryo development

    Growth and quality traits of half-sib progeny of Polish larch [Larix decidua subsp. polonica (Racib.) Domin] from Gora Chelmowa during 37 years of growth

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    We have investigated among−family variation in growth and quality traits of Polish larch [Larix decidua subsp. polonica (Racib.) Domin] from Góra Chełmowa and Bliżyn. Growth traits were measured several times during the 37 years of growth in a progeny test in Kórnik (52 15’N and 17 04’E), while quality traits were investigated at age 22. We have found significant among−family variation in survival rate at age 15; DBH at age 15, 20, 22 and 37; and stand productivity at age 22. Family heritability was high for DBH (0.6−0.8), except after the thinning (0.41). For basal area it was increasing from about 0.4 at age 15 to about 0.7 at age 37. The larch population from Góra Chełmowa is distinguished by a characteristic deformation of a lower trunk (saber−shape). Such a deformation was also observed in this experiment with a high family heritability (0.83). Other quality traits – self−prunning, branch thickness and branch length – did not vary among families. In all traits, the larch family from Bliżyn was better−performing than families from Góra Chełmowa. However, a high variation among tested families and high values of heritability estimates lend possibility of selecting best parents that could potentially be crossed with other highly productive ones of better quality to transmit into progeny other favorable traits of larch from Góra Chełmowa – high resistance to abiotic stresses and low susceptibility to larch cancer. Value of such progeny should be tested in the future

    Provenance variability of black alder in Poland

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    European black alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) is a widespread tree species associated with wetlands and riparian ecosystems, thus it plays an important ecological role. Due to its fast growth and favorable wood properties it also has a potential to satisfy a growing demand for wood and fiber. However, its growth potential is not fully realized in Poland. In this study we investigated variation in growth traits, productivity, and stem straightness among 11 populations of European black alder originating from the lowland distribution of the species in Poland. The common−garden experiment located in 1968 in Kórnik (mid−western Poland) has been so far the only provenance experiment with this species in our country. We measured height and diameter of all trees at the site, assessed stem straightness in a 5−step scale (1−crooked; 5−straight), and calculated productivity at age of 50 years, which should be considered close to the rotation age. We found significant variation among populations in all investigated traits. The difference in productivity between the best and the worst provenance reached 75%. Using published and unpublished data from previous measurements at this site we also analyzed a trend in provenance ranking through time. The best and worst provenance could be identified at age 16 years, but many ranking shifts took place afterwards at the intermediate rank positions. We conclude that growth, productivity and stem quality of black alder could be improved through selection of favorable provenances within the species. Selection decisions can be made at the age below the half the rotation age, although decisions at 3/4 of rotation age would be more precise

    Mucormycosis in a patient with acute myeloblastic leukemia following liver transplantation for Wilson’s disease

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    A case is presented of mucormycosis in a patient with acute myeloblastic leukemia following liver transplantation for Wilson’s disease. A 58-year-old female was admitted to the Department of Haematology with deterioration of her general condition, loss of appetite, tiredness and difficulty with mental contact for a few days. Blood and urine cultures for bacteria and fungus, galactomannan antigen were negative. Whole body computed tomography demonstrated bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy with necrotic lesions: splenomegaly with a hypodensive lesion 13 × 20 × 19 mm and lower pulmonary infiltrates suggested fungal etiology. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain showed thickened meninges. Finally, mucormycosis was diagnosed. Treatment with amphotericin B lipid complex was started, resulting in an partial improvement of the general condition and decreased level of inflammatory markers. However, the patient’s condition continued to deteriorate, with sepsis etiology Escherichia coli, and despite the intensive managements she eventually died