7 research outputs found

    Pharmacodynamics of the Glutamate Receptor Antagonists in the Rat Barrel Cortex

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    Epipial application is one of the approaches for drug delivery into the cortex. However, passive diffusion of epipially applied drugs through the cortical depth may be slow, and different drug concentrations may be achieved at different rates across the cortical depth. Here, we explored the pharmacodynamics of the inhibitory effects of epipially applied ionotropic glutamate receptor antagonists CNQX and dAPV on sensory-evoked and spontaneous activity across layers of the cortical barrel column in urethane-anesthetized rats. The inhibitory effects of CNQX and dAPV were observed at concentrations that were an order higher than in slices in vitro, and they slowly developed from the cortical surface to depth after epipial application. The level of the inhibitory effects also followed the surface-to-depth gradient, with full inhibition of sensory evoked potentials (SEPs) in the supragranular layers and L4 and only partial inhibition in L5 and L6. During epipial CNQX and dAPV application, spontaneous activity and the late component of multiple unit activity (MUA) during sensory-evoked responses were suppressed faster than the short-latency MUA component. Despite complete suppression of SEPs in L4, sensory-evoked short-latency multiunit responses in L4 persisted, and they were suppressed by further addition of lidocaine suggesting that spikes in thalamocortical axons contribute ∼20% to early multiunit responses. Epipial CNQX and dAPV also completely suppressed sensory-evoked very fast (∼500 Hz) oscillations and spontaneous slow wave activity in L2/3 and L4. However, delta oscillations persisted in L5/6. Thus, CNQX and dAPV exert inhibitory actions on cortical activity during epipial application at much higher concentrations than in vitro, and the pharmacodynamics of their inhibitory effects is characterized by the surface-to-depth gradients in the rate of development and the level of inhibition of sensory-evoked and spontaneous cortical activity

    Influence of the genus

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    The authors studied the effect of treatment with bacteria Bacillus subtilis Cohn (strains 26D) and B. thuringiensis Berliner (strain B-6066) on the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) content, the activity of hydrolytic enzymes and their protein inhibitors in potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.) in connection with development of resistance to the late blight pathogen - oomycete Phytophthora infestans Mont. de Bary. Studies were carried out on potato plants of the susceptible Early Rose potato cultivar that were treated with a suspension of B. subtilis and B. thuringiensis bacteria (108 cells/ml) and infected with P. infestans (107 spores/ml). A decrease in the degree of leaf damage by oomycete was revealed under the influence of the genus Bacillus bacteria, depending on the strain. The increase in potato resistance to P. infestans infection was mediated by the stimulating effect of the B. subtilis 26D and the B. thuringiensis B-6066 bacteria on the concentration of H2O2, the modulating effect on the activity of hydrolytic enzymes and the enhancement of the transcriptional activity of protease and amylase inhibitor genes in plant tissues. Differences in the degree of activation of the transcriptional activity of hydrolase inhibitor genes by the B. subtilis 26D and the B. thuringiensis B-6066 bacteria were revealed, which suggests differential ways of forming the potato resistance to P. infestans under their influence

    The Role of Cytokinins and Abscisic Acid in the Growth, Development and Virulence of the Pathogenic Fungus <i>Stagonospora nodorum</i> (Berk.)

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    Cytokinins (CKs) and abscisic acid (ABA) play an important role in the life of both plants and pathogenic fungi. However, the role of CKs and ABA in the regulation of fungal growth, development and virulence has not been sufficiently studied. We compared the ability of two virulent isolates (SnB and Sn9MN-3A) and one avirulent isolate (Sn4VD) of the pathogenic fungus Stagonospora nodorum Berk. to synthesize three groups of hormones (CKs, ABA and auxins) and studied the effect of exogenous ABA and zeatin on the growth, sporulation and gene expression of necrotrophic effectors (NEs) and transcription factors (TFs) in them. Various isolates of S. nodorum synthesized different amounts of CKs, ABA and indoleacetic acid. Using exogenous ABA and zeatin, we proved that the effect of these hormones on the growth and sporulation of S. nodorum isolates can be opposite, depends on both the genotype of the isolate and on the concentration of the hormone and is carried out through the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism. ABA and zeatin regulated the expression of fungal TF and NE genes, but correlation analysis of these parameters showed that this effect depended on the genotype of the isolate. This study will contribute to our understanding of the role of the hormones ABA and CKs in the biology of the fungal pathogen S. nodorum

    Ethylene-Cytokinin Interaction Determines Early Defense Response of Wheat against Stagonospora nodorum Berk.

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    Ethylene, salicylic acid (SA), and jasmonic acid are the key phytohormones involved in plant immunity, and other plant hormones have been demonstrated to interact with them. The classic phytohormone cytokinins are important participants of plant defense signaling. Crosstalk between ethylene and cytokinins has not been sufficiently studied as an aspect of plant immunity and is addressed in the present research. We compared expression of the genes responsible for hormonal metabolism and signaling in wheat cultivars differing in resistance to Stagonospora nodorum in response to their infection with fungal isolates, whose virulence depends on the presence of the necrotrophic effector SnTox3. Furthermore, we studied the action of the exogenous cytokinins, ethephon (2-chloroethylphosphonic acid, ethylene-releasing agent) and 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP, inhibitor of ethylene action) on infected plants. Wheat susceptibility was shown to develop due to suppression of reactive oxygen species production and decreased content of active cytokinins brought about by SnTox3-mediated activation of the ethylene signaling pathway. SnTox3 decreased cytokinin content most quickly by its activated glucosylation in an ethylene-dependent manner and, furthermore, by oxidative degradation and inhibition of biosynthesis in ethylene-dependent and ethylene-independent manners. Exogenous zeatin application enhanced wheat resistance against S. nodorum through inhibition of the ethylene signaling pathway and upregulation of SA-dependent genes. Thus, ethylene inhibited triggering of SA-dependent resistance mechanism, at least in part, by suppression of the cytokinin signaling pathway

    Ethylene-Cytokinin Interaction Determines Early Defense Response of Wheat against <i>Stagonospora nodorum</i> Berk.

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    Ethylene, salicylic acid (SA), and jasmonic acid are the key phytohormones involved in plant immunity, and other plant hormones have been demonstrated to interact with them. The classic phytohormone cytokinins are important participants of plant defense signaling. Crosstalk between ethylene and cytokinins has not been sufficiently studied as an aspect of plant immunity and is addressed in the present research. We compared expression of the genes responsible for hormonal metabolism and signaling in wheat cultivars differing in resistance to Stagonospora nodorum in response to their infection with fungal isolates, whose virulence depends on the presence of the necrotrophic effector SnTox3. Furthermore, we studied the action of the exogenous cytokinins, ethephon (2-chloroethylphosphonic acid, ethylene-releasing agent) and 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP, inhibitor of ethylene action) on infected plants. Wheat susceptibility was shown to develop due to suppression of reactive oxygen species production and decreased content of active cytokinins brought about by SnTox3-mediated activation of the ethylene signaling pathway. SnTox3 decreased cytokinin content most quickly by its activated glucosylation in an ethylene-dependent manner and, furthermore, by oxidative degradation and inhibition of biosynthesis in ethylene-dependent and ethylene-independent manners. Exogenous zeatin application enhanced wheat resistance against S. nodorum through inhibition of the ethylene signaling pathway and upregulation of SA-dependent genes. Thus, ethylene inhibited triggering of SA-dependent resistance mechanism, at least in part, by suppression of the cytokinin signaling pathway

    Additive Effect of the Composition of Endophytic Bacteria <i>Bacillus subtilis</i> on Systemic Resistance of Wheat against Greenbug Aphid <i>Schizaphis graminum</i> Due to Lipopeptides

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    The use of biocontrol agents based on endophytic bacteria against phloem-feeding insects is limited by a lack of knowledge and understanding of the mechanism of action of the endophyte community that makes up the plant microbiome. In this work, the mechanisms of the additive action of endophytic strains B. subtilis 26D and B. subtilis 11VM on the resistance of bread spring wheat against greenbug aphid Schizaphis graminum, was studied. It was shown that B. subtilis 26D secreted lipopeptide surfactin and phytohormones cytokinins, and B. subtilis 11VM produced iturin and auxins into the cultivation medium. Both strains and their lipopeptide-rich fractions showed direct aphicidal activity against greenbug aphid. For the first time, it was shown that B. subtilis 26D and B. subtilis 11VM in the same manner, as well as their lipopeptide-rich fractions, activated the expression of salicylate- and ethylene-dependent PR genes, and influenced plant redox metabolism, which led to an increase in plant endurance against aphids. The composition of endophytic strains B. subtilis 26D + B. subtilis 11VM had an additive effect on plant resistance to aphids due to an increase in the number of endophytic bacterial cells, and, as well as due to the synergistic effect of their mixture of lipopeptides − surfactin + iturin, both on the aphid mortality and on the expression of PR1 and PR3 genes. All these factors can be the reason for the observed increase in the growth of plants affected by aphids under the influence of B. subtilis 26D and B. subtilis 11VM, individually and in composition. The study demonstrates the possibility of creating in the future an artificial composition to enhance plant microbiome with endophytic bacteria, which combines growth-promoting and plant immunity stimulating properties against phloem-feeding insects. This direction is one of the most promising approaches to green pesticide discovery in the future

    By Modulating the Hormonal Balance and Ribonuclease Activity of Tomato Plants Bacillus subtilis Induces Defense Response against Potato Virus X and Potato Virus Y

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    Endophytic plant-growth-promoting microorganisms can protect plants against pathogens, but they have rarely been investigated as potential biocontrol agents and triggers of induced systemic resistance (ISR), regulated by phytohormones, against viruses. We studied the role of endophytic strains Bacillus subtilis 26D and B. subtilis Ttl2, which secrete ribonucleases and phytohormones, in the induction of tomato plant resistance against potato virus X and potato virus Y in a greenhouse condition. The endophytes reduced the accumulation of viruses in plants, increased the activity of plant ribonucleases and recovered the fruit yield of infected tomato plants. Both the 26D and Ttl2 strains induced ISR by activating the transcription of genes related to salicylate- and jasmonate-dependent responses. The 26D and Ttl2 strains increased the content of cytokinins and decreased the level of indolacetic acid in plants infected with PVX or PVY. PVY led to an increase of the abscisic acid (ABA) content in tomato plants, and PVX had the opposite effect. Both strains reduced the ABA content in plants infected with PVY and induced ABA accumulation in plants infected with PVX, which led to an increase in the resistance of plants. This is the first report of the protection of tomato plants against viral diseases by foliar application of endophytes