68 research outputs found

    Spectral Representations of One-Homogeneous Functionals

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    This paper discusses a generalization of spectral representations related to convex one-homogeneous regularization functionals, e.g. total variation or â„“1\ell^1-norms. Those functionals serve as a substitute for a Hilbert space structure (and the related norm) in classical linear spectral transforms, e.g. Fourier and wavelet analysis. We discuss three meaningful definitions of spectral representations by scale space and variational methods and prove that (nonlinear) eigenfunctions of the regularization functionals are indeed atoms in the spectral representation. Moreover, we verify further useful properties related to orthogonality of the decomposition and the Parseval identity. The spectral transform is motivated by total variation and further developed to higher order variants. Moreover, we show that the approach can recover Fourier analysis as a special case using an appropriate â„“1\ell^1-type functional and discuss a coupled sparsity example

    A Pseudo-Inverse for Nonlinear Operators

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    The Moore-Penrose inverse is widely used in physics, statistics and various fields of engineering. Among other characteristics, it captures well the notion of inversion of linear operators in the case of overcomplete data. In data science, nonlinear operators are extensively used. In this paper we define and characterize the fundamental properties of a pseudo-inverse for nonlinear operators. The concept is defined broadly. First for general sets, and then a refinement for normed spaces. Our pseudo-inverse for normed spaces yields the Moore-Penrose inverse when the operator is a matrix. We present conditions for existence and uniqueness of a pseudo-inverse and establish theoretical results investigating its properties, such as continuity, its value for operator compositions and projection operators, and others. Analytic expressions are given for the pseudo-inverse of some well-known, non-invertible, nonlinear operators, such as hard- or soft-thresholding and ReLU. Finally, we analyze a neural layer and discuss relations to wavelet thresholding and to regularized loss minimization

    Graph Laplacian for Semi-Supervised Learning

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    Semi-supervised learning is highly useful in common scenarios where labeled data is scarce but unlabeled data is abundant. The graph (or nonlocal) Laplacian is a fundamental smoothing operator for solving various learning tasks. For unsupervised clustering, a spectral embedding is often used, based on graph-Laplacian eigenvectors. For semi-supervised problems, the common approach is to solve a constrained optimization problem, regularized by a Dirichlet energy, based on the graph-Laplacian. However, as supervision decreases, Dirichlet optimization becomes suboptimal. We therefore would like to obtain a smooth transition between unsupervised clustering and low-supervised graph-based classification. In this paper, we propose a new type of graph-Laplacian which is adapted for Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL) problems. It is based on both density and contrastive measures and allows the encoding of the labeled data directly in the operator. Thus, we can perform successfully semi-supervised learning using spectral clustering. The benefits of our approach are illustrated for several SSL problems.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    DXAI: Explaining Classification by Image Decomposition

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    We propose a new way to explain and to visualize neural network classification through a decomposition-based explainable AI (DXAI). Instead of providing an explanation heatmap, our method yields a decomposition of the image into class-agnostic and class-distinct parts, with respect to the data and chosen classifier. Following a fundamental signal processing paradigm of analysis and synthesis, the original image is the sum of the decomposed parts. We thus obtain a radically different way of explaining classification. The class-agnostic part ideally is composed of all image features which do not posses class information, where the class-distinct part is its complementary. This new visualization can be more helpful and informative in certain scenarios, especially when the attributes are dense, global and additive in nature, for instance, when colors or textures are essential for class distinction. Code is available at https://github.com/dxai2024/dxai

    Critical Points ++: An Agile Point Cloud Importance Measure for Robust Classification, Adversarial Defense and Explainable AI

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    The ability to cope accurately and fast with Out-Of-Distribution (OOD) samples is crucial in real-world safety demanding applications. In this work we first study the interplay between critical points of 3D point clouds and OOD samples. Our findings are that common corruptions and outliers are often interpreted as critical points. We generalize the notion of critical points into importance measures. We show that training a classification network based only on less important points dramatically improves robustness, at a cost of minor performance loss on the clean set. We observe that normalized entropy is highly informative for corruption analysis. An adaptive threshold based on normalized entropy is suggested for selecting the set of uncritical points. Our proposed importance measure is extremely fast to compute. We show it can be used for a variety of applications, such as Explainable AI (XAI), Outlier Removal, Uncertainty Estimation, Robust Classification and Adversarial Defense. We reach SOTA results on the two latter tasks. Code is available at: https://github.com/yossilevii100/critical_points
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