18,337 research outputs found

    Transport Coefficients in Large NfN_f Gauge Theory: Testing Hard Thermal Loops

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    We compute shear viscosity and flavor diffusion coefficients for ultra-relativistic gauge theory with many fermionic species, Nf >> 1, to leading order in 1/Nf. The calculation is performed both at leading order in the effective coupling strength g^2 Nf, using the Hard Thermal Loop (HTL) approximation, and completely to all orders in g^2 Nf. This constitutes a nontrivial test of how well the HTL approximation works. We find that in this context, the HTL approximation works well wherever the renormalization point sensitivity of the leading order HTL result is small.Comment: 31 pages, including 9 figures. Error in vacuum self-energy, arising from trusting Arthur Weldon, fixed, thank you Tony Rebhan. Results and conclusions slightly but not significantly change

    Transport Coefficients in Hot QCD

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    I give a physical explanation of what shear viscosity is, and what physics determines its value. Then I explain why determining the shear viscosity of the Quark-Gluon Plasma is interesting. I outline the leading-order calculation of the QGP shear viscosity (and baryon number diffusion constant), explaining why the quite complicated physics of parton splitting and Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal interference effects are required for its calculation. Then I briefly explore the range of applicability, emphasizing the importance of plasma instabilities.Comment: 10 pages, invited talk given at the conference "Strong and Electroweak Matter," Helsinki, Finland 16-19 June 200

    Problems with lattice methods for electroweak preheating

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    Recently Garcia Bellido et. al. have proposed that electroweak baryogenesis may occur at the end of inflation, in a scenario where the reheat temperature is too low for electroweak symmetry restoration. I show why the scenario is difficult to test reliably by classical field techniques on the lattice.Comment: 10 pages with 3 figure

    Electroweak Bubble Wall Friction: Analytic Results

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    We present an entirely analytic, leading log order determination of the friction an electroweak bubble wall feels during a first order electroweak phase transition. The friction is dominated by W bosons, and gives a wall velocity parametrically ~ alpha_w, and numerically small, ~ .01 -- 0.1 depending on the Higgs mass.Comment: 8 pages, no figures. Slight revision of introduction: published version (JHEP

    Transport Coefficients at Leading Order: Kinetic Theory versus Diagrams

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    I review what is required to compute transport coefficients in ultra-relativistic, weakly coupled gauge theories, at leading order in gg, using kinetic theory. Then I discuss how the calculation would look in alternative approaches: the 2PI method, and direct diagrammatic analysis. I argue that the 2PI method may be a good way to derive the kinetic theory, but is not very useful directly (in a gauge theory). The diagrammatic approach is almost hopeless.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, to appear in the proceedings of SEWM200

    Climate change: carbon losses in the Alps

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    The response of the terrestrial carbon cycle to global change is one of the main uncertainties in current climate change predictions1. Most terrestrial carbon is held in soils as organic matter derived from the decay of plant material (Fig. 1). Soil organic matter accounts for roughly three times more carbon than living vegetation, and for more carbon than vegetation and the atmosphere combined. Because elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations have a fertilizing effect on plant growth, anthropogenic CO2 emissions have triggered increases in the land carbon sink2. However, models predict that other factors — such as water and nutrients — will eventually become limiting to plant growth, and hence to the land carbon sink. In contrast, the turnover of soil organic matter producing CO2 is expected to increase as the Earth warms. As a result, simulations using coupled carbon–climate models predict that the land surface will become a net source of CO2 before the end of the century, leading to a feedback loop between climate and soil carbon losses: increased emissions of CO2 from soil organic matter will lead to enhanced warming, which may then feedback to cause further soil organic matter losses. Prietzel and colleagues3, writing in Nature Geoscience, now provide evidence that warming has already caused a decline in soil organic matter in the German Alps
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