34 research outputs found

    Antioxidant properties of caeruloplasmin towards iron- and copper-dependent oxygen radical formation

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    AbstractThe antioxidant activity of caeruloplasmin can be mainly ascribed to its ferroxidase activity which effectively inhibits ferrous ion-stimulated lipid peroxidation and ferrous ion-dependent formation of hydroxyl radicals in the Fenton reaction. In addition, caeruloplasmin can prevent copper ions from stimulating lipid peroxidation

    Lipid peroxidation initiated by superoxide-dependent hydroxyl radicals using complexed iron and hydrogen peroxide

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    AbstractIron salts stimulate lipid peroxidation by decomposing lipid peroxides to produce alkoxyl and peroxyl radicals which initiate further oxidation. In aqueous solution ferrous salts produce OH. radicals, a reactive species able to abstract hydrogen atoms from unsaturated fatty acids, and so can initiate lipid peroxidation. When iron salts are added to lipids, containing variable amounts of lipid peroxide, the former reaction is favoured and OH. radicals contribute little to the observed rate of peroxidation. When iron is complexed with EDTA, however, lipid peroxide decomposition is prevented, but the complex reacts with hydrogen peroxide to form OH. radicals which are seen to initiate lipid peroxidation. Superoxide radicals appear to play an important part in reducing the iron complex

    Peroxynitrite releases copper from caeruloplasmin: implications for atherosclerosis

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    AbstractPeroxynitrite may be formed in the vasculature by the reaction of puperoxide with nitric oxide. When the blue copper-containing protein, caeruloplasmin, is incubated with peroxynitrite, copper is released, and ferroxidase activity and the blue colouration are lost. When plasma from normal subjects is incubated with peroxynitrite, the oxidant reacts with numerous plasma constituents but is still able to release copper from caeruloplasmin. As the ferroxidase activity of caeruloplasmin is lost in plasma in the presence of peroxynitrite, a second ferroxidase activity associated with peroxidised lipids, and not inhibited by azide, is formed

    Allopurinol and oxypurinol are hydroxyl radical scavengers

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    AbstractAllopurinol is a scavenger of the highly reactive hydroxyl radical (k2 approx. 109 M−1s−1). One product of attack of hydroxyl radical upon allopurinol is oxypurinol, which is a major metabolite of allopurinol. Oxypurinol is a better hydroxyl radical scavenger than is allopurinol (k2 approx. 4 × 109 M−1s−1) and it also reacts with the myeloperoxidase-derived oxidant hypochlorous acid. Hence the protective actions of allopurinol against reperfusion damage after hypoxia need not be entirely due to xanthine oxidase inhibition

    Iron overload in paediatrics undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass

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    AbstractPathological changes in iron status are known to occur during bypass and will be superimposed upon physiological abnormalities in iron distribution, characteristic of the neonatal period. We have sought to define the severity of iron overload in these patients. Plasma samples from 65 paediatric patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) were analysed for non-haem iron, total iron binding capacity, transferrin and bleomycin-detectable iron. Patients were divided into four age groups for analysis. Within each age group, patients who were in iron overload at any time point were statistically compared to those who were not. The most significant changes in iron chemistry were seen in the plasma of neonates, with 25% in a state of plasma iron overload. 18.5% of infants and 14.3% of children at 1–5 years were also in iron overload at some time point during CPB. No children over 5 years, however, went into iron overload. Increased iron saturation of transferrin eliminates its ability to bind reactive forms of iron and to act as an antioxidant. When transferrin is fully saturated with iron, reactive forms of iron are present in the plasma which can stimulate iron-driven oxidative reactions. Our data suggest that paediatric patients are at greater risk of iron overload during CPB, and that some form of iron chelation therapy may be advantageous to decrease oxidative stress

    Free radicals in biology and medicine

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