15 research outputs found

    Biological markers p16 and Ki-67 for defining cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in biopsy samples of the cervix

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    Biološka označevalca p16 in Ki-67 sta posredna pokazatelja okužbe s humanimi papiloma virusi z velikim tveganjem (HPV-VT), ki so povezani z nastankom predrakavih sprememb na materničnem vratu. V diagnostično težavnih primerih ju lahko uporabimo za razlikovanje cervikalne intraepitelijske neoplazije od morfološko podobnih neneoplastičnih sprememb. Določamo ju lahko s standardnimi imunohistokemičnimi metodami na tkivnih rezinah bioptičnih vzorcev materničnega vratu. Pri vsakdanjem histopatološkem ocenjevanju bioptičnih vzorcev materničnega vratu z dodatnim imunohistokemičnim barvanjem na p16 in Ki-67 največkrat izključimo cervikalno intraepitelijsko neoplazijo visoke stopnje (CIN2 in CIN3), kar prepreči pretirano zdravljenje sprememb na materničnem vratu. Tak diagnostični pristop je uporaben tudi za histopatološko ocenjevanje intraepitelijskih neoplastičnih sprememb endocervikalnega žleznega epitelija.The biological markers p16 and Ki-67 are indirect indicators of high-risk human papillomavirus infections (HR-HPV) connected to the formation of precancerous changes in the cervix. In diagnostically more challenging cases, they can be used to distinguish between cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and morphologically similar non-neoplastic changes. They can be determined using standard immunohistochemical methods on tissue slices from cervical biopsy samples. In the daily histopathological evaluation of the cervical biopsy samples with additional immunohistochemical staining for p16 and Ki-67, a high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN2 and CIN3) is usually ruled out, which prevents excessive treatment of changes in the cervix. Such diagnostic approach can also be used in the histopathological evaluation of intraepithelial neoplastic changes of the endocervical glandular epithelium

    Ultrazvočno vodena aspiracijska biopsija s tanko iglo v diagnostiki ledvičnih tumorjev

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    In Slovenia the ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy is a standard diagnostic procedure for assessment of renal tumors with non-characteristic radiologic features. Over the past year the interest in this method has been increasing across Europe, especially for the evaluation of small renal masses, defined as smaller than or equal to 3 cm. Our analysis confirmed that the method is reliable for the assessment of small renal masses, provided that cellular material is sufficient and representative for the lesion. Adjunct methods like immunocytochemical stainings can improve typing of renal cell carcinomas: clear cell, papillary and chromophobe type.Ultrazvočno vodena aspiracijska biopsija je v Sloveniji že dolga leta standardna metoda za morfološko diagnostiko radiološko težavnih ledvičnih tumorjev. V zadnjih letih se zanimanje za to diagnostično metodo povečuje tudi v Evropi, predvsem za dodatno diagnostiko majhnih tumorjev, ki merijo največ 3 cm. V naši analizi smo potrdili, da je metoda uporabna za diagnostiko majhnih tumorjev, če so vzorci dovolj celularni in reprezentativni za lezijo. V citopatološki diagnostiki so nam v pomoč tudi imunocitokemična barvanja, s katerimi lahko natančneje opredelimo tip ledvičnega karcinoma: svetlocelični, papilarni in kromofobni karcinom ledvičnih celic

    Ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy of renal tumors

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    Ultrazvočno vodena aspiracijska biopsija je v Sloveniji že dolga leta standardna metoda za morfološko diagnostiko radiološko težavnih ledvičnih tumorjev. V zadnjih letih se zanimanje za to diagnostično metodo povečuje tudi v Evropi, predvsem za dodatno diagnostiko majhnih tumorjev, ki merijo največ 3 cm. V naši analizi smo potrdili, da je metoda uporabna za diagnostiko majhnih tumorjev, če so vzorci dovolj celularni in reprezentativni za lezijo. V citopatološki diagnostiki so nam v pomoč tudi imunocitokemična barvanja, s katerimi lahko natančneje opredelimo tip ledvičnega karcinoma: svetlocelični, papilarni in kromofobni karcinom ledvičnih celic.In Slovenia the ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy is a standard diagnostic procedure for assessment of renal tumors with non-characteristic radiologic features. Over the past year the interest in this method has been increasing across Europe, especially for the evaluation of small renal masses, defined as smaller than or equal to 3 cm. Our analysis confirmed that the method is reliable for the assessment of small renal masses, provided that cellular material is sufficient and representative for the lesion. Adjunct methods like immunocytochemical stainings can improve typing of renal cell carcinomas: clear cell, papillary and chromophobe type

    Biološka označevalca p16 in Ki-67 za opredelitev cervikalne intraepitelijske neoplazije v biopsijskih vzorcih materničnega vratu

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    The biological markers p16 and Ki-67 are indirect indicators of high-risk human papillomavirus infections (HR-HPV) connected to the formation of precancerous changes in the cervix. In diagnostically more challenging cases, they can be used to distinguish between cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and morphologically similar non-neoplastic changes. They can be determined using standard immunohistochemical methods on tissue slices from cervical biopsy samples. In the daily histopathological evaluation of the cervical biopsy samples with additional immunohistochemical staining for p16 and Ki-67, a high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN2 and CIN3) is usually ruled out, which prevents excessive treatment of changes in the cervix. Such diagnostic approach can also be used in the histopathological evaluation of intraepithelial neoplastic changes of the endocervical glandular epithelium.Biološka označevalca p16 in Ki-67 sta posredna pokazatelja okužbe s humanimi papiloma virusi z velikim tveganjem (HPV-VT), ki so povezani z nastankom predrakavih sprememb na materničnem vratu. V diagnostično težavnih primerih ju lahko uporabimo za razlikovanje cervikalne intraepitelijske neoplazije od morfološko podobnih neneoplastičnih sprememb. Določamo ju lahko s standardnimi imunohistokemičnimi metodami na tkivnih rezinah bioptičnih vzorcev materničnega vratu. Pri vsakdanjem histopatološkem ocenjevanju bioptičnih vzorcev materničnega vratu z dodatnim imunohistokemičnim barvanjem na p16 in Ki-67 največkrat izključimo cervikalno intraepitelijsko neoplazijo visoke stopnje (CIN2 in CIN3), kar prepreči pretirano zdravljenje sprememb na materničnem vratu. Tak diagnostični pristop je uporaben tudi za histopatološko ocenjevanje intraepitelijskih neoplastičnih sprememb endocervikalnega žleznega epitelija

    Pathology Case Study: Parietal Lobe Lesion

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    This neuropathology case study, provided by the University of Pittsburgh Department of Pathology, is an excellent resource for students and instructors in the health science fields. This case involves a 15-year-old girl admitted to the hospital because of a seizure attack. Images from a CT scan and MRI, and microscopic results provide conclusive information that contributes to the patientâs diagnosis. The official final diagnosis is accompanied by a discussion of the contributing doctorâs findings and a list of references. This is an excellent resource for students in the health sciences to familiarize themselves with using patient history and laboratory results to diagnose patientâs conditions. It is also a helpful site for educators to use to introduce or test student knowledge of neuropathology