18 research outputs found

    On closures in semitopological inverse semigroups with continuous inversion

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    We study the closures of subgroups, semilattices and different kinds of semigroup extensions in semitopological inverse semigroups with continuous inversion. In particularly we show that a topological group G is H-closed in the class of semitopological inverse semigroups with continuous inversion if and only if G is compact, a Hausdorff linearly ordered topological semilattice E is H-closed in the class of semitopological semilattices if and only if E is H-closed in the class of topological semilattices, and a topological Brandt λ⁰-extension of S is (absolutely) H-closed in the class of semitopological inverse semigroups with continuous inversion if and only if so is S. Also, we construct an example of an H-closed non-absolutely H-closed semitopological semilattice in the class of semitopological semilattices

    Metrizability of Clifford topological semigroups

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    We prove that a topological Clifford semigroup SS is metrizable if and only if SS is an MM-space and the set E={eS:ee=e}E=\{e\in S:ee=e\} of idempotents of SS is a metrizable GδG_\delta-set in SS. The same metrization criterion holds also for any countably compact Clifford topological semigroup SS.Comment: 4 page

    On the lattice of weak topologies on the bicyclic monoid with adjoined zero

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    A Hausdorff topology τ on the bicyclic monoid with adjoined zero C⁰ is called weak if it is contained in the coarsest inverse semigroup topology on C⁰. We show that the lattice W of all weak shift-continuous topologies on C⁰ is isomorphic to the lattice SIF¹×SIF¹ where SIF¹ is the set of all shift-invariant filters on ! with an attached element 1 endowed with the following partial order: F ≤ G if and only if G = 1 or F ⊂ G. Also, we investigate cardinal characteristics of the lattice W. In particular, we prove that W contains an antichain of cardinality 2ᶜ and a well-ordered chain of cardinality c. Moreover, there exists a well-ordered chain of first-countable weak topologies of order type t

    On a semitopological polycyclic monoid

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    We study algebraic structure of the λ-polycyclic monoid Pλ and its topologizations. We show that the λ-polycyclic monoid for an infinite cardinal λ≥2 has similar algebraic properties so has the polycyclic monoid Pn with finitely many n≥2 generators. In particular we prove that for every infinite cardinal λ the polycyclic monoid Pλ is a congruence-free combinatorial 0-bisimple 0-E-unitary inverse semigroup. Also we show that every non-zero element x is an isolated point in (Pλ,τ) for every Hausdorff topology τ on Pλ, such that (Pλ,τ) is a semitopological semigroup, and every locally compact Hausdorff semigroup topology on Pλ is discrete. The last statement extends results of the paper [33] obtaining for topological inverse graph semigroups. We describe all feebly compact topologies τ on Pλ such that (Pλ,τ) is a semitopological semigroup and its Bohr compactification as a topological semigroup. We prove that for every cardinal λ≥2 any continuous homomorphism from a topological semigroup Pλ into an arbitrary countably compact topological semigroup is annihilating and there exists no a Hausdorff feebly compact topological semigroup which contains Pλ as a dense subsemigroup

    On monoids of monotone injective partial selfmaps of Ln ×lex Z with co-finite domains and images

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    We study the semigroup IO∞(Zⁿlex) of monotone injective partial selfmaps of the set of Ln × lex Z having co-finite domain and image, where Ln ×lex Z is the lexicographic product of n-elements chain and the set of integers with the usual order. We show that IO∞(Zⁿlex) is bisimple and establish its projective congruences. We prove that IO∞(Zⁿlex) is finitely generated, and for n = 1 every automorphism of IO∞(Zⁿlex) is inner and show that in the case n ⩾ 2 the semigroup IO∞(Zⁿlex) has non-inner automorphisms. Also we show that every Baire topology τ on IO∞(Znlex) such that (IO∞(Znlex),τ) is a Hausdorff semitopological semigroup is discrete, construct a non-discrete Hausdorff semigroup inverse topology on IO∞(Zⁿlex), and prove that the discrete semigroup IO∞(Zⁿlex) cannot be embedded into some classes of compact-like topological semigroups and that its remainder under the closure in a topological semigroup S is an ideal in S

    On H-closed topological semigroups and semilattices

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    In this paper, we show that if S is an H-closed topological semigroup and e is an idempotent of S, then eSe is an H-closed topological semigroup. We give sufficient conditions on a linearly ordered topological semilattice to be H-closed. Also we prove that any H-closed locally compact topological semilattice and any H-closed topological weakly U-semilattice contain minimal idempotents. An example of a countably compact topological semilattice whose topological space is H-closed is constructed

    The continuity of the inversion and the structure of maximal subgroups in countably compact topological semigroups

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    In this paper we search for conditions on a countably compact (pseudo-compact) topological semigroup under which: (i) each maximal subgroup H(e)H(e) in SS is a (closed) topological subgroup in SS; (ii) the Clifford part H(S)H(S)(i.e. the union of all maximal subgroups) of the semigroup SS is a closed subset in SS; (iii) the inversion inv ⁣:H(S)H(S)\operatorname{inv}\colon H(S)\to H(S) is continuous; and (iv) the projection π ⁣:H(S)E(S)\pi\colon H(S)\to E(S), π ⁣:xxx1\pi\colon x\longmapsto xx^{-1}, onto the subset of idempotents E(S)E(S) of SS, is continuous

    On chains in HH-closed topological pospaces

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    We study chains in an HH-closed topological partially ordered space. We give sufficient conditions for a maximal chain LL in an HH-closed topological partially ordered space such that LL contains a maximal (minimal) element. Also we give sufficient conditions for a linearly ordered topological partially ordered space to be HH-closed. We prove that any HH-closed topological semilattice contains a zero. We show that a linearly ordered HH-closed topological semilattice is an HH-closed topological pospace and show that in the general case this is not true. We construct an example an HH-closed topological pospace with a non-HH-closed maximal chain and give sufficient conditions that a maximal chain of an HH-closed topological pospace is an HH-closed topological pospace.Comment: We have rewritten and substantially expanded the manuscrip