922 research outputs found

    VCO-based sturdy MASH ADC architecture

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    A new multistage 1-1 ΔΣ analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) architecture implemented only with voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs) is introduced. A sturdy multistage noise-shaping (SMASH) configuration is used to avoid the need of either calibration circuitry or noise-cancellation filters. The digital nature of the VCO's output simplifies the implementation of the interconnection paths between stages, making unnecessary neither the use of multibit digital-to-analogue converters nor analogue subtraction elements. The basic operation of the architecture is shown at system level and the sensitivity to VCO's frequency mismatch is analysed. The proposed architecture has been validated through behavioural simulations.This work was supported by the CICYT project TEC2014-56879-R, Spain

    Statistics of injected power on a bouncing ball subjected to a randomly vibrating piston

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    International audienceWe present an experimental study on the statistical properties of the injected power needed to maintain an inelastic ball bouncing constantly on a randomly accelerating piston in the presence of gravity. We compute the injected power at each collision of the ball with the moving piston by measuring the velocity of the piston and the force exerted on the piston by the ball. The probability density function of the injected power has its most probable value close to zero and displays two asymmetric exponential tails, depending on the restitution coefficient, the piston acceleration, and its frequency content. This distribution can be deduced from a simple model assuming quasi-Gaussian statistics for the force and velocity of the piston

    Comparison of ALS based models for estimating aboveground biomass in three types of Mediterranean forest

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    This study aimed to develop ALS-based models for estimating stem, crown and aboveground biomass in three types of Mediterranean forest, based on low density ALS data. Two different modelling approaches were used: (i) linear models with different variable selection methods (Stepwise Selection [SS], Clustering/Exhaustive search [CE] and Genetic Algorithm [GA]), and (ii) previously Published Models (PM) applicable to diverse types of forest. Results indicated more accurate estimations of biomass components for pure Pinus pinea L. (rRMSE = 25.90-26.16%) than for the mixed (30.86-36.34%) and Quercus pyrenaica Willd. forests (32.78-34.84%). All the tested approaches were valuable, but SS and GA performed better than CE and PM in most casesThe study was supported by the ForEadapt project ‘Knowledge exchange between Europe and America on forest growth models and optimization for adaptive forestry’ (PIRSES-GA-2010-269257). The authors thank (i) the foresters of the Extremadura Forest Service for assistance with data collection, (ii) the Portuguese Science Foundation (SFRH/BD/52408/2013) for funding the research activities of Juan Guerra and (iii) the Galician Government and European Social Fund (Official Journal of Galicia – DOG nº 52, 17/03/2014 p. 11343, exp: POS-A/2013/049) for funding the postdoctoral research stays of Eduardo González-Ferreiro and iv) the anonymous Reviewers of the European Journal of Remote Sensing for their helpful feedback. The research was carried out in the Centro de Estudos Florestais: a research unit funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal) within UID/AGR/00239/2013.S

    On the properties of GaP supersaturated with Ti

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    We have fabricated GaP supersaturated with Ti by means of ion implantation and pulsed-laser melting to obtain an intermediate band material with applications in photovoltaics. This material has a strong sheet photoconductance at energies below the bandgap of GaP and it seems to be passivated by a Ga defective GaPO oxide layer during the laser process. Passivation is consistently analyzed by sheet photoconductance and photoluminescence measurements. We report on the structural quality of the resulting layers and analyze the energy of the new optical transitions measured on GaP:Ti. A collapse found in the sheet photoconductance spectra of GaP:Ti samples fabricated on undoped substrates is explained by the negative photoconductivity phenomenon. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Ecological and health risk assessments of an abandoned gold mine (Remance, Panama): Complex scenarios need a combination of indices

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    The derelict Remance gold mine is a possible source of pollution with potentially toxic elements (PTEs). In the study area, diverse mine waste has been left behind and exposed to weather conditions, and poses risks for soil, plants and water bodies, and also for the health of local inhab-itants. This study sought to perform an ecological and health risk assessment of derelict gold mining areas with incomplete remediation, including: (i) characterizing the geochemical distribution of PTEs; (ii) assessing ecological risk by estimating the pollution load index (PLI) and potential ecological risk index (RI); (iii) assessing soil health by dehydrogenase activity; and iv) establishing non-carcinogenic (HI) and carcinogenic risks (CR) for local inhabitants. Soil health seems to depend on not only PTE concentrations, but also on organic matter (OM). Both indexes (PLI and RI) ranged from high to extreme near mining and waste accumulation sites. As indicated by both the HI and CR results, the mining area poses a health risk for local inhabitants and particularly for children. For this reason, it will be necessary to set up environmental management programs in the areas that are most affected (tailings and surrounding areas) and accordingly establish the best remediation strategies to minimize risks for the local populatio

    Nuevas medidas de compacidad geométrica para el diseño de zonas

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    The design of compact zones has been studied because of its influence in the creation of zones with regular forms, which are easier to analyze, to investigate or to administer. This paper propose a new method to measure compactness,by means of the transformation of the original geographical spaces, into figures formed with square cells, which are used to measure the similarity between the original zone and an ideal zone with straight forms. The proposed method was applied to design electoral zones, which must satisfy constraints of compactness, contiguity and population balance, in a topographical configuration that favors the creation of twisted and diffuse shapes. The results show that the new method favors the creation of zones with straight forms, without an important effect to the population balance, which are considered zones of high quality.Keywords: Redistricting, compactness, simulated annealing, GIS.Mathematics Subject Classification: 90C59, 90C29, 68T20.El diseño de zonas compactas es un problema que ha sido estudiado por su influencia en la creación de zonas con formas regulares, las cuales resultan más fáciles de analizar, estudiar o administrar. En este trabajo se propone un nuevo método para medir la compacidad, mediante la transformación de los espacios geográficos originales, en figuras formadas con celdas cuadradas, las cuales son utilizadas para cuantificar la similitud entre la zona original y una zona ideal con contornos rectos. Este procedimiento fue aplicado para diseñar zonas electorales compactas, conexas y con equilibrio poblacional, en una configuración topográfica que favorece la creación de formas retorcidas y difusas. Los resultados obtenidos, muestran que el nuevo método favorece la creación de zonas con formas rectas, sin afectar, de manera importante el equilibrio poblacional, dando como resultado zonas de buena calidad tanto por su forma como por el número de habitantes que contiene.Palabras clave: Distritación, compacidad, recocido simulado, SIG.Mathematics Subject Classification: 90C59, 90C29, 68T20

    Colonia de abejas artificiales y optimización por enjambre de partículas para la estimación de parámetros de regresión no lineal

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    This paper shows the comparison results of ABC (Artificial Bee Colony) and PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization) heuristic tech- niques that were used to estimate parameters for nonlinear regression models. The algorithms were tested on 27 data bases from the NIST collection (2001), 8 of these are considered to have high difficulty, 11 medium difficulty and 8 low difficulty. Experimental results are presented.      Este trabajo presenta la comparación de los resultados de las técnicas heurísticas de ABC colonias de abejas artificiales (Artificial Bee Colony) y PSO enjambres de partículas (Particle Swarm Optimization) que son utilizadas para la estimación de parámetros de modelos de regresión no lineal. Los algoritmos fueron probados sobre 27 bases de datos de la colección NIST(2001), de las cuales 8 son consideradas con un alto grado de dificultad, 11 con un grado de dificultad medio y 8 con un grado de dificultad bajo. Se presentan los resultados experimentales.    

    Overcoming the solid solubility limit of Te in Ge by ion implantation and pulsed laser melting recrystallization

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    Germanium hyperdoped with deep level donors, such as tellurium, would lead to dopant-mediated sub-band gap mid-infrared photoresponse at room temperature. We use a combination of non-equilibrium techniques to supersaturate Ge with Te via ion implantation followed by pulsed laser melting (PLM). Typically, liquid N2 (77K) temperatures are used to avoid implantation-induced Ge surface porosity. In this work, alternatively, we report on the use of slightly higher implantation temperatures (143 K) together with an amorphous Si (a-Si) capping layer. We demonstrate that the solid solubility limit of Te in Ge is overcome upon recovering the crystallinity of the material after laser processing