340 research outputs found

    Electroretinography in Veterinary Ophthalmology

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    Pigmentary Uveitis

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    The recent report by Townsend and Gornik aims to provide more reliable data on the prevalence of two common but poorly understood ocular conditions of Golden Retrievers: uveal cysts and pigmentary uveitis (PU). The study is well designed in terms of patient selection and examination methods, and high degree of disease ascertainment and diagnostic consistency was obtained by having all examinations performed by a single board-certified veterinary ophthalmologist. Even though this and two other studies suggest that these two conditions may perhaps be part of a broader disease complex, there is, as yet, no conclusive evidence of such an association

    Window Into Retinal Studies

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    Professor Gustavo Aguirre discusses the context of his research studies at the University of Pennsylvania, which are currently concentrating on the degenerative disease, retinitis pigmentosa

    Concepts and Strategies in Retinal Gene Therapy

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    Genetic defects of the retina or retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cause a substantial number of sight-impairing or blinding disorders, many of which eventually cause the degeneration and death of the visual cells. Previously considered incurable, some of these retinal diseases can now be treated, at least experimentally, by gene therapy

    Electroretinography - Are We Misusing an Excellent Diagnostic Tool?

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    The Briard Problem

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    The Briard breed has stimulated some ophthalmic interest in Canada, Europe, and the United States. Ophthalmoscopic changes similar to central progressive retinal atrophy have been diagnosed. This report adds further insight into the type of retinal degeneration and questions the associated physical findings as they may relate to the retinal disease

    Posterior Lenticonus in the Dog

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    Posterior lenticonus is a congenital defect of the posterior lenticular surface. The posterior cortical and capsular regions of the lens have a circumscribed conelike or globular protrusion of variable size. Opacities may be present in the region of the conus. The defect has been reported in man, rabbits, calves and mice. This report documents 2 cases in unrelated dogs. The possible mechanism for the formation of this defect is discussed

    Ocular Manifestations of Selected Systemic Diseases

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    Systemic diseases can present ocular manifestations. In some cases, the ocular lesions are present along with other generalized lesions characteristic of the disease. In a few cases, however, only ocular lesions are present. The interpretation of these ophthalmologic findings, together with the generalized signs exhibited by the patient, are important in establishing a differential diagnosis and prognosis for the patient. This article reviews selected systemic diseases and their ocular manifestations. A more exhaustive review of the diseases has been already presented
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