81 research outputs found

    Where Do You Want to Get To? Effective Professional Learning Begins with a Clear Destination in Mind

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    Educators often shy away from evaluating professional learning experiences because they believe the process requires knowledge and skills they don’t possess. In truth, evaluation is a relatively simple process that begins by answering three essential questions

    The Communication Challenge of Standards-Based Reporting

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    As traditional reporting systems based on letter grades are replaced by standards-based reporting systems, parents are often left wondering how their child is doing in school. Mr. Guskey offers some suggestions for overcoming this communication challenge

    The Case Against Percentage Grades

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    It’s time to abandon grading scales that distort the accuracy, objectivity, and reliability of students’ grades

    Integrating Innovations

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    Proponents of new ideas promote their favorites without seeing connections to other strategies--it\u27s up to school leaders to discover how to integrate a collection of models within their improvement programs

    Lessons of Mastery Learning

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    The core elements of mastery learning provide the foundation for other innovative models, including Response to Intervention

    Planning Professional Learning

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    With backward planning, schools can ensure that they choose professional development activities aligned with their most important goals

    Helping Standards Make the GRADE

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    When reporting on student work, educators need a clear, comprehensive grading system that shows how students are measuring up to standards

    The Past and Future of Teacher Efficacy

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    Knowing how the concept of teacher efficacy has evolved in education research shows us good ways to raise teachers\u27 confidence now

    Mapping the Road to Proficiency

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    A table of specifications provides a travel guide to help teachers move students toward mastery of standard

    What You Assess May Not Be What You Get

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    Performance-based assessments may not bring significant change in instructional practice unless teachers are provided requisite time and training
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