2,114 research outputs found

    Diagnostics of development of a franchise network in the economic system of the region Диагностика развития франчайзинговой сети в экономической системе региона

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    The article provides main results of the study of theoretical and practical aspects of development of small business in the economic system of the region by means of formation of franchise networks. It develops a theory and methods of selection of the strategy of development of subjects of the small business in the region on the basis of the set goals of entrepreneurial activity, which allows assessment of expediency of creation of franchise networks in the region. The obtained scientific results allow development of activity of representatives of the small business by means of franchise, based on observance of interests of development of economy of each Ukrainian region.В работе изложены основные результаты исследования теоретических и практических аспектов развития малого бизнеса в экономической системе региона путем формирования франчайзинговых сетей. Развита теория и методы выбора стратегии развития субъектов малого бизнеса в регионе на основе поставленных целей предпринимательской деятельности, что позволяет оценить целесообразность создания франчайзинговых сетей в регионе. В совокупности полученные научные результаты позволяют развивать деятельность представителей малого бизнеса средствами франчайзинга, исходя из соблюдения интересов развития экономики каждого региона Украины

    Forecasting safe conditions for developing coal bed suites under aquifers on the basis of geomechanics of technogenic water conducting fractures

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    Studies of the processes of displacement of rock massif layers in the course of their initial underworking indicate that their maximum curvature tends to decrease in the inverse proportion to squared distance to coal bed from the layer in question. It manifests itself in the distribution of vertical extension deformations: these are the largest in the vicinity of the coal bed and decrease towards the surface. Such is the consequence of the mechanism of bending the massive layers: the curvature of underlying layers is higher than that of overlying ones. In the zone of complete underworking the maximum curvature of each layer of the repeatedly underworked bedded formation is equal to the maximum curvature of the surface, that is the curvature of the overlying layer repeats the curvature of the underlying one. Hence, the maximum curvature of any layer  in the massive is inversely proportional to squared depth of the coal bed suite. Note that the distribution of vertical deformations of the massive differs in both its quality and quantity from that of the initially underworked massive: vertical deformations are an order of magnitude fewer and their distribution is presented by alternating deformations of extension and compression. Such is the consequence of the mechanism of layer bending in case the massive is underworked repeatedly and it explains why the height of the zone of water conducting fractures does not grow in such conditions with respect to the one formed during the excavation of the initial layer of the suite. The technique of forecasting the development of zone of water conducting fractures developed  on the basis of such geomechanical processes makes possible safe excavation of coal beds under aquifers

    E-Deposit in Academic Use

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    The e-Deposit is a deposit that can be managed in electronic form. The concept of a fund accessible for different financial transactions makes the e-Deposit appropriate for use at universities. The application is implemented in three-tier architecture. Because of the extensive exchange of financial data over the internet, the data integrity is secured. The business and data access tier are implemented in a modular manner helping the robustness of the application and reducing the risk of unwanted behavior. Special modules are used, that enable the integration of an e-commerce scenario in an already existing university information system