10 research outputs found

    Index Analysis Model to Enhance User Comfort in Energy Efficient Buildings

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    This paper presents the research proposal initiated based on needs of high developing country like Malaysia in energy efficiency studies. The research proposal developed based on a “current†research gap to enhance design related building user comfort criteria towards efficient energy used. Research aims to develop index analysis model to enhance consideration of user comfort towards efficient energy use. The relevant objective and methodology of research in four (4) phases is presented. Firstly, it is to investigate building design attributes related to user comfort in sample size of office buildings. Secondly, it is to capture architectural design related “Energy Efficient†attributes using the same sample size of energy efficient consultants within conducting quantitative interviews. Thirdly, it is to evaluate interrelation of EE attributes versus user comfort attributes with in professional group discussion. Finally, it is to develop index analysis model in consideration of user comfort towards efficient energy used. Accordingly, each objective comply novel findings. In conclusion this paper brief proposed research steps to aims to develop index analysis model to enhance consideration of user comfort towards efficient energy use

    The formation of Kangkar as the frontier Chinese settlement in Johor, Malaysia

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    In the 19th century, Chinese immigrants were drawn to Johor via the entirely unique Kangchu system that was only adapted in the state, later contributed significantly to its economic progress. The Chinese came for pepper and gambier plantation and settled at riverside which formed the frontier Chinese settlement called “Kangkar”. It is also believed that kangkar is the earliest established Chinese settlement in Johor, then many of them substituted by New Village in 1950s, and today’s modern housing in the 20th century. Irony the kangkar settlements are declining while some already abandoned. Furthermore, study of Chinese settled at Johor in kangkar settlement is still lacking, which severely constrain the preservation of such historical settlement. To help fill this gap, this paper aims to delineate the kangkar settlement which represents strong historical significance to Chinese architectural paradigm in Johor. It is crucial to start paying attention on this Chinese heritage to avoid irreversible loss of humanity’s heritage as well as diversity. As the formation of kangkar settlement was mainly ranged from 1844 to 1917, historical data was collected through content analysis of archival documents, literature reviews, and interviews of scholars. The special terms used were revealed such as Kangchu, kangkar, and “surat sungai”. Kangkar as a unique Chinese living settlement which existed due to Kangchu system, plays important and positive roles in Johor development in terms of economy, co-existence, and identity. It is hence crucial to preserve the kangkar settlements by providing insight of guideline to sustain and avoid further decline

    Sahutan regionalisme dalam identiti senibina di Malaysia: adaptasi awal tradisi modenisme 1950-1980.

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    Regionalisme merupakan pendekatan yang mempunyai potensi besar dalam menangani kemelut wacana identiti yang sering terperangkap dalam pendekatan etno-centric. Sebagai negara berbilang kaum, tradisi regionalisme memberi laluan khusus bagi suatu arah yang menjanjikan seni bina berasaskan iklim setempat, universal, dinamik dan mempunyai imej serumpun kedaerahan. Apa yang menyedihkan masa kini adalah persepsi bahawa modenisme dalam seni bina sebagai 'terkubur' dan pendekatan 'state-of-the-art' adalah strukturalisme mesin atau revivalisme eksotik. Sebagai wacana permulaan untuk mendekatkan diri kepada penyelesaian isu identiti seni bina nasional yang lebih bersifat liberal, progresif dan non-etnik, rencana ini mengenengahkan beberapa adaptasi awal tradisi modemisme di Malaysia dengan mengfokus pendekatan regionalisma yang berakar umbi dari pendekatan seni bina Organik Frank Lloyd Wright. Usaha ini merupakan dokumentasi dan deskripsi ringkas secara tinjauan meluas wacana regionalisme asal dan eksperimentasi arkitek pada tiga dekad antara 1950-1980

    Implementation of Traditional Malay Design Values in Contemporary Malay Houses

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    Traditional houses are the most essential architectural experience that is in harmony with the people's culture, beliefs, environment and lifestyles. The development of design values in contemporary architecture by tracking traditional design values in architecture paves the way for arguments concerning the implementation of authentic Malay traditional house design values in contemporary Malay houses. In addition, it is hypothesized that the Malay traditional houses theoretically provide a constructive innovative framework for the design performance of the contemporary Malay house. In this research, data was compiled through field observation and documentary review. The evidence revealed that Malay traditional houses convey a concrete message of richness encompassing architectural design values and theoretical propositions. The credibility of the results was improved and confirmed by a confluence of evidence via a confirmation process. The findings suggested that there is a rich source of subjective support, lending proof to the premise of the research investigation. The research has highlighted the significance of traditional architectural design values towards innovative design in the architecture of contemporary Malay houses as a workable pattern for use in the design of contemporary architecture

    Sustainability development; energy efficiency passive design practices

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    Recently, environmental performance, especially energy efficiency proposal is the key issue for the sustainability development. This paper studies the importance of energy efficiency in Malaysian building sector. The current building passive energy efficiency design practices in Malaysia are established in three different phases including; literature review based to identify, brain storming session to capture and criticize, and validation by the consultants to verify them. The research shows that financial limitation is the most significant barrier to energy efficiency. So, the awareness of designer plays the important key role to overcome this issue by employing the energy efficiency design practices. Therefore, the number of 14 current building passive energy efficiency design practices is found to be implemented by building sector designers toward development of sustainability in Malaysia. Results clearly indicate that the daylight harvesting, external sun shading, wall and roof insulation, windows to wall ratio are the most prominent common practices

    The architectural heritage of the Malay World the traditional houses

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    The architectural heritage of a people or a nation is the essence of its technological prowess and aesthetic values, and it represents a living culture. The development and civilizing aspects of a nation must be based on the past heritage so that a continuous culture and balanced environment is assured from generations to generations. This book contains some of the works of KALAM (Pusat Kajian Alam Bina Dunia Melayu) or Center for the Study of Built Environment in the Malay World, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia which document the intellectual heritage of architecture from this region of the world. This book can be read by all levels of society and it encourages the reader to place the importance of the local architectural heritage in our strive to not only create a better built environment for all but also that acts as a bridge between the various cultures of Malaysia

    Warisan seni bina dunia melayu rumah-rumah tradisional

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    Warisan seni bina sesuatu kaum atau bangsa merupakan intipati kemajuan teknologi, ketinggian nilai seni serta acuan corak budaya kehidupan. Pembangunan dan ketamadunan sesebuah negara harus berpaksi kepada warisan silam bagi menjamin kesinambungan kehidupan agar nilai budaya dan keseimbangan alam persekitaran dapat diwariskan dari generasi ke generasi. Buku ini memuatkan hasil kerja Pusat Kajian Alam Bina Dunia Melayu, (KALAM) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia yang menjadikan dokumentasi warisan intelek seni bina nusantara sebagai fokus utamanya. Buku ini sesuai dibaca oleh segenap lapisan masyarakat di samping mengajak pembaca menghayati mesej bahawa kefahaman terhadap warisan seni bina tempatan dapat mencorak bukan sahaja alam bina kehidupan masa kini tetapi juga menjadi jambatan ketamadunan antara kaum di Malaysia

    A study on the readiness of university students to use E-Learning Tool : a case study of University Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai Johor

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    This research want to identify the level of awareness and readiness among Universiti Teknologi Malaysia students on the e-leaming program implimented by the university. The study will focus on the level of application of e-learning in the daily lives of the students. This study also want to identify the factors that influenced students to using elearning in their learning process. This research also investigate the various problems that students face in using the e-leaming application. This study focus on the e-learning initiative by the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor Bahru, Johor only. Respondents chosen from every faculty and involving only undergraduate students. Three objective of the research were designed, one : to identify the level of awareness, readiness, and usage of the e-leaming program among the students, two : to identify the factors which influenced students to using e-leaming program and three : to investigate the various problems that students face in using the e-leaming application. The conclusion for this study was the level o f the awareness, readiness, and usage of elearning application among university students were moderate