4 research outputs found

    Generalizable Embeddings with Cross-batch Metric Learning

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    Global average pooling (GAP) is a popular component in deep metric learning (DML) for aggregating features. Its effectiveness is often attributed to treating each feature vector as a distinct semantic entity and GAP as a combination of them. Albeit substantiated, such an explanation's algorithmic implications to learn generalizable entities to represent unseen classes, a crucial DML goal, remain unclear. To address this, we formulate GAP as a convex combination of learnable prototypes. We then show that the prototype learning can be expressed as a recursive process fitting a linear predictor to a batch of samples. Building on that perspective, we consider two batches of disjoint classes at each iteration and regularize the learning by expressing the samples of a batch with the prototypes that are fitted to the other batch. We validate our approach on 4 popular DML benchmarks.Comment: \c{opyright} 2023 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    Feature Embedding by Template Matching as a ResNet Block

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    Convolution blocks serve as local feature extractors and are the key to success of the neural networks. To make local semantic feature embedding rather explicit, we reformulate convolution blocks as feature selection according to the best matching kernel. In this manner, we show that typical ResNet blocks indeed perform local feature embedding via template matching once batch normalization (BN) followed by a rectified linear unit (ReLU) is interpreted as arg-max optimizer. Following this perspective, we tailor a residual block that explicitly forces semantically meaningful local feature embedding through using label information. Specifically, we assign a feature vector to each local region according to the classes that the corresponding region matches. We evaluate our method on three popular benchmark datasets with several architectures for image classification and consistently show that our approach substantially improves the performance of the baseline architectures.Comment: Accepted at the British Machine Vision Conference 2022 (BMVC 2022

    Deep Metric Learning with Chance Constraints

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    Deep metric learning (DML) aims to minimize empirical expected loss of the pairwise intra-/inter- class proximity violations in the embedding image. We relate DML to feasibility problem of finite chance constraints. We show that minimizer of proxy-based DML satisfies certain chance constraints, and that the worst case generalization performance of the proxy-based methods can be characterized by the radius of the smallest ball around a class proxy to cover the entire domain of the corresponding class samples, suggesting multiple proxies per class helps performance. To provide a scalable algorithm as well as exploiting more proxies, we consider the chance constraints implied by the minimizers of proxy-based DML instances and reformulate DML as finding a feasible point in intersection of such constraints, resulting in a problem to be approximately solved by iterative projections. Simply put, we repeatedly train a regularized proxy-based loss and re-initialize the proxies with the embeddings of the deliberately selected new samples. We apply our method with the well-accepted losses and evaluate on four popular benchmark datasets for image retrieval. Outperforming state-of-the-art, our method consistently improves the performance of the applied losses. Code is available at: https://github.com/yetigurbuz/ccp-dmlComment: Under review at IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning System

    Generalized Sum Pooling for Metric Learning

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    A common architectural choice for deep metric learning is a convolutional neural network followed by global average pooling (GAP). Albeit simple, GAP is a highly effective way to aggregate information. One possible explanation for the effectiveness of GAP is considering each feature vector as representing a different semantic entity and GAP as a convex combination of them. Following this perspective, we generalize GAP and propose a learnable generalized sum pooling method (GSP). GSP improves GAP with two distinct abilities: i) the ability to choose a subset of semantic entities, effectively learning to ignore nuisance information, and ii) learning the weights corresponding to the importance of each entity. Formally, we propose an entropy-smoothed optimal transport problem and show that it is a strict generalization of GAP, i.e., a specific realization of the problem gives back GAP. We show that this optimization problem enjoys analytical gradients enabling us to use it as a direct learnable replacement for GAP. We further propose a zero-shot loss to ease the learning of GSP. We show the effectiveness of our method with extensive evaluations on 4 popular metric learning benchmarks. Code is available at: GSP-DML FrameworkComment: Accepted as a conference paper at International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 202