1 research outputs found

    Evaluation of cervical erosion in symptomatic women

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    Background: The objective of this study was evaluation of symptomatic women with cervical erosion.Methods: Prospective clinical study done in the department of obstetrics and gynecology, VIMS, Ballari for one-year period from June 2016 to May 2017. All patients with symptoms of white discharge, post coital bleeding and menstrual irregularities were examined by per speculum examination and all those who had cervical erosion (112 Patients) were included in the study. Pap smear and colposcopy were done in all subjects. Colposcopic guided biopsy was done in women with abnormal findings on colposcopy. Histological prediction of colposcopic findings was done according to the Reid’s modified colposcopic index. The result of the biopsy was correlated with the predicted histology of the Reid’s modified colposcopic index and statistical analysis done to calculate diagnostic efficacy of colposcopy in the evaluation of symptomatic women with cervical erosion.Results: Out of the 112 patients, 5.35% (6/112) had abnormal Pap smear. All patients underwent colposcopy and colposcopic guided biopsy, 11.6% (13/112) had abnormal colposcopic findings. Histopathology confirmed CIN I in 6.25% (7/112) and CIN II in 1.78% (2/112) patients. The sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV and accuracy of PAP smear was found to be 22.22%, 96.11%, 33.33%, 93.39% and 90.17%. The above values for colposcopy were found to be 88.89%, 95.15%, 61.54%, 98.99% and 94.64%.Conclusions: Colposcopy should be done in all symptomatic patients with cervical erosion as it is a good diagnostic tool for premalignant conditions of the cervix and correlates well with histopathological findings