351 research outputs found

    Developing a Comprehensive Testing Battery for Mixed Martial Arts

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 14(4): 941-961, 2021. Mixed martial arts (MMA) is a combat sport that employs techniques from different combat disciplines. There are a multitude of technical and physiological characteristics that contribute to competitive success. Developing a single scientific assessment that can predict competitive outcomes poses great difficulty due to the complexity of MMA. While previous research has investigated some important physiological characteristics, there is no accepted best-practice for a comprehensive testing battery. As such, this study aimed to design and utilize a battery of physiological assessments to cover aerobic and anaerobic function, strength measures including explosive and maximal strength, body composition and repeat effort ability in Australian MMA athletes. Six participants with competitive experience were recruited. Testing involved a familiarization, three experimental sessions and including assessments such as the isometric midthigh pull, Wingate test, graded exercise test, countermovement jump and body composition scan. Results showed the testing battery in this study was realistic and able to be completed by the participants without issue and that regional Australian MMA athletes were similar physiologically to elite standard compared with previous research taken from a range of sources. However, future research with the testing battery is required with larger and more diverse samples to better understand the full profiles of MMA athletes. The results of the study can help inform athletes, researchers and support staff alike when deciding upon which testing protocols to use for MMA athletes. Future research should aim to develop normative data using the battery proposed in the current study

    Considerations when assessing endurance in combat sport athletes

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    Combat sports encompass a range of sports, each involving physical combat between participants. Such sports are unique, with competitive success influenced by a diverse range of physical characteristics. Effectively identifying and evaluating each characteristic is essential for athletes and support staff alike. Previous research investigating the relationship between combat sports performance and measures of strength and power is robust. However, research investigating the relationship between combat sports performance and assessments of endurance is less conclusive. As a physical characteristic, endurance is complex and influenced by multiple factors including mechanical efficiency, maximal aerobic capacity, metabolic thresholds, and anaerobic capacities. To assess endurance of combat sports athletes, previous research has employed methods ranging from incremental exercise tests to circuits involving sports-specific techniques. These tests range in their ability to discern various physiological attributes or performance characteristics, with varying levels of accuracy and ecological validity. In fact, it is unclear how various physiological attributes influence combat sport endurance performance. Further, the sensitivity of sports specific skills in performance based tests is also unclear. When developing or utilizing tests to better understand an athletes\u27 combat sports-specific endurance characteristic, it is important to consider what information the test will and will not provide. Additionally, it is important to determine which combination of performance and physiological assessments will provide the most comprehensive picture. Strengthening the understanding of assessing combat sport-specific endurance as a physiological process and as a performance metric will improve the quality of future research and help support staff effectively monitor their athlete\u27s characteristics

    Some thoughts on silicon and carbon trade-offs in plants

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    In 1983, Raven suggested that silica could substitute for lignin or cellulose as a structural material in plants, and should be favoured because of its lower energetic costs. He then asked the question why more plants did not use silica for structural support. Raven's idea eventually led to a whole series of investigations into the substitution of silicon for carbon in plants, so-called trade-offs. In this Opinion we offer some, hopefully helpful, thoughts on this research, and we attempt to answer Raven's question. We conclude that more focus on the distribution of silicon and carbon at the cellular level is needed, and that we should be more careful to avoid teleological thinking

    The Effect of Altering Body Posture and Barbell Position on the Between-Session Reliability of Force-Time Curve Characteristics in the Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull

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    Seventeen strength and power athletes (n = 11 males, 6 females; height: 177.5 ± 7.0 cm, 165.8 ± 11.4 cm; body mass: 90.0 ± 14.1 kg, 66.4 ± 13.9 kg; age: 30.6 ± 10.4 years, 30.8 ± 8.7 years), who regularly performed weightlifting movements during their resistance training programs, were recruited to examine the effect of altering body posture and barbell position on the between-session reliability of force-time characteristics generated in the isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP). After participants were familiarised with the testing protocol, they undertook two testing sessions which were separated by seven days. In each session, the participants performed three maximal IMTP trials in each of the four testing positions examined, with the order of testing randomized. In each position, no significant differences were found between sessions for all force-time characteristics (p = \u3e0.05). Peak force (PF), time-specific force (F50, F90, F150, F200, F250) and IMP time-bands (0–50, 0–90, 0–150, 0–200, 0–250 ms) were reliable across each of the four testing positions (ICC ≥ 0.7, CV ≤ 15%). Time to peak force, peak RFD, RFD time-bands (0–50, 0–90, 0–150, 0–200, 0–250 ms) and peak IMP were unreliable regardless of the testing position used (ICC =15%). Overall, the use of body postures and barbell positions during the IMTP that do not correspond to the second pull of the clean have no adverse effect on the reliability of the force-time characteristics generated

    The agreement between a portable contact-mat and force-plates during bilateral vertical jumps

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    Force plates are commonly used when assessing vertical jumping performance but are not always affordable or practical tools for all testing situations. Twenty-four participants volunteered to take part in a study investigating the agreement between bilateral force plates and a new commercially available contact mat that records jump height, flight-time (FT), and FT of individual limbs during both countermovement (CMJ) and squat (SJ) jumps. Each participant performed six jumps of each type while standing on a contact mat placed upon a pair of in-ground force plates. When compared to the force plate via ordinary least products regression, the contact mat agreed with force plate CMJ and SJ jump height, individual limb FT during CMJs, and left-leg FT during SJs. The bilateral contact mat provided valid assessment of individual limb FT during CMJs, but not SJs. Practitioners can therefore use a bilateral contact mat interchangeably with bilateral force plates to measure SJ and CMJ performance

    Preferential phosphorus placement improves the productivity and competitiveness of tropical pasture legumes

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    Extensive grazing systems often receive minimal fertiliser due to the risk associated with using relatively expensive inputs. Nevertheless, nutrient applications are known to improve pasture productivity, and the benefit of applying fertiliser is being more widely accepted. Two tropical pasture mixes (Digit/Desmanthus and Rhodes/Centro) were established in plastic boxes containing phosphorus (P) responsive soil to investigate shoot yield and P fertiliser recovery. The grasses and legumes were planted in separate rows, and three P treatments were applied along with the seed ('BOTH low-P' had 2kg P ha−1 banded below both components, 'BOTH high-P' had 12kg P ha−1 banded below both components and 'LEGUME superhigh-P' had 12kg P ha−1 banded below the legume only). The P applied below the legumes was labelled with 32P-radioisotope tracer. When P fertiliser was applied below both components, the grasses consistently out-yielded the legumes (avg. legume content=29%). Preferential fertiliser application below the legumes increased the average legume content of the two pasture mixes to 66%. Legume tissue P derived from applied P fertiliser increased from 20% to 77% as the P application rate was increased. However, total recovery of applied P by the legumes was relatively low in each of the treatments (≤7% of applied P). These collective results demonstrate that a preferential application of P fertiliser can benefit legume productivity, with applied P being a significant proportion of plant tissue P. Although only a small proportion of applied P was recovered within the seven-week growth period, it is expected that this fertiliser application at planting will remain beneficial for a large proportion of the growing season following pasture establishment

    The Agreement Between a Portable Contact-Mat and Force-Plates During Bilateral Vertical Jumps

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 15(1): 632-644, 2022. Force plates are commonly used when assessing vertical jumping performance but are not always affordable or practical tools for all testing situations. Twenty-four participants volunteered to take part in a study investigating the agreement between bilateral force plates and a new commercially available contact mat that records jump height, flight-time (FT), and FT of individual limbs during both countermovement (CMJ) and squat (SJ) jumps. Each participant performed six jumps of each type while standing on a contact mat placed upon a pair of in-ground force plates. When compared to the force plate via ordinary least products regression, the contact mat agreed with force plate CMJ and SJ jump height, individual limb FT during CMJs, and left-leg FT during SJs. The bilateral contact mat provided valid assessment of individual limb FT during CMJs, but not SJs. Practitioners can therefore use a bilateral contact mat interchangeably with bilateral force plates to measure SJ and CMJ performance

    Phosphorus bioavailability in soil profiles of a long-term fertilizer experiment: The evaluation of their bioaccessibility

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    Global agricultural productivity depends on the use of finite phosphorus (P) resources of which not only the topsoil, but also subsoil, can hold immense reserves. To assess potential soil contribution to plant nutrition, we compared the P status of Stagnic Cambisol profiles in experimental plots that received different P fertilizer applications (control, triple superphosphate (TSP), compost, compost+TSP) for 16 years. Sequential fractionation was combined with P K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy to identify the chemical P speciation. Fertilized topsoils (21 to 69 kg P ha-1 a-1) showed P reserves larger by a factor of 1.2 to 1.4, and subsoil P reserves larger by a factor of 1.3 to 1.5 than those of the control. P-XANES revealed the predominance of inorganic P species such as moderately labile Fe- (46 to 92%), Al- (0 to 40%), and Ca- (0 to 15%) P compounds besides organic P (0 to 13%) in all treatments. The fertilizer application slightly altered P speciation throughout the profiles, but the type of fertilizer had no significant effect on it. Optimal plant growth requirements are restricted by the exchangeable P from the solid phase within the soil solution. Therefore, ongoing research focuses on the accessibility of P from P loaded amorphous Fe- and Al-hydroxides, previously identified as the predominant abiotic P forms. To assess their P desorption potential, P-33 rhizotron experiments combined with P-33 isotopic exchange kinetics (IEK) are underway. Preliminary results indicated that besides differences in P binding capacity of soil hydroxides, physical soil parameters, such as the matric potential, strongly control soil P availability, thus plant P acquisition rates can vary among different soil types. Our results gained new detailed information about P bioavailability under agricultural practice. The investigations towards P bioaccessibility may contribute to improved interpretation of soil P tests and reduced fertilizer recommendations

    The Impact of Diet-Induced Weight Loss on Biomarkers for Colorectal Cancer: An Exploratory Study (INTERCEPT)

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the potential effects of diet-induced weight loss on molecular biomarkers of colorectal cancer risk in serum and colorectal tissue. Methods: This single-arm exploratory study included 20 adults with BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2 completing an 8-week, complete, low-energy liquid diet. Pre- and postintervention anthropometric measurements, fasting blood draws, and endoscopic examinations to procure colorectal biopsies were performed. Fasting insulin, glucose, insulinlike growth factor 1 (IGF-1), C-reactive protein (CRP), and blood lipids were measured in serum, and tissue markers of apoptosis (M30), colonocyte proliferation (Ki-67), and insulin signaling (phospho-mTOR) were assessed using immunohistochemical staining. Results: Participants achieved substantial weight loss (mean = 13.56%). Mean concentrations of insulin, glucose, and cholesterol were significantly reduced (P < 0.05), but IGF-1 and CRP were not. Colorectal tissue expression of Ki-67 was significantly reduced (preintervention mean score = 7, postintervention mean score = 3.9, mean % change −43.8; P = 0.027). There were no significant changes in M30 or phospho-mTOR. Conclusions: Weight loss in individuals with obesity was associated with improvements in insulin sensitivity and blood lipid profiles and a significant reduction in tissue Ki-67 expression. This is one of the first studies to demonstrate potential cancer-relevant changes in colorectal tissue following weight loss achieved through diet
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