61 research outputs found

    Can Up FCNC solve the Ξ”ACP\Delta A_{CP} puzzle?

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    We investigate the attempt using flavor violation gauge interaction in the up sector to explain the LHCb recently observed large Ξ”ACP\Delta A_{CP} (ACP(D0β†’K+Kβˆ’)βˆ’ACP(D0β†’Ο€+Ο€βˆ’)A_{CP}(D^{0}\to K^{+}K^{-})-A_{CP}(D^{0}\to \pi^{+}\pi^{-})). We study an Abelian model that only right-handed up quarks is charged under it and the 1-3 coupling is maximized. The simultaneous 1-3 2-3 mixing is realized by a quark mixing of 1-2 generation. Given the easy identification of top quark, the model can be directly tested by Ξ”F=1\Delta F=1 and Ξ”F=2\Delta F=2 processes at the hadron colliders as associated top production gcβ†’tZβ€²g c \to t Z^{\prime} or same-sign top scattering uuβ†’ttu u\to t t. The direct search bounds are still consistent with the assumption that utut and ctct couplings are equal but the same-sign top scattering bound is expected to be reached very soon. However, since there is no CKM-like suppression, the corresponding parameter space for generating Ξ”ACP\Delta A_{CP} is completely excluded by the D0βˆ’DΛ‰0D^{0}-\bar{D}^{0} mixing. We conclude that the up FCNC type models cannot explain the Ξ”ACP\Delta A_{CP} while to be consistent with the D0βˆ’DΛ‰0D^{0}-\bar{D}^{0} mixing constraint at the same time. On the other hand, a model as SM with fourth family extension has better chance to explain the large Ξ”ACP\Delta A_{CP} consistently.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    WIMPless dark matter and the excess gamma rays from the Galactic center

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    In this paper we discuss the excess gamma rays from the Galactic center, the WMAP haze and the CoGeNT and DAMA results in WIMPless models. At the same time we also investigate the low energy constraints from the anomalous magnetic moment of leptons and from some lepton flavor violating decays. It is found that, for scalar or vector WIMPless dark matter, neither the WMAP haze nor the CoGeNT and DAMA observations could be explained simultaneously with the excess gamma rays from the Galactic center. As to fermion WIMPless dark matter, it is only marginally possible to accommodate the CoGeNT and DAMA results with the excess gamma rays from the Galactic center with vector connector fields. On the other hand, only scalar connector fields could interpret the WMAP haze concerning the constraints of anomalous magnetic moment of leptons. Furthermore, if there is only one connector field for all the charged leptons, some lepton flavor violating decays could happen with too large branching ratios severely violating the experimental bounds.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    A Revisit to Top Quark Forward-Backward Asymmetry

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    We analyze various models for the top quark forward-backward asymmetry (AFBtA^t_{FB}) at the Tevatron, using the latest CDF measurements on different AFBtA^t_{FB}s and the total cross section. The axigluon model in Ref. \cite{paul} has difficulties in explaining the large rapidity dependent asymmetry and mass dependent asymmetry simultaneously and the parameter space relevant to AFBtA^t_{FB} is ruled out by the latest dijet search at ATLAS. In contrast to Ref. \cite{cp}, we demonstrate that the large parameter space in this model with a U(1)dU(1)_d flavor symemtry is not ruled out by flavor physics. The tt-channel flavor-violating Z′Z^{\prime} \cite{hitoshi}, W′W^{\prime}\cite{waiyee} and diquark \cite{tim} models all have parameter regions that satisfy different AFBA_{FB} measurements within 1 σ\sigma. However, the heavy Z′Z^{\prime} model which can be marginally consistent with the total cross section is severely constrained by the Tevatron direct search of same-sign top quark pair. The diquark model suffers from too large total cross section and is difficult to fit the ttˉt \bar{t} invariant mass distribution. The electroweak precision constraints on the W′W' model based on Z′Z'-ZZ mixings is estimated and the result is rather weak (mZ′>450m_{Z'} > 450 GeV). Therefore, the heavy W′W^{\prime} model seems to give the best fit for all the measurements. The W′W^{\prime} model predicts the ttˉ+jt\bar{t}+j signal from tW′tW^{\prime} production and is 10%-50% of SM ttˉt\bar{t} at the 7 TeV LHC. Such t+jt+j resonance can serve as the direct test of the W′W^{\prime} model.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl
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