9,929 research outputs found

    Source-Aware Spatial-Spectral-Integrated Double U-Net for Image Fusion

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    In image fusion tasks, pictures from different sources possess distinctive properties, therefore treating them equally will lead to inadequate feature extracting. Besides, multi-scaled networks capture information more sufficiently than single-scaled models in pixel-wised problems. In light of these factors, we propose a source-aware spatial-spectral-integrated double U-shaped network called (SU)2\rm{(SU)^2}Net. The network is mainly composed of a spatial U-net and a spectral U-net, which learn spatial details and spectral characteristics discriminately and hierarchically. In contrast with most previous works that simply apply concatenation to integrate spatial and spectral information, a novel structure named the spatial-spectral block (called S2\rm{S^2}Block) is specially designed to merge feature maps from different sources effectively. Experiment results show that our method outperforms the representative state-of-the-art (SOTA) approaches in both quantitative and qualitative evaluations for a variety of image fusion missions, including remote sensing pansharpening and hyperspectral image super-resolution (HISR)
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