18 research outputs found

    Governance of interdependent ecosystem services and common-pool resources

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    Environmental governance is recognized as a key issue in many natural and social sciences. It is highly relevant for ecosystem services and common-pool resources as well. Both fields overlap yet have typically been studied separately. Therefore, this study aimed a) to examine the emerging body of literature that incorporates concepts from both fields of research and considers governance challenges, and b) to identify policy tools and recommendations presented for addressing those challenges. The analysis of thirty-nine selected peer-review papers revealed the multiplicity of interacting governance challenges with three major categories: environmental, socioeconomic, and problems of governance itself. Governance is impeded by institutional mismatches, exclusion of local actors, corruption, and perverse policies. The proposed policy recommendations most often suggest changes in institutional arrangements and increasing scientific understanding. Meeting human needs, and increasing social equity and justice were recognized broadly as integral for improving governance, yet correlations among governance problems and solutions appear elusive. These findings extend theoretical reasoning, while carrying practical implications for policy, governance and environmental stewardship. The analysis implies that policies to improve human conditions will be key for improved environmental governance, but more research is needed to learn which types of policy recommendations prove successful given diverse local contexts


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    Introduction. The incidence of cholangitis varied from 9 % to 33 % after the insertion of transpapillary external-internal endobiliary drainage. In case of proximal bile obstruction, the method of suprapapillary insertion of external-internal drainage were widely used for prevention of purulent complications. But it was impossible to use this method in case of distal bile obstruction. The choice of initial decompression method for distal bile duct obstruction (external only or transpapillary external-internal drainage) was unclear.The objective was to improve results of primary percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage in patients with jaundice and distal bile duct obstruction.Material and methods. As a primary decompression method, percutaneous transhepatic endobiliary interventions under ultrasound and X-ray control were performed in 81 patients with distal bile duct obstruction. External-internal transpapillary drainage were performed in 30 patients, only external drainage – in 21 patients and in 31 patients we used original combined technique (compilation of external and external-internal transpapillary drainage).Results. Intraoperative and early postoperative complications were noticed in 23 patient (28 %). Complications in the group of external endobiliary drainage were observed in 4 (19 %) patients. In the group of external-internal drainage, complication rate was 53.3 % (16 patients). At the same time, purulent complications were noted in 30 % of cases (9 people). In case of using combined external-internal drainage, no purulent complications was diagnosed. In the treatment of all complications, minimally invasive methods were successfully used.Conclusion. Our results showed advantages of the original combined technique due to the absence of the risk of purulent complications, and ensuring transpapillary access at the same time.Введение. При выполнении транспапиллярного наружно-внутреннего эндобилиарного дренирования частота развития холангитов составляет от 9 до 33 %. С целью профилактики гнойных осложнений при проксимальном уровне билиарного блока широко используются методы супрапапиллярной установки наружно-внутреннего дренажа, что технически невозможно при дистальном уровне блока. Проблема выбора первичного наружного или транспапиллярного наружно-внутреннего дренирования при дистальных блоках желчевыводящих протоков неоднозначна.Цель работы – улучшение результатов лечения больных с механической желтухой при низком уровне билиарного блока после первичной антеградной эндобилиарной декомпрессии.Материал и методы. 82 пациентам с дистальным блоком желчевыводящих протоков (ЖВП) опухолевого генеза в качестве первичной декомпрессии выполнены чрескожные чреспеченочные эндобилиарные вмешательства под УЗ- и Rg-контролем. 30 пациентам выполнено наружно-внутреннее транспапиллярное дренирование, 21 пациенту декомпрессию ЖВП осуществляли с помощью наружного желчеотведения, у 31 пациента применяли оригинальную методику комбинированного наружно-внутреннего дренирования.Результаты. Интраоперационные и ранние послеоперационные осложнения зарегистрированы у 23 (28 %) человек. Осложнения в группе наружного эндобилиарного дренирования отмечены у 4 (19 %) пациентов. В группе наружно-внутреннего дренирования частота осложнений составила 53,3 % (16 пациентов). При этом инфекционные осложнения отмечены в 30 % (9 человек) случаев. При выполнении комбинированного наружно-внутреннего дренирования гнойные осложнения не были диагностированы ни у одного пациента. При лечении всех осложнений были успешно использованы мини-инвазивные вмешательства.Выводы. Полученные результаты показали преимущества предлагаемой методики комбинированного эндобилиарного дренирования ввиду отсутствия риска инфекционных осложнений в послеоперационном периоде с одновременным обеспечением транспапиллярного доступа


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    Introduction. External pancreatic fistulas are developed up to 45 % during the postoperative period after the percutaneous drainage of pancreatic pseudocysts. According to some authors this fact is the main contraindication for using of transcutaneous method in  treatment of these patients.The objective is to optimize the tactics of treatment for minimizing the possible development of external pancreatic fistulasMaterials and methods. Puncture-draining operations were performed in 164 patients with chronic pancreatic pseudocysts. Puncture operations with ultrasound control were primarily performed in 54 patients (32.9 %), they were effective for 29 patients (53.7 %). Traditional surgical interventions were performed in 7 patients (12.9 %) from this group. Percutaneous drainage of pseudocyst was secondary used in 18 patients (33.4 %). Percutaneous drainage of pseudocysts was primarily used in other group consisting of 110 (67.1 %) patients. During the postoperative period, external pancreatic fistula formed in 36 (32.7 %) patients from this group. The fistulas were eliminated by supplementing the transcutaneous interventions with endoscopic methods.Results. Endoscopic papillosphincterotomy was performed in 36 patients. Pancreatic fistulas were closed after the operation in 12 patients (33.3 %). Endoscopic formation cystogastro-, cystoduodenoanastomosis on «lost drainage» were performed in 9 patients (25 %). Temporary decompression transpapillary stenting of the MPD was performed in 15 patients (41.7 %), endoscopic retrograde stenting was performed in 5 of them. Antegrade stenting of the MPD was transcutaneously performed in 10 patients. There were no lethal outcomes. Fistulas regressed in all patients. Recurrence of cyst formation, pancreatic hypertension were not be to dynamic examinations. Algorithm of treatment was formed and based on the results of a retrospective analysis to treatment of pancreatic cysts in general surgical clinic of «Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University».Conclusions. Coherent combining of minimally invasive technologies in the treatment of patients with chronic pancreatic pseudocysts leads to good results: absolute cystic regression and elimination of pancreatic fistulas as appropriate.Введение. После проведенного чрескожного дренирования псевдокист поджелудочной железы до 45 % случаев в послеоперационном периоде развиваются наружные панкреатические свищи, что является основным противопоказанием к применению транскутанного метода, по мнению ряда авторов, в лечении данной категории больных.Цель – оптимизировать тактику лечения с целью минимизации возможного риска развития наружных панкреатических свищей.Материал и методы. 164 пациентам с хроническими псевдокистами поджелудочной железы проводились пункционно-дренирующие операции. 54 пациентам (32,9 %) первично выполнялись пункционные операции под УЗ-контролем, с положительным эффектом – у 29 больных (53,7 %). 7 пациентам (12,9 %) из этой группы выполнены традиционные оперативные вмешательства. 18 пациентам (33,4 %) выполнены вторично чрескожные дренирования полостей псевдокист. Другой группе, состоявшей из 110 (67,1 %) пациентов, выполнено первично чрескожное дренирование псевдокист. В послеоперационном периоде у 36 (32,7 %) пациентов из этой группы в течение месяца сохранялось панкреатическое отделяемое с формированием наружного панкреатического свища. Ликвидация свищей производилась за счет дополнения транскутанных вмешательств эндоскопическими методами.Результаты исследования. 36 пациентам выполнялась эндоскопическая папиллосфинктеротомия. У 12 (33,3 %) после проведенной операции панкреатические свищи закрылись. 9 (25 %) пациентам эндоскопически сформированы цистогастро-, цистодуоденоанастомозы на «потерянном дренаже». 15 (41,7 %) пациентам было выполнено временное декомпрессионное транспапиллярное стентирование ГПП, из которых 5 больным выполнено эндоскопическое ретроградное стентирование. 10 пациентам стентирование ГПП произведено антеградным методом транскутанно. Летальных исходов не наблюдалось. У всех пациентов свищи регрессировали. При динамическом обследовании рецидива кистообразования, панкреатической гипертензии не наблюдалось. По результатам ретроспективного анализа материалов, полученных в ходе лечения больных панкреатическими кистами на базе клиники общей хирургии ПСПбГМУ им. И. П. Павлова, сформирован алгоритм лечения.Выводы. Последовательное комбинирования использование миниинвазивных технологий в лечении пациентов с хроническими псевдокистами поджелудочной железы позволяет добиться хороших результатов: абсолютного кистозного регресса, при необходимости, ликвидации панкреатических свищей

    Landscape Features of Carbon Polygon of the Chechen Republic

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    The article analyzes the landscape features of the carbon test site of the Chechen Republic, located in various natural and climatic conditions of the region

    Challenges for Governing Mountains Sustainably: Insights From a Global Survey

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    Governance is increasingly recognized as key to sustainability and human wellbeing in mountain social–ecological systems (MtSES). Mountains present particular challenges for effective governance related to their geographic complexities, status as commons, susceptibility to environmental change, and impacts of external political and socioeconomic processes. This study reports on the results of a global survey of local mountain governance. It explored a range of known governance challenges to discover which are most prevalent and whether relative strength of local governance helps to mitigate these challenges. The study analyzed 75 survey responses across 5 continents from researchers and practitioners who work on mountain governance. Major challenges for governance included contradictory policies, poverty, and the presence of valuable nonrenewable natural resources. Compared with sites with stronger local governance, those with weaker arrangements reported significantly greater prevalence of certain challenges, such as corruption. Yet many challenges did not differ significantly by strength of local governance, implicating external factors instead. This finding points to a need to improve governance across levels to support MtSES sustainability


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    OBJECTIVE. The aim of the study is to improve the results of treatment in patients with complications after percutaneous endobiliary operations for obstructive jaundice. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The percutaneous endobiliary interventions for obstructive jaundice were performed in 208 patients. Intraoperative and early postoperative complications were diagnosed in 38 patient (18.2 %). operative and endovideosurgical interventions were used in the treatment of complications. RESULTS. hemorrhagic complications were 4.3 % of cases. Bile outflow in the postoperative period were observed in 14 patients (6.7 %). Infection complication were identified in 15 patients (7.2 %). The treatment of complications with minimally invasive methods was successful in all cases. CONCLUSION. In most cases, the complications of percutaneous endobiliary operations can be resolved minimally invasive ways