53 research outputs found

    Model Arsitektur Monitoring Obat melalui Pendekatan Togaf Adm dan Cloud Database

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    Maraknya peredaran obat ilegal membuat resah pemerintah dan masyarakat. Perlu adanya payung hukum untuk memberantas peredaran obat ilegal ini. Selain payung hukum yang kuat diperlukan juga mekanisme pengawasan pengawasan obat yang baik. Penelitian ini memcoba menciptakan suatu sistem pengawasan obat yang menghubungkan setiap stackholder farmasi mulai dari industri farmasi hingga instalasi sediaan farmasi dan terintegrasi pada dua instansi pemerintah yaitu DinKes dan BPOM selaku badan pengawasan melalui infrastruktur Cloud. Sistem yang dibangun menggunakan metode Togaf ADM dengan melibatkan 4 tahapan didalamnya. Untuk menjamin apakah sistem yang dibangun memiliki konsistensi yang baik maka dilakukan pengujian performa server dengan menggunakan parameter Quality of Service. Hasil dari penelitian ini menjabarkan bentuk model database yang bisa digunakan di platform aplikasi yang berbeda serta hasil pengujian performa yang didapatkan nilai dari parameter yang digunakan memenuhi standar tiphon dengan kategori sangat baik, sehingga konsistensi data yang tersimpan akan bernilai positif atau konsistensi data bisa terjamin


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    Coffee farming system assessment using dung manure decomposed by worms, Rummino bacillus, andnormally decomposed was done in Buleleng, Bali in 2001-2002. The productive coffee plantation assessed inthis study was owned by farmers and planted in 1994. The assessment consisted of three farmers’ groups and 5farmers were selected from each group or total of 15 participating farmers treated as replication with 3 types oforganic fertilizers as technology introduced, namely (a) P0 = normally decomposed, (b) P1 = dung manure ofgoats decomposed by worms, and (c) P2 = dung manure of goats decomposed by Rummino bacillus. The resultsshowed that P2 produced the average highest yield of 948.80 kilograms per hectare of coffee beans with profitsof Rp 863,800 per year and return to cost (R/C) ratio of 1.35. P0 gave the lowest yield of 550.40 kilograms perhectare of coffee beans and its R/C ratio of 0.89.Key words : robusta coffee, farming systems, organic fertilizer Pengkajian usahatani kopi robusta dengan pupuk organik dari kotoran kambing yang dikomposkandengan cacing, Rummino bacillus dan cara pengomposan biasa telah dilakukan pada tahun 2001-2002 diBuleleng Bali. Tanaman kopi yang digunakan sebagai obyek pengkajian adalah jenis kopi robusta milik petanidan telah menghasilkan (TM) tahun tanam 1994. Pengkajian melibatkan 3 kelompok tani dan tiap kelompokdiambil 5 orang sehingga terdapat 15 petani kooperator sebagai plot pangkajian (ulangan) dengan 3 macampupuk organik digunakan sebagai introduksi teknologi yaitu (a) PO= Pengomposan dilakukan dengan cara biasa(b) P1= Pupuk dari kotoran kambing yang dikomposkan dengan cacing (kascing) dan (c) P2= Pupuk dari kotorankambing yang dikomposkan dengan menggunakan Rummino bacillus. Hasil pengkajian menunjukan bahwateknologi P2 menghasilkan jumlah produksi kopi tertinggi dengan rata-rata 948,80 kg kopi beras/ha dengankeuntungan Rp 863.800/tahun dengan tingkat R/C 1,35. PO menghasilkan produksi terendah, yaitu 550,40 kgkopi beras/ha dengan tingkat R/C 0,89.Kata kunci : kopi robusta, usahatani, pupuk organi

    Pertumbuhan, Serapan Hara dan Kualitas Turfgrass pada Beberapa Dosis Pemberian Pupuk Hayati Mikoriza

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    The objective of the research was to study the effect of mycorrhiza dosage on nutrient uptake, growth and turfgrass quality. The research was conducted at IPB turfgrass experimental farm, Darmaga, Bogor. The experiment was arranged in randomized complete block design with four replications. The treatment consisted of five dosages of mycorrhiza (100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 g per pot). The result showed that application of mycorrhiza at 300 g per pot increased coverage area and dry weight of clipping, and decreased vertical height, but it did not significantly increase nutrient uptake and quality of turfgrass compared to control

    Penggunaan Limbah Kakao Terfermentasi untuk Pakan Ayam Buras Petelur

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    Native chicken plays important role in egg and meat production in Bali. Sharp price of feed since themonetary crisis encourages the farmers to get alternative cheap feed. Assessment on fermented cacao wastes toreplace rice bran in layer native chicken ransom was conducted in Tukad Aya Village, Jembrana Regency, Bali lastingfrom July to December 2002. The experiment was using a completely randomized design with three treatments andeach of 60 chicken. The treatments were P0, i.e., feed ransom as practiced by the farmers (with out cacao wastes), P1(feed ransom with11 percent of cacao waste), and P2 (feed ransom with 22 percent of cacao waste). The resultsshowed that P2 improved significantly egg production from 31.33 percent (P0) to 35.53 percent (P2). Cacao waste didincrease egg weight significantly and tended to reduce Feed Conversion Ratio from 5.68 (P0) to 4.49 (P2). Cacaowaste treatments also did not reduce physical quality and nutritional contents of the eggs. The treatment was able toincrease the farmers' income from Rp 221,142/100 chicken/month to Rp 376,677/100 chicken/month or an increaseR/C ratio from 1.65 to 2.34.Key words: native chicken, cacao waste fermented egg productionAyam Buras mempunyai peranan penting sebagai penghasil telur maupun daging di Bali. Melonjaknya hargapakan, semenjak krisis moneter menyebabkan banyak peternak ayam buras yang menerapkan pola intensifmenghentikan USAhanya. Karena itu perlu upaya mencari bahan pakan alternatif yang murah. Penelitian tentangpemanfaatan limbah kakao terfermentasi sebagai pengganti dedak dalam ransum ayam buras petelur telah dilakukandi Desa Tukad Aya – Kabupaten Jembrana Bali selama enam bulan (Juli s/d Desember 2002). Penelitian disusundalam Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan tiga perlakuan ransum, dengan 60 ekor ayam per perlakuan. Ke-3 perlakuantersebut yaitu (P0) mendapat ransum sesuai dengan cara petani (tanpa limbah kakao). (P1) dengan ransum yangmengandung 11 persen limbah kakao. Kelompok III (P2) dengan ransum yang mengandung 22 persen limbah kakao.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penggunaan limbah kakao 22 persen dalam ransum menyebabkan meningkatnyaproduksi telur dari rata-rata 31,33 persen (PO) menjadi 36,53 persen (P2) dan secara statistik berbeda nyata (P<005).Pemberian limbah kakao sebagai pengganti dedak juga menyebabkan meningkatnya berat telur, sebaliknya konsumsipakan cenderung menurun dari 72,1 gram/ekor/hari menjadi 69,79 gram/ekor/hari, walaupun secara statistik tidaknyata. Sebagai akibatnya, Feed Convertion Ratio (FCR) menurun secara nyata (P<0,05) dari 5,68 (PO) menjadi 4,49(P2). Penggunaan limbah kakao sebagai pengganti dedak juga tidak berpengaruh negatif terhadap kualitas fisikmaupun nilai gizi telur. Dengan menurunnya FCR, maka secara ekonomis penggunaan limbah kakao sebagaipengganti dedak secara keseluruhan (22 persen) mampu meningkatkan kuntungan petani dari Rp. 221.142 /100 ekorper bulan menjadi Rp.376.677 /100 ekor/bulan sehingga RC ratio meningkat dari 1,65 menjadi 2,34. Dari hasilpenelitian ini ternyata penggunaan limbah kakao sebagai komponen ransum ayam Buras petelur cukup prospektifuntuk dikembangkan


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    ABSTRAK                                                                                     Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini bertemakan “peningkatan keterampilan membuat video pendukung pembelajaran menggunakan aplikasi Inshot dan VN bagi Guru Olahraga di MGMP Kota Jayapura”. Tujuan pengabdian yaitu peserta dapat: (1) Memahami pengertian editing video, jenis-jenis editing video, tujuan dan Manfaat editing video, (2) Memahami dan mempraktekkan Aplikasi Inshot dalam pembuatan media pembelajaran PJOK, (3) Memahami dan mempraktekkan Aplikasi VN dalam pembuatan media pembelajaran PJOK. Menggunakan metode presentasi dengan tiga tahapan yaitu, (1) Fasilitator mempresentasikan materi pertama Ruang Lingkup Editing Video (aplikasi inshot  dan VN), (2) Praktek penggunaan aplikasi VN dalam pembuatan video pendukung pembelajaran PJOK, (3) Praktek penggunaan aplikasi Inshot sebagai pendukung pembuatan dari video di dalam pembelajaran PJOK. Manfaat kegiatan adalah: (1) Terjalinnya kerjasama antara lembaga/Institut yakni, program studi Ilmu Keolahragaan FIK UNCEN dengan MGMP PJOK Kota Jayapura, (2) Meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan guru-guru dalam memberikan pembelajaran yang inovatif dan kreatif, (3) Terlaksananya kegiatan Tri Dharma perguruan tinggi (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) sebagai kewajiban seorang dosen. Hasil Kegiatan pengabdian yang didapatkan adalah: (1) Sebagian besar peserta memahami penyajian materi yang disampaikan pada pelatihan tersebut dan (2) Sebagian besar peserta mendapatkan nilai baik ditinjau dari penilaian evaluasi/kompetensi terhadap pelatihan tersebut Kata kunci: Vidio; Pembelajaran; Kompetensi Guru; PJOK, VN; Inshot. ABSTRACTThis Community Service activity has the theme "Improving skills in making learning support videos using the Inshot and VN applications for Sports Teachers at MGMP Jayapura City". The purpose of the service is that participants can: (1) understand the meaning of video editing, types of video editing, the purpose and benefits of video editing, (2) understand and practice the Inshot application in making PJOK learning media, (3) understand and practice the VN application in making PJOK learning media. Using the presentation method with three stages, namely, (1) The facilitator presents the first material on the Scope of Video Editing (inshot and VN applications), (2) the practice of using the VN application in making videos supporting PJOK learning, (3) the practice of using the Inshot application as a support for making from videos in PJOK learning. The benefits of the activity are: (1) The establishment of cooperation between institutions / institutes, namely, the Sport Science study program FIK UNCEN and MGMP PJOK Jayapura City, (2) Increasing the knowledge and skills of teachers in providing innovative and creative learning, (3) Implementation of activities Tri Dharma of higher education (Community Service) as the obligation of a lecturer. The results of the service activities obtained are: (1) Most of the participants understand the presentation of the material presented in the training and (2) Most of the participants get good marks in terms of the evaluation/competence assessment of the training. Keywords: Video; Learning; Teacher Competence; PJOK, VN; inshot

    Consumer Attitude Toward the Issue of Selling Beef Mixed with Boar Meat (Sus Sucrofa) and the Intention to Purchase of Meat Consumers in YOGYAKARTA

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    . This research was aimed to explain the relationship between cognitive, affective and conative combined into the attitude components with the intention to purchase against the issue of mixed beef and boar meatselling in Yogyakarta. The sample of location was at Beringharjo market in which the issues of selling beef and boar meat was established. The research used survey method with interview and questionnaire whose validity and reliability had been proven. The sample of respondents was 80 buyers selected by purposive sampling method. The data were statistically tabulated and analyzed using Chi-square and Phi analyses. The results showed that most of the attitude components i.e. cognitive, affective and conative were classified in favorable category implying that the respondents were responsive and active to look for the information regarding the issue. There was dependent relationship between attitude of the respondents toward the mixed beef and boar meat selling and the intention to purchase it with weak relationship (Phi coefficient of 0.354). It was concluded that consumers\u27 attitude on the issue of circulation of beefmix with boar meat was to behave more consciously about the truth of the issue and to be worried about the mixed meat

    Relationship Between Consumer\u27s Characteristics and Consumer\u27s Attitude, and Its Effects on Price, Quality and Service of Kentucky Fried Chicken in YOGYAKARTA

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    . This research was aimed to analyze the relationship between consumer\u27s characteristics which was including sex/gender, education, job status and variety of products towards consumer\u27s attitude on price, quality and service. A total of 436 respondents were selected by systematic random sampling method. The data were gathered using a questionnaire that has been tested in its validity and reliability. The data were statistically analyzed using the Chi-Square, Phi and Cramer\u27s V. The result showed majority had a positive towards price, quality and service. Variable of gender, education, job status and variety of products had a relationship with consumer\u27s attitude towards price, quality and service. Gender, education, job status and variety product had a relationship with consumer\u27s attitude towards price, quality and service with the strength of relationship were very low

    Rancang Aplikasi Penjualan Online Perlengkapan Anak pada CV. Permata

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    CV.Permata is a child store with the name of Nikita Baby Shop. CV. Permata located in Gotong Royong street No. 25E, Babat Lamongan. In 2015, sales of CV. Permata instability.CV. Permata must be expanding their sales to get more profit. Based on interviews, CV. Permata do not want to using social media such as facebook and instagram to selling their products. The shortage of facebook and instagram, customers got difficult to booking the products. Of the CV. Permata problem, CV. Permata need online shop application that have add to cart features, product catalogue features, best seller report, most buyer report, product stock report, etc. With this application is expected to provide information data member, best seller report, most buyer report, product stock report with the aim of providing information to help CV.Permata sales