81 research outputs found

    Crystalline Nanocellulose — Preparation, Modification, and Properties

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    Cellulose is a linear biopolymer found naturally in plant cells such as wood and cotton. It is the worlds most abundant polymer in nature and possesses properties such as good biocompatibility, low cost, low density, high strength, and good mechanical properties. By mechanical or chemical treatment, the cellulose fibers can be converted into cellulose nanofibers (CNFs) or cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) that possess outstanding properties compared with the original cellulosic fiber but also when compared with other materials normally used as reinforcements in composite materials such as Kevlar or steel wires. This review will describe the nanocellulose materials preparation techniques and cellulose sources, chemical modification both on the crystalline surface and during hydrolysis and its many properties and its use in biocomposite materials. Nanocellulose in its different forms shows an increasing interest in application areas such as packaging, paper and paperboard, food industry, medical and hygiene products, paints, cosmetics, and optical sensor

    Four Swedish long-term field experiments with sewage sludge reveal a limited effect on soil microbes and on metal uptake by crops

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    Purpose: This study aims to study the effect of sewage sludge amendment on crop yield and on microbial biomass and community structure in Swedish agricultural soils. Materials and methods Topsoil samples (0-0.20 m depth) from four sites where sewage sludge had been repeatedly applied during 14-53 years were analysed for total C, total N, pH and phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs). Heavy metals were analysed in both soil and plant samples, and crop yields were recorded. Results and discussion At all four sites, sewage sludge application increased crop yield and soil organic carbon. Sludge addition also resulted in elevated concentrations of some heavy metals (mainly Cu and Zn) in soils, but high concentrations of metals (Ni and Zn) in plant materials were almost exclusively found in the oldest experiment, started in 1956. PLFA analysis showed that themicrobial community structure was strongly affected by changes in soil pH. At those sites where sewage sludge had caused low pH, Gram-positive bacteria were more abundant. However, differences in community structure were larger between sites than between the treatments. Conclusions: At all four sites, long-term sewage sludge application increased the soil organic carbon and nitrogen content, microbial biomass and crop yield. Long-term sewage sludge application led to a decrease in soil pH. Concentrations of some metals had increased significantly with sewage sludge application at all sites, but the amounts of metals added to soil with sewage sludge were found not to be toxic for microbes at any site

    Soil microbial biomass and community structure affected by repeated additions of sewage sludge in four Swedish long-term field experiments

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    Soil organic matter is a key attribute of soil fertility. The pool of soil organic C can be increased, either by mineral fertilisers or by adding organic amendments such as sewage sludge. Sewage sludge has positive effects on agricultural soils through the supply of organic matter and essential plant nutrients, but sludge may also contain unwanted heavy metals, xenobiotic substances and pathogens. One obvious effect of long-term sewage sludge addition is a decrease in soil pH, caused by N mineralisation followed by nitrification, sulphate formation and presence of organic acids with the organic matter added. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of sewage sludge on the microbial biomass and community structure

    Importance of fungi in a 63 years old long-term field experiment with 20 years of maize growth

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    Microbial diversity and their activity in the rhizosphere and bulk soil areas were measured in a long-term field trial (started in 1956), where maize has been grown for the last 20 years with and without N fertilisation. Various microbial groups and their substrate feeding strategies (i.e. demonstrating activities) were identified through phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) analysis and their delta C-13 values. Microbial abundance (esp. fungi) remained unaffected by long-term N fertilisation. However, fungi dominated over bacteria with 2-3 times higher biomass in the rhizosphere than bulk soil. The delta C-13 of PLFAs showed that fungi had the highest values, particularly in fertilised rhizosphere areas, indicating that this was the most active group (than any other microbial group) for assimilation of maize rhizodeposits

    Where does all the phosphorus go? Mass balance modelling of phosphorus in the Swedish long-term soil fertility experiments

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    To gain insights into phosphorus (P) dynamics in soils and the ability to predict soil responses to varying fertilizer inputs, mass balance models prove to be valuable tools. In this study, a new dynamic mass balance model, PBalD8, was used to describe the change in extracted P in the A horizon of soils subjected to diverse fertilizer treatments over a period of 50 to 60 years in five soil fertility experiments. The model employed a Freundlich equation to describe soil-solution partitioning of P and assumed that acid-lactate-extractable P represented a labile pool of P in instant equilibrium with soil solution P. Additionally, oxalate-extractable inorganic P was presumed to comprise the sum of the labile and stable pools of P, with mass flux to and from the latter described by Fick's first law. The model was evaluated using results from extractions and P K-edge XANES spectroscopy. Notably, organic P, as revealed by P K-edge XANES, did not substantially contribute to long-term changes in soil P content and was therefore excluded from consideration. In general, the model offered reasonable fits to the extracted P concentrations. However, for the P-depleted treatments, a prerequisite was that the P removal through harvest was lower compared to measurements. Conversely, in three of the soils, the modelled fertilizer inputs needed to be reduced to 70 % to 85 % of the known additions. These discrepancies may be attributed to the involvement of deeper soil horizons, including deep crop uptake and mixing with lower soil layers, although other factors such as lateral dispersion and inaccuracies in estimating applied fertilizers cannot be discounted. These results underscore the necessity of gaining a more comprehensive understanding of how deeper soil horizons influence P mass balances in agricultural soils. In one of the soils, Fja center dot rdingslo center dot v, P K-edge XANES results demonstrated the formation of calcium phosphate over time in the highest fertilization treatment, consistent with the model. Additionally, in two soils, Kungsa center dot ngen and the P-depleted Vreta Kloster soil, the model predicted a significant contribution from mineral weathering. However, the PBalD8 model also projected higher P leaching rates than those observed, suggesting that the model may not fully capture this P output term

    Net primary productivity and below-ground crop residue inputs for root crops: Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.)

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    Root crops are significant in agro-ecosystems of temperate climates. However, the amounts of crop residues for these crop types are not well documented and they need to be accounted for in the modeling of soil organic carbon dynamics. Our objective was to review field measurements of root biomass left in the soil as crop residues at harvest for potato and sugar beet. We considered estimates for crop residue inputs as root biomass presented in the literature and some unpublished results. Our analysis showed that compared to, for example, cereals, the contribution of below-ground net primary productivity (NPP) to crop residues is at least two to three times lower for root crops. Indeed, the field measurements indicated that root biomass for topsoils only represents on average 25 to 30 g dry matter (DM) m(-2) yr(-1). Other estimates, albeit variable and region-specific, tended to be higher. We suggest relative plant DM allocation coefficients for agronomic yield (R-P), above-ground biomass (R-S) and root biomass (R-R) components, expressed as a proportion of total NPP. These coefficients, representative for temperate climates (0.739:0.236:0.025 for potato and 0.626:0.357:0.017 for sugar beet), should be useful in the modeling of agro-ecosystems that include root crops

    Odlingssystemens effekter på kolinlagring i jordbruksmark

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    Kolhalten ökar i svenska mineraljordar främst p.g.a. ökande areal med vall, men det sker stora förluster av kol från mulljordarna. Kolinlagring gynnas främst av perenna växter med stort rotsystem. Grön mark året om är nyckeln. På rena växtodlingsgårdar kan kolhalten höjas genom ökad produktivitet och mellangrödor

    Soil carbon insures arable crop production against increasing adverse weather due to climate change

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    Intensification of arable crop production degrades soil health and production potential through loss of soil organic carbon. This, potentially, reduces agriculture's resilience to climate change and thus food security. Furthermore, the expected increase in frequency of adverse and extreme weather events due to climate change are likely to affect crop yields differently, depending on when in the growing season they occur. We show that soil carbon provides farmers with a natural insurance against climate change through a gain in yield stability and more resilient production. To do this, we combined yield observations from 12 sites and 54 years of Swedish long-term agricultural experiments with historical weather data. To account for heterogenous climate effects, we partitioned the growing season into four representative phases for two major cereal crops. Thereby, we provide evidence that higher soil carbon increases yield gains from favourable conditions and reduces yield losses due to adverse weather events and how this occurs over different stages of the growing season. However, agricultural management practices that restore the soil carbon stock, thus contributing to climate change mitigation and adaptation, usually come at the cost of foregone yield for the farmer in the short term. To halt soil degradation and make arable crop production more resilient to climate change, we need agricultural policies that address the public benefits of soil conservation and restoration

    Land-use intensification and agroforestry in the Kenyan highland: impacts on soil microbial community composition and functional capacity

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    This study investigates microbial communities in soil from sites under different land use in Kenya. We sampled natural forest, forest plantations, agricultural fields of agroforestry farms,agricultural fields with traditional farming and eroded soil on the slopes of Mount Elgon,Kenya. We hypothesised that microbial decomposition capacity, biomass and diversity 1)decreases with intensified cultivation; and 2)can be restored by soil and land management in agroforestry. Functional capacity of soil microbial communities was estimated by degradation of 31 substrates on Biolog EcoPlates™. Microbial community composition and biomass were characterised by phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA)and microbial C and N analyses. All 31 substrates were metabolised in all studied soil types, i.e. functional diversity did not differ. However,both the substrate utilisation rates and the microbial biomass decreased with intensification of land use, and the biomass was positively correlated with organic matter content. Multivariate analysis of PLFA and Biolog EcoPlate™ data showed clear differences 25 between land uses, also indicated by different relative abundance of PLFA markers for certain microorganism groups. In conclusion, our results show that vegetation and land use control the substrate utilisation capacity and microbial community composition and that functional capacity of depleted soils can be restored by active soil management, e.g. forest plantation. However, although 20 to 30 years of agroforestry farming practises did result in improved soil microbiological and chemical conditions of agricultural soil as compared to traditional agricultural fields, the change was not statistically significant

    Quantitative PCR shows propagation of Plasmodiophora brassicae in Swedish long term field trials

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    Clubroot (Plasmodiophora brassicae) is a serious soil-borne disease in brassica crops world-wide. We report on a time series of soil samples from Swedish long-term fertility trials started in 1957, 1963 and 1966, which were analyzed for the amount ofP. brassicaeDNA. The crop rotations included a brassica crop every 4 or 6years. All experimental sites with a 4-year rotation of oilseed rape, except one with calcium carbonate in the soil profile, showed high (>1000fg DNA g−1soil) levels ofP. brassicaeDNA after 9, 11 and 12 rotations. In contrast, detectable levels (>5fg DNA g−1soil) ofP. brassicaewere found only at one of five sites with a 6-year rotation of spring oilseed rape. In years with high levels ofP. brassicaeDNA, low yield was reported and a subsequent decline inP. brassicaeDNA in soil was observed. Different NPK (nitrogen/phosphorus/potassium) fertiliser regimes resulted in similarP. brassicaeDNA levels. The robustness and reliability of the method applied was verified by analyses of soil from individual plots compared with a mixture of plots and by repeated analyses of selected samples, which showed thatP. brassicaeDNA remained stable during dry storage