300 research outputs found

    One parameter dual lorentzian spherical motions and ruled surfaces

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    In this work, we first introduced one parameter dual Lorentzian spherical motions in three dimensional dual Lorentz space D^3_1 and spacelikeand timelike ruled surfaces in three dimensional Lorentz space IR^3_1 corresponding to dual curves on dual Lorentz unit sphere S^2_1. After that we have given the relations on the velocities and instantaneous rotation axis for one parameter Lorentzian spherical motions in dual Lorentz space D^3_1, with some examples on these timelike and spacelike ruled surfaces. Finally we have obtained the theorem related to the acceleration, acceleration centres and acceleration axis for these one parameter dual Lorentzian spherical motions. &nbsp

    Evaluation of the Gonial Angle in the Anatolian Populations: From Past to Present

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    Biometrical studies on ancient skeletal series and comparison with modern people by using radiological methods are quite limited in Turkey. Previous studies showed that measurements obtained from orthopantomographs are highly correlated with the actual size of the bones. The aim of the present study is to determine the possible change in gonial angle over time in ancient Anatolian populations with the present. Also an aim was attempted to demonstrate the symmetry of the gonial angle in the jaws and the sexual dimorphism. Gonial angle values (right and left) were taken from 267 Turkish adults with no craniomandibular disorders, orthodontic history or treatment by using panoramic radiographs. Data of the past populations were collected from previous studies. Comparison between right and left sides and the sexual differences were tested by paired student t-test and discriminant analyses were conducted. The results showed that there were no significant differences between the right and left gonial angles of the individuals but there was a significant difference at the left gonial angle between sexes (p<0.01). Furthermore, no statistically significant difference was found for the gonial angle between the selected past populations with the present sample

    Genetic diversity and phylogenetic analyses of Turkish sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata) varieties using ISSR markers and chloroplast trnL-F IGS region

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    Genetic diversity levels are critical for characterizing and utilizing germplasm collections and for making improvements related to elite germplasms. The current study investigated the genetic diversity level and phylogenetic relationships in ten Turkish sweet corn varieties (Zea mays var. saccharata) using 15 ISSR markers and trnL-F intergenic spacer regions, respectively. A total of 75 loci were identified, of which 57 (76%) were polymorphic. The highest polymorphism ratio (100%) was found using UBC811, UBC817, and UBC823 ISSR markers, while the lowest ratio (45.4%) was identified using UBC829. According to trnL-F intergenic spacer region analyses, nucleotide diversity was found as π: 0.030 for Nei and θ: 0.036 for Watterson, respectively. In trnL-F intergenic spacer regions, several polymorphic (variable) sites were identified 28 of which 57% (16/28) were parsimony informative sites and 399 sites were invariable (monomorphic). The phylogenetic analysis revealed that two major groups were observed named groups A and B and ten sweet corn genotypes clustered along with known maize genotypes in subgroup B2 with 98% bootstrap value. Consequently, the ISSR data obtained in this study revealed that Turkish sweet corn genotypes exhibit extensive genetic diversity, and the trnL-F intergenic spacer region was successfully utilized to differentiate between maize genotypes from various origins and whole plant taxa

    Rola ultrasonografii trójwymiarowej z punktu widzenia kobiety ciężarnej

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    Objectives: The role and applicability of three-dimensional ultrasound (3D-US) in perinatology has been repeatedly discussed in the literature. Regardless, our knowledge about patient expectations remains limited. We aimed at determining the expectations, perception and knowledge of pregnant women about 3D-US. Material and Methods: Upon admission to the labor unit, the women filled out a questionnaire, with the help of a doctor, investigating sociodemographic data, pregnancy and delivery history, previous experiences and expectations for US imaging. Results: A total of 644 pregnant women were included in the study. Respondents declared that approximately 70% of all kinds of structural abnormalities could be detected by 3D-US and estimated its reliabilityat nearly 70%. While 60% of the participants underwent 3D-US, 70% of them believed that every pregnant woman should undergo such test. Also, 457 (70.9%) of the participants were of the opinion that every pregnant woman must undergo 3D-US imaging, whereas 173 (26.8%) did not think 3D-US imaging was necessary. Conclusions: To the best of our knowledge, this has been the first study on patient opinions regarding the need for 3D-US imaging during pregnancy. Although the participants were not certain about the harmful effects of 3D-US, the majority believed that it was necessary for every pregnant woman to undergo such testing. Obviously, patients must be instructed on the limitations of US imaging before the examination to clarify any misunderstandings about the possibilities such a technique may offer.Cel: Rola i zastosowanie ultrasonografii trójwymiarowej (3D-US) w perinatologii jest częstym tematem dyskusji w literaturze. Mimo to nasza wiedza na temat oczekiwań pacjentek pozostaje ograniczona. Naszym celem było określenie oczekiwań, spostrzegania i wiedzy kobiet ciężarnych na temat 3D-US. Materiał i metoda: Podczas przyjęcia do oddziału porodowego pacjentki wypełniały kwestionariusz, z pomocą lekarza, dotyczący ich danych socjodemograficznych, wywiadu odnośnie ciąż i porodów, poprzednich doświadczeń i oczekiwań w związku z badaniem US. Wyniki: Do badania włączono 644 ciężarne. Kobiety oceniły, że około 70% wszystkich anomalii strukturalnych może być wykrytych w trakcie badania 3D-US i oszacowały ich wiarygodność na blisko 70%. Około 60% ciężarnych przeszło badanie 3D-US, z czego 70% uważa, że każda kobieta w ciąży powinna mieć takie badanie wykonane. Również, 457 (70,9%) respondentek uważało, że każda ciężarna powinna przejść badanie 3D-US, podczas gdy 173 (26,8%) nie uważa aby takie badanie było konieczne. Wnioski: Według naszej wiedzy jest to pierwsze badanie na temat opinii pacjentek na temat potrzeby wykonania badania 3D-US podczas ciąży. Chociaż pacjentki nie miały wiedzy na temat bezpieczeństwa 3D-US w ciąży, większość z nich uważała, że istnieje konieczność aby każda ciężarna przeszła takie badanie. Oczywiście pacjentki muszą być informowane o ograniczeniach badania US aby wyjaśnić nieporozumienia dotyczące możliwości jakie niesie ze sobą ta technika

    Evaluation of beta-blockers on left ventricular dyssynchrony and reverse remodeling in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy: A randomized trial of carvedilol and metoprolol

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    Background: The effect of b-blockage on cardiac dyssynchrony in idiopathic dilated cardio­myopathy (IDC) is unknown. This study evaluated the impact of carvedilol and metoprolol succinate on left ventricular (LV) dyssynchrony and reverse remodeling in IDC. Methods: In this small, prospective, double-blind study, we randomly assigned 81 IDC pa­tients to receive carvedilol or metoprolol succinate. Echocardiographic measurements (dyssyn­chrony, LV volumes and ejection fraction [EF]) and N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) levels were obtained at baseline and at first and sixth month of therapy. Results: A total of 74 (91%) patients completed all investigations at sixth month (38 and 36 taking carvedilol and metoprolol succinate, respectively). In the carvedilol group, reduction in LV end diastolic volume (D LVEDV at 6 months, 50 ± 15 mL to 40 ± 17 mL, p = 0.03) and increase in LVEF (D LVEF, 7 ± 2% to 5 ± 3%, p = 0.02) was higher compared to the meto­prolol group. Also improvement in inter-ventricular dyssynchrony achieved with carvedilol was higher than metoprolol (D interventricular delay at 6 months, 11 ± 8 ms to 6 ± 7 ms, p = 0.03). However, improvement in intraventricular dyssynchrony was similar in the two groups (D intraventricular delay, 9 ± 7 ms to 9 ± 6 ms, p = 0.91). Improvements in LV mechanical dyssynchrony and reverse remodeling achieved with both drugs were accompanied by reduction in NT-proBNP levels in both carvedilol and metoprolol groups (1614 ± 685 pg/mL to 654 ± ± 488 pg/mL and 1686 ± 730 pg/mL to 583 ± 396 pg/mL, respectively, p &lt; 0.001 for both). Conclusions: Although reduction in LVEDV and increase in LVEF was higher with carvedilol, improvement in intraventricular dyssynchrony was similar in carvedilol and metoprolol groups.

    0.13 mu m SiGe BiCMOS w-band low-noise amplifier for passive imaging systems

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    This paper presents a W-band LNA implemented in 0.13μm SiGe BiCMOS technology. The designed LNA has a peak gain of 20.5dB at 80GHz with a 3-dB bandwidth greater than 25GHz. The simulated noise figure (NF) is lower than 6.2 dB across the entire W-band with a minimum of 5 dB at 93 GHz. The LNA has input P1dB of -16dBm at 94 GHz. The total quiescent DC power consumption of the designed LNA is 16.6mW with a 1.3V supply voltage. Inductors were utilized in matching networks instead of transmission lines to reduce the chip area. The total integrated circuit occupies an area of 0.33 mm2, and the effective chip area is 0.2mm2, excluding the pads. Simulation results indicate that the designed LNA is suitable to be used in a radiometer that has NETD smaller than 0.5 K

    Evaluation of atrial electromechanical conduction delay in case of hemodynamically insignificant rheumatic heart disease: A tissue Doppler study

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    Background: Atrial electromechanical delay (AEMD) that reflects delayed conduction may show us the clinical reflection of pathological changes in the atria. The main objective of the present study is to investigate AEMD in patients who had previous rheumatic carditis but without hemodynamically significant valvular disease. Methods: A total of 40 patients, previously diagnosed as rheumatic carditis but without significant valvular stenosis/regurgitation and atrial enlargement; and 39 age- and-sex matched controls were enrolled for the present study. Parameters of AEMD (lateral mitral annulus electromechanical delay, septal mitral annulus electromechanical delay and lateral tricuspid annulus electromechanical delay) were measured with tissue Doppler echocardiography and left intra-atrial and inter-atrial conduction times were calculated accordingly. A 24h ambulatory Holter monitoring was used in both groups to detect atrial fibrillation episodes and quantify atrial extrasystoles. Results: Parameters of AEMD, including left intra-atrial and inter-atrial conduction times of subjects in the study group were longer compared to the control group (23.7 ± 7.0 vs. 18.3 ± 6.2). Conclusions: Increased AEMD is observed in patients with previous rheumatic carditis and no significant valvular stenosis/regurgitation and atrial enlargement, which may partly explain the increased incidence of atrial fibrillation observed in these patients

    Amyloid Goiter Associated with Amyloidosis Secondary to Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Amyloidosis refers to a variety of conditions in which amyloid proteins are abnormally deposited in organs and/or tissues. The most common forms of systemic amyloidosis are primary amyloidosis (PA) of light chains and secondary amyloidosis (SA) caused by chronic inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Although involvement of the thyroid gland by amyloid is a relatively common phenomenon, clinically significant enlargement of the thyroid owing to amyloid deposition is a rare occurrence. In SA, the deposition of amyloid associated (AA) protein is associated with atrophy of thyroid follicles. The clinical picture of these patients is characterized by rapid, painless thyroid gland enlargement which may be associated with dysphagia, dyspnea, or hoarseness. Thyroid function is not impaired in most cases. Although amyloid goitre secondary to systemic amyloidosis due to chronic inflammatory diseases is relatively common, specifically related to RA is much more uncommon one and it is reported less in the literature. In this report, A 52-old-year female patient with amyloid goiter associated with amyloidosis secondary to rheumatoid arthritis is presented

    Relationship between psychosocial status, diabetes mellitus, and left ventricular systolic function in patients with stable multivessel coronary artery disease

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    Background: Negative emotional conditions contribute to the development of coronary artery disease (CAD). Depression and anxiety are prognostic factors in patients with CAD. The aim of our study was to investigate the association between emotional conditions and left ventricular (LV) systolic functions in CAD. Methods: 168 patients (102 men, 66 women, mean age 66.3 &#177; 9.9 years) with stable angina and multivessel disease (MVD) were included in the study. According to the LV ejection fraction (LVEF) in echocardiography, patients were divided into two groups, the preserved group (LVEF > 50%), and the impaired group (LVEF < 50%). The preserved group consisted of 94 patients and the impaired group consisted of 74 patients. Emotional status was evaluated using the Hamilton Depression (HAM-D), Hamilton Anxiety (HAM-A), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) scores. Results: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) was significantly higher in the impaired group than in the preserved group (29.8% vs 56.8%, p < 0.01). The HAM-D, HAM-A, BAI and BDI scores were higher in the impaired group compared to the preserved group (HAM-D: 12.1 &#177; 3.3 vs 14.5 &#177; 2.3, p = 0.03; HAM-A: 12.7 &#177; 3.4 vs 14.3 &#177; 2.2, p = 0.01; BAI: 18.6 &#177; &#177; 6.4 vs 22.1 &#177; 6.6, p = 0.01 and BDI: 13.9 &#177; 2.5 vs 17.2 &#177; 2.0, p = 0.002, respectively). In multivariate analysis, BDI scores (odds ratio [OR]: 2.197, < 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.101&#8211;4.387; p = 0.026), HAM-A scores (OR: 1.912, < 95% Cl 1.092&#8211;2.974; p = 0.041) and DM (OR: 2.610, < 95% Cl 1.313&#8211;5.183; p = 0.006) were important risk factors for LV dysfunction in stable patients with MVD. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that emotional status and DM are factors associated with impaired LV systolic function in patients with stable CAD