3 research outputs found

    Minimal Unitary Realizations of Exceptional U-duality Groups and Their Subgroups as Quasiconformal Groups

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    We study the minimal unitary representations of noncompact exceptional groups that arise as U-duality groups in extended supergravity theories. First we give the unitary realizations of the exceptional group E_{8(-24)} in SU*(8) as well as SU(6,2) covariant bases. E_{8(-24)} has E_7 X SU(2) as its maximal compact subgroup and is the U-duality group of the exceptional supergravity theory in d=3. For the corresponding U-duality group E_{8(8)} of the maximal supergravity theory the minimal realization was given in hep-th/0109005. The minimal unitary realizations of all the lower rank noncompact exceptional groups can be obtained by truncation of those of E_{8(-24)} and E_{8(8)}. By further truncation one can obtain the minimal unitary realizations of all the groups of the "Magic Triangle". We give explicitly the minimal unitary realizations of the exceptional subgroups of E_{8(-24)} as well as other physically interesting subgroups. These minimal unitary realizations correspond, in general, to the quantization of their geometric actions as quasi-conformal groups as defined in hep-th/0008063.Comment: 28 pages. Latex commands removed from the abstract for the arXiv. No changes in the manuscrip

    Observations on Integral and Continuous U-duality Orbits in N=8 Supergravity

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    One would often like to know when two a priori distinct extremal black p-brane solutions are in fact U-duality related. In the classical supergravity limit the answer for a large class of theories has been known for some time. However, in the full quantum theory the U-duality group is broken to a discrete subgroup and the question of U-duality orbits in this case is a nuanced matter. In the present work we address this issue in the context of N=8 supergravity in four, five and six dimensions. The purpose of this note is to present and clarify what is currently known about these discrete orbits while at the same time filling in some of the details not yet appearing in the literature. To this end we exploit the mathematical framework of integral Jordan algebras and Freudenthal triple systems. The charge vector of the dyonic black string in D=6 is SO(5,5;Z) related to a two-charge reduced canonical form uniquely specified by a set of two arithmetic U-duality invariants. Similarly, the black hole (string) charge vectors in D=5 are E_{6(6)}(Z) equivalent to a three-charge canonical form, again uniquely fixed by a set of three arithmetic U-duality invariants. The situation in four dimensions is less clear: while black holes preserving more than 1/8 of the supersymmetries may be fully classified by known arithmetic E_{7(7)}(Z) invariants, 1/8-BPS and non-BPS black holes yield increasingly subtle orbit structures, which remain to be properly understood. However, for the very special subclass of projective black holes a complete classification is known. All projective black holes are E_{7(7)}(Z) related to a four or five charge canonical form determined uniquely by the set of known arithmetic U-duality invariants. Moreover, E_{7(7)}(Z) acts transitively on the charge vectors of black holes with a given leading-order entropy.Comment: 43 pages, 8 tables; minor corrections, references added; version to appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    Lectures on on Black Holes, Topological Strings and Quantum Attractors (2.0)

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    In these lecture notes, we review some recent developments on the relation between the macroscopic entropy of four-dimensional BPS black holes and the microscopic counting of states, beyond the thermodynamical, large charge limit. After a brief overview of charged black holes in supergravity and string theory, we give an extensive introduction to special and very special geometry, attractor flows and topological string theory, including holomorphic anomalies. We then expose the Ooguri-Strominger-Vafa (OSV) conjecture which relates microscopic degeneracies to the topological string amplitude, and review precision tests of this formula on ``small'' black holes. Finally, motivated by a holographic interpretation of the OSV conjecture, we give a systematic approach to the radial quantization of BPS black holes (i.e. quantum attractors). This suggests the existence of a one-parameter generalization of the topological string amplitude, and provides a general framework for constructing automorphic partition functions for black hole degeneracies in theories with sufficient degree of symmetry.Comment: 103 pages, 8 figures, 21 exercises, uses JHEP3.cls; v5: important upgrade, prepared for the proceedings of Frascati School on Attractor Mechanism; Sec 7 was largely rewritten to incorporate recent progress; more figures, more refs, and minor changes in abstract and introductio